Group 7-day waking average?

What a horrid morning it was at 8am. It's now just dull.

5.1 this morning. Rushed around to get ready to go to the dentist, who then kept me waiting for half an hour past my appointment time. The bad news, I have two wobbly teeth due to bone loss and pockets in the gums. Other than that my dental cleaning regime is very good apparently. Told to use a water pick on the pockets. The exact device I was told was useless by his hygienist some time ago. Can't remember what I did with it, may find it and if so it may still work... who knows?

Lunch with my friends yesterday was deeply disappointing. Not the friends or the gossip, but the food. The cafe is apparently under new management. The menu offered 5 or 6 "small plates" and 5/6 expensive mains. Burger at £16??? No yummy sandwiches they used to do. So after some discussion we decided to have a small plate each and share a portion of chips. 3 of the small plates came with Escabeche. I looked it up on my phone and apparently it's a sauce made with vinegar. 2 of us are not fond of vinegar. The other items on the menu none of us had ever heard of. When asked about this vinegar sauce the waitress went to ask the chef who said it was actually a paprika sauce and that you couldn't taste the vinegar. The chef lied. We all 3 settled for the "Pan fried fish, Escabeche, yellow peppers and mustard seed" assuming the fish came in batter. I really should have taken a photo. Along came 3 very small plates on which were 3 minnows each slit to the backbones with bones still in situ, sitting in vinegar sauce. I took one bite and just ate chips. One friend ate my fish, the other just about got hers down. When 2 different waitresses asked if everything was alright and we said "No not really" they both smiled and went away! At least that was funny in a rather sad way.

We didn't stay for coffee!! Instead we went to a pub which used to be Julian and I's local when we lived in town. I knew it had a friendly manageress and more important a decent Gaggia machine. That has also changed hands and is now run by a surly woman who told us we couldn't have hot or cold milk with an Americano. In the end the Americano turned up with a nice froth on top and at least we caught up on our gossip. We then went and looked round a clothes shop and I bought trousers and a sweater to make up for the experience!

@42istheanswer, @Eternal422 and @Gwynn on your HSs.

Hope everyone has a good day.
En escabeche can roughly be translated as pickled, and tends to be fish, so yeah, you are supposed to taste the vinegar, not sure why the chef would say otherwise.

Sometimes you just need to ask if there is nothing on the menu, there is no reason they could not have done tuna or cheese with salad as they would have had the ingredients available.
If you order a sandwich then just say No chips.
I did ask if i could just have salad . No we only do whats on the menu. So
Not everywhere accomodates.
You got chips when you said no I recall. I just left them to clear away. waste really.
Then Nurse phoned told me to have “healthy carbs “as in sandwiches and potatoes just not sugary ones as my meds are there to pee the sugar from carbs out. ? as if i want a sore from peeing out sugar.
This will stop me feeling depressed.
HbA1c 18th October we will see what low carb achieves for me then.
oh and it says contact your provider only to make sure you will not top yourself,
otherwise get on with it.
Life as you say.
When i was originally diagnosed with t2 and i went out for a meal once, I fancied a burger. It was on the menu with pickles, cheese, bacon etc and chips on the side. I asked for a salad instead of chips and the burger without the bun. It came with the salad but also just the burger!! No pickles, cheese, bacon etc!! When i queried and said i only didn't want the bread i was told "oh". They didn't seem to get that i wanted everything else!
When i was originally diagnosed with t2 and i went out for a meal once, I fancied a burger. It was on the menu with pickles, cheese, bacon etc and chips on the side. I asked for a salad instead of chips and the burger without the bun. It came with the salad but also just the burger!! No pickles, cheese, bacon etc!! When i queried and said i only didn't want the bread i was told "oh". They didn't seem to get that i wanted everything else!
Tbh so much is pre prepared so anything basic like salad is just a side salad and I think same with what is in it. I was delighted on holiday where I asked if I could have hunters chicken with a side salad. it came and it was on a side dish so I shared it with the others easily.
However I also was in Grape today and looked at crackers Quinoa but unfortunately they were high carb. Then she suggested I make polenta chips. They too would be 60 carbs a portion. So for me that is too much.
The nurse saying medication will get rid of extra sugar is really not addressing the problem either.
However I do not think I can like a low carb its not exactly out there so you can readily buy or get things quickly.
Tbh so much is pre prepared so anything basic like salad is just a side salad and I think same with what is in it. I was delighted on holiday where I asked if I could have hunters chicken with a side salad. it came and it was on a side dish so I shared it with the others easily.
However I also was in Grape today and looked at crackers Quinoa but unfortunately they were high carb. Then she suggested I make polenta chips. They too would be 60 carbs a portion. So for me that is too much.
The nurse saying medication will get rid of extra sugar is really not addressing the problem either.
However I do not think I can like a low carb its not exactly out there so you can readily buy or get things quickly.
A few months ago somebody suggested Cheesies which are 0 carbs per 20g packet. I thought I would try them but they were actually not very nice and they were pretty expensive.
A few months ago somebody suggested Cheesies which are 0 carbs per 20g packet. I thought I would try them but they were actually not very nice and they were pretty expensive.
That is what I observe. Some things are nice but the cost is beyond our budget.
I am doing okay at home with the diet its really flexible when you get organised. i make muffins if i know i need say a cake i have only one bfast and can have the other when i need to look as if I am having or want a cake with a cuppa. They keep in the freezer but not so good in the tin however they don’t travel well.
Lunches i have had lots if salads , omelettes, etc
Dinners too are good.
i miss buying bits though, but paying £12 for s loaf of bread or £2 for a cookie is really too much . i fancied wraps someone suggested but in comparison to cheap shop wraps they are a treat not an everyday item.
i guess though the flours will come down.
My almond flour was £15 in holland n barrat or £6.99 in Grape so i went for Grape still more expensive than SR or plain. i don't use it too quickly so its okay but its not the best expense wise.
I woke twice, again today, & both weren’t great at 14.? around 4am & went back to sleep pretty quick, a loo trip really, & just past midday, tresiba alarm, 12.? :(

Only ate twice today & whacked 80 NR in for breakfast, BS up to 14.? by the time I had the Wheetabix, & it took over 6 hours to get it down to 8’s: been having that problem intermittently the last couple of days; definitely felt the change in the weather & thinking I need to up my tresiba for Autumn/Winter? Then, I put in 48 for next meal once I got my BS down: definitely MUCH harder to get BS down once it’s higher than a certain level, about 13 upwards; been waking higher, intermittently, & I notice it’s when it’s a bit colder but, not 100% sure about that?

No DSN phone cover on Wednesday or I would have called today but, will call tomorrow & see what she thinks? The evidence is’nt completely conclusive as it intermittently, so far, when BS & NR is a bit harder to control. I was tempted earlier to put in 78 tresiba but, stuck with 76 as I’ve yet to speak to DSN. Was thinking even maybe 80?

Now nearly after 4 hours with second meal I’m MUCH happier in the 7’s & I’ll probably have another little light snack, of tea & biscuits past 22:00 to bring me back up to the 8’s before bed? 7’s CAN be a bit borderline as I can wake a bit early going into the low 5’s/4’s when I sleep!

Totally distracted today & only posting now so, can only give you lovely lot a Good Night Greeting! 😳😉:rofl:
Definitely tea & biscuits as 21:43, ALMOST at the 4 hour mark at 22:09, BS 5.5. Just having redbush, no caffeine, with 2 shortbread & no NR.

My graph looks TERRIBLE today: extremes of high & low; every other day recently I’ve been getting that with the change of season!
Good morning everyone

Yesterday I double checked the date and time of my eye operation which I thought was on isn't. It's on Friday!!!! Good job I checked. I must admit that this time I feel a bit frightened.

However, in spite of the fear...

BG 5.2 yessss happy about that. How about a safe house considering how I feel.
Temp 36.4
Pulse 50
Oxy 95
BP 120/77

I am grateful that the fear and stress has not pushed my BG up.

Today I have to have a look at the cooker hood which seems like it may be coming adrift from the wall!!! Not sure tho.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Good morning - 5.5

8th diaversary today

Have a great day everyone!
Morning all. Woke to a 10.3 and libre shows i've been there all night. Strange as i went to bed on 6.8, which is about usual for me, and no snacks or alcohol. Maybe caused by stress, tiredness or who knows what.

@Gwynn congrats on the HS
@Lily123 happy diaversary, although its an anniversary no one wants. Great morning reading.
Good morning I overslept but was 6.6 (about half hour after getting up)
congratulations on another HS @Gwynn

hopefully Today is slightly dryer than yesterday was

have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning/moaning! Not sure if 10.0 is IR or not but Libre says it is!

Had a decent night's sleep. Yesterday Patient Transport arrived Jo10 minutes into my appointment but fortunately I was seen. I could really have done with the extra hours of sleep.

Mist burning off and looks as if weather could go either way!
Morning all. 6.1 and it’s a lovely morning.

After all the rain yesterday morning we had a lovely afternoon, and have started to put the garden to bed before our hollibobs next week. All green tomatoes picked, these will go into a green tomato and apple chutney. Bramleys picked, some for apple sauce, some for the chutney and some into storage. More onions planted. Green bean pulled down and composted. All we have in the ground now are leeks, parsnips, turnip, onions and garlic. I have got 3.5 litres of grape juice to make into grape jelly today. That was a full day job and a half, picking the grapes off the stalks, washing them, cooking them and straining them, I ended up with 6kgs of grapes in the end. Done in two batches. I will have to make the jelly in two batches too. Busy day. I must say @Pattidevans recipe smells delicious.

Must dash, grape jelly waits for no man! Oh and I need to put a wash on as the day is forecast dry and sunny all day.

Congrats @Gwynn.

Have a good day folks.


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Morning all, 5.3 here, so close! Sensor bucked its ideas up yesterday after I gave it a talking to (and more to the point stopped lying on it. I’ve never had such a protracted compression low as yesterday night, but I did wake up with my arm squashed under me )