Group 7-day waking average?

Another nice sunny morning, just right for another 5.1 earlier today.
3.8 this morning for me. That explains the weird dreams (which I now can’t remember) as BG was bobbing along the mid 3s for a lot of the night by the look of the graph. Funny how a low BG does that. Didn’t wake feeling hypo so I think it may be the Libre slightly overacting as I do still feel hypos. I admit in the rush to get ready for my day and have some breakfast I didn’t do a fingerprick test check, but some porridge pushed it up to around 9 according to the Libre so I’ll go with that.

Really hope everything went ok for you @Gwynn with your eye op. Love the cartoon! Good ”gallows humour” sense there!

@Robin - congratulations on your HS today!

@Martin.A - enjoy the Cotswolds, hopefully better weather this time for you. We’re just to the north of them (only about 10 miles or so to Broadway) and it’s been sunny most of the day, so fingers crossed for you!

Hope everyone is having a good day, weekend almost with us!
Report from eye op.

Well the stuff I had gleaned from the internet about the op was rubbish and it had made me very worried and anxious.

The op was trivial, quick, painless and effective.

I can already see brilliantly through my left eye way better than through the other one!!!


Thanks for all of your 'well wishes'

Happy 🙂
@Gwynn - so pleased it all went well for you and was painless and quick! Just goes to show Dr Google doesn’t know everything!
@Gwynn.... you have got to be a bit wary about stuff you see on the internet. I believe there is even a site somewhere that offers palatial houses if you get a blood glucose reading of 5.2 in the morning!

Glad all went well 🙂
Yes I am late on parade again today was 8.0 when I got up this morning

Today I’ve been to a friend / former colleagues funeral
he passed away (aged75) last month

from a combination of MND & Cancer
plus I know he had a number of other health concerns
Inc a heart condition.

this afternoon I was shocked to be told by my surgery they can’t prescribe
Trulicity anymore, as apparently there’s just none in the country !
also they can’t prescribe Ozempic either,
(I’m on Trulicity)
I’ve started another thread about that,
I’m quite concerned I shall be emailing my MP
and suggest anybody else affected should,

By the way my physio session went very well yesterday
he’s given me some good exercises to build up my ankle, foot & leg strength

Hope everybodys had a Fabulous Friday 😎
Very early but I’m wide awake and thought I’d call it.

BS 6.9. Weather must be improving don't feel so low this morning . Good start anyway.
1st waking was 15.1 (libre was being rude and sending off alarms to disturb my slumber so corrected n eventually went back to sleep)
2nd waking was 8.9 (it was a safe vs I'm awake so can be aggressive correction)
Had one of those battles of a day yesterday with numbers so not surprised its gone on into the night.
Abdomen is achey and sore and feeling nauseous (option a) and legs a little puffy (option b) so take your pick which one caused it. Could always been the yet unrevealed option c. This is what makes D so much fun 😉

Need to ignore screaming body and get myself sorted to go to hairdressers. Hair is far too long to be manageable (down to my waist again) so will get most of it hacked off :D
I do have one important life question - why do we feel the need to wash our hair before going to the hairdressers for them to wash it again :rofl:
we do yet a lady goes once s week to have it washed it always looks great. i wash mine once per day at least. i do get hot so could not wait.
Morning all. 6.3 after tossing and turning since 4.21am.

Nothing too exciting to report, cut and colour at 10am. Then a wee bit last minute holiday shopping and I don’t mean clothes/shoes, I mean food stuffs. My holiday packing doesn’t take long. Walking trousers/ leggings, tee shirts, fleeces and walking boots! I will probably pack one half decent outfit, jeans and a nice top, for our lunch date with forum friends. Don’t want them to think I live in walking gear! ( I do!) 😉

Have a super Saturday, the forecast here is cool but with sunny intervals, I’m happy with that.
Morning all. 6.3 after tossing and turning since 4.21am.

Nothing too exciting to report, cut and colour at 10am. Then a wee bit last minute holiday shopping and I don’t mean clothes/shoes, I mean food stuffs. My holiday packing doesn’t take long. Walking trousers/ leggings, tee shirts, fleeces and walking boots! I will probably pack one half decent outfit, jeans and a nice top, for our lunch date with forum friends. Don’t want them to think I live in walking gear! ( I do!) 😉

Have a super Saturday, the forecast here is cool but with sunny intervals, I’m happy with that.
Have a great holiday and great catch up. if real friends clothes do not really matter. You all have a great time together. .
We’re meeting in a rather nice restaurant ( right on the beach) and they don’t want us clomping in with our muddy boots! :rofl:
Why not lol they do in Doc Martin @ lol. But yea id be the same. Have a great time.