Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all on another grey day, though yesterday turned out quite nice later on.

7.2 this morning. Perhaps my basal tweak was a tiny bit too much. We'll see, I'll give it another day or two.

Have some work to do with the holiday photos today, I have purchased a Phtotobook from Groupon and need to get that sorted before the end of September. Plus I think I'll make a casserole for dinner. I've some pork loin chops in the freezer that are a bit tough so if I cook them slowly in cider with apples and a dash of cream perhaps they'll tenderise.

Congratulations to @Gwynn on another HS and good luck for your eye operation.

Have a good day all!
And it was a 5.1 for me earlier this fine sunny morning.
Ah, I really like the texture you get when you bake with ordinary ground almonds. It reminds me of polenta cake.
i do like my muffins but was going ti try and bake a cake . I’ve never had polenta. i know though come winter I will want something at 4 pm and was going to see if i could make something hubby would not see as just my cake . Yes i freeze the muffins but there is something about
sharing at 4 pm.
im so down its sunny nowt to cry about but hate feeling like this just trying anything.
DSN just called back & she says stick with 76 tresiba & try not to put in too much NR, be more patient , give NR time to work & eat carbs later in the day instead of at breakfast!

Yesterday starting high I DID forget about the excessive NR use backlash! 😳
Good morning! No I haven't popped over to Kathmandu for breakfast 🙂 but woke to phantom pain :( yet again. BG 8.4 and seems steady so far. I have taken pain killers as trying to tough it out seems to result in the liver dumping glucose. Started Wordling but can't really focus. Hope I can get back to sleep!

Weather pitch black under what appears to be heavy cloud so imagine it will train later. Wonder if it will rain for the Japanese GP as it did back in 1976 when James Hunt won the WDC. Funny they seemed able to race in the rain then! With all the knowledge built up since then you would think they could produce decent wets! :(
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Good morning everyone.

Todays the big day for my eyes. Got up at 4am. Showered and shaved. Sitting here now pondering what today will bring. I am not quite as nervous today as I was yesterday oddly.

Wake 4am
BG 5.5 (I was hoping for a triple HS. Sigh)
Temp 36.4
Oxy 96
Pulse 56 (must be the stress 🙂 )
BP 127/73

Yesterday I played the keyboard for hours and hours (stress). A bit of a tough day all round.

My wife has persuaded me not to walk to the appointment today. Sad, I am quite keen but really I think she may be right, so its the bus (and a crowded bus too if the schools are there).

Have a great day today whatever you are doing

Good morning everyone.

Todays the big day for my eyes. Got up at 4am. Showered and shaved. Sitting here now pondering what today will bring. I am not quite as nervous today as I was yesterday oddly.

Wake 4am
BG 5.5 (I was hoping for a triple HS. Sigh)
Temp 36.4
Oxy 96
Pulse 56 (must be the stress 🙂 )
BP 127/73

Yesterday I played the keyboard for hours and hours (stress). A bit of a tough day all round.

My wife has persuaded me not to walk to the appointment today. Sad, I am quite keen but really I think she may be right, so its the bus (and a crowded bus too if the schools are there).

Have a great day today whatever you are doing

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Good luck!
Good morning - 6.3

Have a great day everyone
Morning yawning.6.5 on this damp and dark day. I like everything about autumn except the dark mornings.

Got the grape jelly made yesterday. What a clart, I think I was over zealous with the picking of the grapes, took me almost all day and I’ve ended up with 18 jars! I won’t even eat the blooming stuff, meat and fruit just doesn’t do it for me. But I’m sure my friends and family ( and Mr Eggy) will enjoy it. He also made a more manageable six jars of apple sauce.

Today is a more pleasant day, even though it may be just as sticky! Yes, it’s Zara Day. Our last stint of childcare until 16th October. It’s not our Monday next week and we go away for two weeks next Friday. We’ll miss her of course, but childcare will return with a vengeance as her other grandparents go on holiday as we come back and we have her three full days when we return. We’ll need another holiday!

Good luck today @Gwynn.

Have a fab Friday all.


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Morning. 6.9 at 6.59am and how do you do an ampersand on a mobile phone. Or a question mark.
Morning all, a rare HS for me, but preceded by a night in the red, which wasn’t really in the red, thanks to this sensor. It’s fine during the day, but it’s taken my time in range to 10% below target, thanks to its night time antics. I’ve got it a bit higher on my arm than usual, and not so far round, and I just lie on it the whole time.
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Depends on theske and model of your mobolr phone. I have got most of them such as @, #, &, _, (,) , =, %, *, :, /,,!,?, +, $....
I've got them, can see them, but don't know how to get them on the screen! 🙂 Thank you.
Morning all. :D 5,3 for me.

Uh oh, hubby’s got a fever. I’ve waved a Covid test under his nose. Let’s hope it’s negative.

Well, I phoned my surgery yesterday to find out what’s going on with MyHealthOnline. Got thru to the loveliest receptionist who sorted me out with all sorts - Covid and flu jabs, an appointment for Monday, diabetic bloods (without a review with the bossy nurse - “you should be taking metformin”) and how to get around the MHO not-working-problem. It made my day! :D I suspect she might be one of the newbies at the surgery, and hasn’t been ground down by the stresses of the job yet. 😎

I hope it goes well today @Gwynn. Your wife is right, bus is best.

Thanks for teaching me the word ampersand @Ditto - was wondering wot it was called. :confused: