Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all and 5.3 for me.

Today's excitement is a trip to IKEA

Have a good day everyone.
With or without a meatball interlude?
And it's a happy 5.3 for me this grey and windy morning...

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.

5.4 today with a niggling tooth ache, not very painful just an annoying feeling, and a dizzy muzzy head ache, not good as I have a busy weekend coming up at the Knit & Stitch show on Saturday and the Royal Parks Half Marathon in Sunday, so hopig it passes quickly.

@eggyg - loving all the photos.

@Robin- wow started your Christmas foods already, I am still compiling a list of how many Christmas cakes I need to bake, the ingredients I will need to make them, the Christmas pudding and a small amount of mincemeat. thankfully if I use the small top oven I can bake 8 cakes at the same time as I only bake 5 or 6 in cakes. I will probably start the the Christmas pudding next weekend when I have no plans.
Good morning. 5.6

Dull grey morning.

Slightly overdid it yesterday strimming for 3 hours...and paid for it at night with spectacular back ache. Fortunately it had eased by breakfast but I have no intention of provoking it again. Have a huge list of things that need doing|:concreting, building garden wall, give the lawns a final cut, pressure wash out polytunnel and Wolf's pen, sweep barn...but they will all be there tomorrow so no need to do them today.

Awaiting appointment with electrical engineer as part of row with EDF and switch to Octopus. Bought myself a rather nifty energy meter so much plugging in of appliances to check their consumption. Rather chuffed with Miele fridge freezer which barely sips the stuff but disgusted with oil combi boiler which appears quite greedy. Maybe need to work out how to put water on time restriction but can't actually work out when (except over night) one might not need hot water.

Hope everyone has a fabulous Friday.
Morning all. Clickety click, 6.6. Had a very up and down day, and not the hill type, maybe because I sat on my backside most of the day! Or was it maybe me eating pizza! I’m not a pizza lover but we bought a big one and it needed eaten, so we shared as Mr Eggy couldn’t face a full one. I didn’t win. Pizza 1 Eggy 0!

Off to Bude today, it’s not far, e briefly visited a few years ago when we walked from Devon on the SWCP, but never ventured into the town. I believe it’s a lovely little town, looking forward to that. After yesterday’s pathetic 1.5 miles, down to the beach, I’m hoping to get some decent mileage in today but without going on the SWCP!

Have a fab Friday. Can’t believe we’ve been here a week already. Still can’t remember which cupboards I’ve put things in though. Although I have fathomed the dishwasher out, and that’s the main thing. 😉

Here’s a few from Crackington Haven beach yesterday. I just love the rock formations down there.
Great rocks!
Another bright Berkshire morning with a milky sky but no sunshine as yet. It's due later, though. More importantly, no rain in the forecast for the next few days. Might get round to doing some of those Autumn chores in the garden.

5.7 this morning and a pre-breakfast trip over to the Urgent Care Centre in nearby Bracknell for my HbA1c. Will sign in to Patient Access after the weekend to get the result. My 156 finger-prick tests over the last 3 months don't suggest that anything's changed, and while I know there's no direct correlation with HbA1c my average for the 3 months - allowing for a margin of error - suggests a result in the range 38-40. Would be nice if it's the lower end.

Weekly BP check 122/72, so a toe over the border into that zone known as High Normal. Happens occasionally, but never very far over.

One curious thing. As the blood test is a fasting one I hadn't eaten or drank anything for almost 11 hours when the nurse took the sample, yet even when I got home and started thinking about breakfast I didn't actually feel hungry. I find that amazing. Am I eating at certain times out of habit?

Final round of group matches in the Rugby World Cup this weekend and looking forward to some crunch games. Wales have already qualified for the QFs but it would be nice to beat Georgia tomorrow anyway and make it 4 from 4 in the Group. Will Fiji's result send Australia home after the group stage for the first time ever? Looks very much like it.

Full house today with my wife and our eldest WFH and our youngest's shift at Sainsbury's not starting until 5. Big Shop on Fridays so will be off to do that shortly once I've had a coffee and read the paper.

Congratulations on your HS @harbottle

Have a good poet's day.
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7.2 after correcting a 4.2 with a small can of coke and turning off the basal (TBR) for an hour. First day on my own using the Medtronic 780. One mistake made so far but nothing that I couldn't deal with. Hoping to make sushi this afternoon - was meant to make it for my Birthday but I was too tired. I learnt how to make it a week ago - my OH does all the hard work and I just do the rolling up bit 🙂
Good morning another Lazzy lay in today 8.1 when I tested just now

back at work Monday morning
have a had a nice relaxing week, doing not to much
no More holidays now until Christmas

have a fabulous Friday everyone 😎
Morning all (just). Lovely blue sky with not a cloud in sight!

7.3 at 08:15 when I got up, with a flat line all night.

Had a telephone appointment with the GP yesterday to find out the results of my knee Xray and a conversation she had with Haematology regarding B12 injections. My GP is really lovely, but the system is breaking down. I had to wait 3 weeks for the results even though I have access to test results online as they weren't showing. Joy of joys I have medium to severe osteo-arthritis in my kneecap and mild to moderate osteo-arthritis in the joint. I'm to have a steroid injection for that and she's referring me to physio. BP results up so Bisoprolol being increased. As to B12 they are reluctant to do injections any sooner than the 8 weeks I already have them, but she's prescribing some oral supplements to take starting 2 weeks before the injection is due. What good that will do I don't know as the problem is non-absorption through the stomach - hence injections. Oh well, old age doesn't come alone and it's certainly not for the faint hearted is it?

Congratulations to @harbottle on your HS.

@TinaD hope your back feels better soon.

Have a nice day all.... I will be preparing another 5 or so kilos of grapes to be made into jelly!
11:09 BS 7.7 🙂

Ah! There we are! Confirmed I CAN go to bed now in the mid 5’s, 5.6, & not go too low & wake higher like I used to do as my overnight graph shows a steady climb up while I slept! Which I eventually did some time after 4 am?

Now I know that I won’t need to eat anything extra before bed like I’ve been doing for so long now to give myself the space & sleep time to drop! 🙄

Just finished breakfast & had my midday tresiba & see how today pans out now that I’m waking a good 2 mmol lower? :confused:🙂
Another bright Berkshire morning with a milky sky but no sunshine as yet. It's due later, though. More importantly, no rain in the forecast for the next few days. Might get round to doing some of those Autumn chores in the garden.

5.7 this morning and a pre-breakfast trip over to the Urgent Care Centre in nearby Bracknell for my HbA1c. Will sign in to Patient Access after the weekend to get the result. My 156 finger-prick tests over the last 3 months don't suggest that anything's changed, and while I know there's no direct correlation with HbA1c my average for the 3 months - allowing for a margin of error - suggests a result in the range 38-40. Would be nice if it's the lower end.

Weekly BP check 122/72, so a toe over the border into that zone known as High Normal. Happens occasionally, but never very far over.

One curious thing. As the blood test is a fasting one I hadn't eaten or drank anything for almost 11 hours when the nurse took the sample, yet even when I got home and started thinking about breakfast I didn't actually feel hungry. I find that amazing. Am I eating at certain times out of habit?

Final round of group matches in the Rugby World Cup this weekend and looking forward to some crunch games. Wales have already qualified for the QFs but it would be nice to beat Georgia tomorrow anyway and make it 4 from 4 in the Group. Will Fiji's result send Australia home after the group stage for the first time ever? Looks very much like it.

Full house today with my wife and our eldest WFH and our youngest's shift at Sainsbury's not starting until 5. Big Shop on Fridays so will be off to do that shortly once I've had a coffee and read the paper.

Congratulations on your HS @harbottle

Have a good poet's day.
Hope you're right about the HbA1c. I've been low-carbing for three months following my last test which was 53. My Sugr app gives me a predicted Ac1 of 37. Do you know how accurate these are?
Hope you're right about the HbA1c. I've been low-carbing for three months following my last test which was 53. My Sugr app gives me a predicted Ac1 of 37. Do you know how accurate these are?
I've no experience of My Sugr but this is my 7th HbA1c since diagnosis. On each of the previous occasions I've averaged my finger prick tests for the previous 3 months and tried to get a rough idea of where my HbA1c might come in at. It's always come back a little higher than my averages would suggest so I now factor in a 2-point margin of error. My average of 156 readings for the last 3 months is 5.6, which in theory equates roughly to an HbA1c in the region of 35-37, so my estimate of somewhere in the range 38-40 takes into account the margin of error I've seen previously.
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I've no experience of My Sugr but this is my 7th HbA1c since diagnosis. On each of the previous occasions I've averaged my finger prick tests for the previous 3 months and tried to get a rough idea of where my HbA1c might come in at. It's always come back a little higher than my averages would suggest so I now factor in a 2-point margin of error. My average of 156 readings for the last 3 months is 5.6, which in theory equates roughly to an HbA1c in the region of 37, so my estimate of somewhere in the range 38-40 takes into account the margin of error I've seen previously.
This is very interesting. I've got loads of finger prick test results and a rough estimate of average is 6.1. How does that relate to an HbA1c? Thanks for your help Martin.
Come on Wales!
This is very interesting. I've got loads of finger prick test results and a rough estimate of average is 6.1. How does that relate to an HbA1c? Thanks for your help Martin.
Come on Wales!
Does My Sugr factor in a margin of error? Meter accuracy has to be within 85% for 95% of the time, I think. That's why I allow a margin of error in my expectation.

You can have a stab at working yours out from the attached.


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