Group 7-day waking average?

DSN just called back & she says stick with 76 tresiba & try not to put in too much NR, be more patient , give NR time to work & eat carbs later in the day instead of at breakfast!

Yesterday starting high I DID forget about the excessive NR use backlash! 😳
sounds so complicated hope it settles for you soon.
Good morning everyone.

Todays the big day for my eyes. Got up at 4am. Showered and shaved. Sitting here now pondering what today will bring. I am not quite as nervous today as I was yesterday oddly.

Wake 4am
BG 5.5 (I was hoping for a triple HS. Sigh)
Temp 36.4
Oxy 96
Pulse 56 (must be the stress 🙂 )
BP 127/73

Yesterday I played the keyboard for hours and hours (stress). A bit of a tough day all round.

My wife has persuaded me not to walk to the appointment today. Sad, I am quite keen but really I think she may be right, so its the bus (and a crowded bus too if the schools are there).

Have a great day today whatever you are doing

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hope all goes well
Good morning. 6.9.

Lousy night coughing and spluttering and running a temperature. Once I have given Wolf a run I am going back to bed.

Hope everyone avoids the autumnal bugs.
Wish you better.
on getting up 7.8
just about to have bfast 6.4
Well done @Robin on the HS. 🙂 Another near miss for me today with 5.1.

Hmm, a 4.2 didn't seem right when I woke, so checked an hour later and got a 4.8. Strangely I felt ok and have now had breakfast.
what diet and meds are you taking. Or are you super fit too. I may have asked before forgive me if I have.
Morning all, a rare HS for me, but preceded by a night in the red, which wasn’t really in the red, thanks to this sensor. It’s fine during the day, but it’s taken my time in range to 10% below target, thanks to its night time antics. I’ve got it a bit higher on my arm than usual, and not so far round, and I just lie on it the whole time.
View attachment 27614
well done
Good morning! No I haven't popped over to Kathmandu for breakfast 🙂 but woke to phantom pain :( yet again. BG 8.4 and seems steady so far. I have taken pain killers as trying to tough it out seems to result in the liver dumping glucose. Started Wordling but can't really focus. Hope I can get back to sleep!

Weather pitch black under what appears to be heavy cloud so imagine it will train later. Wonder if it will rain for the Japanese GP as it did back in 1976 when James Hunt won the WDC. Funny they seemed able to race in the rain then! With all the knowledge built up since then you would think they could produce decent wets! :(

Take 2!

I woke up about an hour ago. I expected DP to strike but no my BG had dropped to 6.5. The moral of the story seems to be "hit the pain early and effectively"! Unfortunately Gabapentin is irrelevant (for me) at higher pain levels!

Cloud is breaking up, having gone from grey to white, to reveal a blue sky!

5.6 and the sun is shinning. Work very busy since coming back from holiday, but we are getting into silly season where everyone needs there projects that they have sat on all year, completed before the end of the year.

@Robin - congratulations on the HS

@Gwynn - hope the op goes well.
5.7 for me and it's another lovely sunny morning here, just like yesterday but colder, but hopefully it doesn't turn out to be as unsettled - heavy downpours between the sunny spells and even thunder on one occasion. I was wearing sunglasses when I went to the pool, it was overcast and everything was soaking wet when I came out, sunglasses back on when I got off the return bus at the bottom of our road.

BP check as usual on Fridays - 96/70, which the NHS website tells me is healthy. Happy with that, then. Also got a double appointment at the dentist today - hygienist first then my 6-monthly check-up straight after.

Friday is normally Big Shop day but my wife and I are away for a few days next week so it's just our sons here and they'll sort themselves out. Just need to cover the weekend. We're going back to the Cotswolds as our short stay there in April turned out to be a wet one (Bourton-on-the-Water was more like Bourton-under-Water) and we didn't get to do everything we'd planned as it was mostly going to be outdoors. Hoping for better weather this time.

Kitchen walls are all painted now so just a few short lengths of skirting board to touch up today. Ceiling can wait until we get back from the Cotswolds rather than risk even low tack masking tape on newly-painted walls.

I hope it goes well today @Gwynn
@Robin - congrats on the HS
Hope you're feeling better later @TinaD

Hope everyone has a decent day.
Morning all - currently the sun is shining. Long may it last!

7.2 first thing.

I bought a photobook off Wowcher so I will be compiling that today with pictures from our recent trip to Yorkshire (and the Taunton meet), but I can't find the place to enter the voucher code, so first thing is to contact Customer Services.

Congratulations @Robin on your HS

Wishing @Gwynn all the best for your eye operation.

Hugs to @TinaD wishing you a swift recovery.

Have a good day all.
5.7 for me and it's another lovely sunny morning here, just like yesterday but colder, but hopefully it doesn't turn out to be as unsettled - heavy downpours between the sunny spells and even thunder on one occasion. I was wearing sunglasses when I went to the pool, it was overcast and everything was soaking wet when I came out, sunglasses back on when I got off the return bus at the bottom of our road.

BP check as usual on Fridays - 96/70, which the NHS website tells me is healthy. Happy with that, then. Also got a double appointment at the dentist today - hygienist first then my 6-monthly check-up straight after.

Friday is normally Big Shop day but my wife and I are away for a few days next week so it's just our sons here and they'll sort themselves out. Just need to cover the weekend. We're going back to the Cotswolds as our short stay there in April turned out to be a wet one (Bourton-on-the-Water was more like Bourton-under-Water) and we didn't get to do everything we'd planned as it was mostly going to be outdoors. Hoping for better weather this time.

Kitchen walls are all painted now so just a few short lengths of skirting board to touch up today. Ceiling can wait until we get back from the Cotswolds rather than risk even low tack masking tape on newly-painted walls.

I hope it goes well today @Gwynn
@Robin - congrats on the HS
Hope you're feeling better later @TinaD

Hope everyone has a decent day.
enjoy time away
Colin’s Cultural Corner

Das Rheingold
Royal Opera House 20/9/23

This is the first instalment of a new production of the complete Ring Cycle being staged at Covent Garden.

Directed by Barry Kosky and with Pappano conducting I had high hopes for this. Even though they were tempered somewhat by my experience of Rheingold at the ENO earlier this year which was disjointed, clumsy and really rather disappointing.

The weather tonight was atrocious. Biblical levels of rain pouring down outside so I was impressed that the cloakroom queue was non-existent.

House opens and I take my seat. Tonight’s being live streamed to cinemas apparently and there are two whacking great cameras next to me. Not that they interfere with my view at all but I did get the opportunity to ask one of the two camera men both how he managed to smuggle that in and whether he knew filming was prohibited.

Next to arrive in the row was another ROH lanyard wearing chap who was talking with both camera operators whilst remaining steadfastly standing in the vicinity of his seat. House lights dim....

We’re greeted with a huge stage, no backcloth so it’s open all the way to the rear wall. There’s a shroud covered sculpture front and centre which I’m guessing is a tree.

The coverings are lifted off as the music starts and in walks a naked 80-something woman: on to the stage not into the audience I hasten to add.

She doesn’t really leave the stage at all but instead circles the whole set slowly, observing. She’s basically Mother Nature looking back at times of old and it’s her eyes we’re seeing things through.


We start with the creation of Earth/the Rhine. There are water sprites living in the Rhine. They’re there to guard the Rheingold which is the gold in the Rhine. I don’t know if there’s actually ever been gold in the Rhine or if it’s something legendary like fog on the Tyne.

The gold is incredible valuable (not just because it’s gold) because it can be created into a ring. That piece of jewellery can command others to obey and is basically the ring that Tolkien built a career on. It’s different in some ways but it’s pretty much the same all powerful thing so think of it that way.

Staying with the naturalistic realism that Wagner roots this opera in moves us to the gnome. He’s a repulsive creature who lusts after the Rheinmaidens and is rejected by every single one of them in turn after cruel turn.

He steals the gold and crafts a ring and a Tarnhelm, a magic helmet that gives the wearer the power to change shape.

Meanwhile there is a domestic dispute going on in the house of a local family of Gods and immortals. The mum wanted a bigger house. Dad got a firm of builders in to build a new and much bigger house for them to live in. He said he’d pay them with the hand of his sister-in-law in marriage.

Builders build the house. Dad says he’s not paying. Builders kidnap the sis-in-law. Dad’s a bit miffed and comes up with a cunning plan that can’t possibly go wrong. Needless to say it’s not as easy as he first thought but it does succeed. Everyone gets their comeuppance and God family get to live in their new house.

I have to say that this isn’t one of my favourite operas. I struggle with it a bit in the middle as it lacks action or tension and I’m not overly keen on the music either. Also Das Rheingold isn’t a grand opera with a mammoth chorus so it lacks that aural wallop that some Wagner works deliver. So why see it here if I’ve seen it elsewhere and am not that fond of it? Because it’s the ROH and it’s a new production and I intend to see them all because it’s a legendary opera and deserves to be seen I think.

This production somehow managed to make it into a very accessible story that made sense regardless of the fact that it’s one which features precisely zero human beings at all.

Clearly there’s an allegorical narrative being pushed here that the Rheingold is natural resources and the desire everyone has to seize and control the it is humankind’s desire to plunder the Earth of all kinds of natural resources. This production makes that point elegantly and effectively whilst managing never to stray into a lecturing mode.

Cast are all superb singers and their acting skills match their vocal abilities perfectly.

The production works. It is a little lacking pace around the hour and a half mark but that’s the only niggle. We overran about 10 minutes or so and there’s no interval I did get a little fidgety in my very comfortable seat at times.

No gossip. No overheard convos. No idea why that’s the case but I suspect it’s because it was 2:35 straight through so there wasn’t much chance for it to happen. I hope there’s intervals in things I’m seeing the rest of the year!

9.9 for me this morning
1st waking was 15.1 (libre was being rude and sending off alarms to disturb my slumber so corrected n eventually went back to sleep)
2nd waking was 8.9 (it was a safe vs I'm awake so can be aggressive correction)
Had one of those battles of a day yesterday with numbers so not surprised its gone on into the night.
Abdomen is achey and sore and feeling nauseous (option a) and legs a little puffy (option b) so take your pick which one caused it. Could always been the yet unrevealed option c. This is what makes D so much fun 😉

Need to ignore screaming body and get myself sorted to go to hairdressers. Hair is far too long to be manageable (down to my waist again) so will get most of it hacked off :D
I do have one important life question - why do we feel the need to wash our hair before going to the hairdressers for them to wash it again :rofl:
Woke twice today: 09:55 BS 7.6; 12:34 11.9

Took almost all night after eating dinner to wake in the 7’s & went back to sleep to wake higher! Ah, well! Now making my first lot of homemade, by me, vegetable soup of the Winter & ready about 13:15/20? BS is rising quickly, in 12’s now, & maybe in 13’s by the time siup is done!

Still every other day, it seems, & I had a relatively good day yesterday! PATIENCE!

A Very G’day to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Just checked the BBC website to see when Strictly starts & the launch already aired with 1st week this Saturday! Already checked iTunes & not a sniff of a sausage yet on series 21so, have to wait for it! PATIENCE!

Is the universe trying to tell me something? :rofl: