Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 8.1 today

congratulations @Gwynn on the news you been declared in remission
quite fitting to celebrate with a HS today,
well done yesterday on the HS @Martin.A

I had a referral yesterday for some physiotherapy (to aid strengthening my ankle) following the operation back the end of May, which really was quite some time ago so I’m looking forward to it being as strong as my other ankle and being able to walk in normal footwear all day (I’m on my feet all day when I’m out and about at work)

Tomorrow I have my physio first session (but not locally)
then early next month Im following yesterdays phone call
due to start getting some at a different location which is more loca.
so in 2 weeks I’ve gone from no physio and thinking of booking my own privately
to being seen at two separate hospitals

have a fabulous day
Morning all. 5.4.
Yesterday was very wet and very cold all day and I actually flicked the heating on for an hour. Today is very wet but 16.7c! Inside is only marginally warmer at 17.8c! Wanted to pick our grapes yesterday to make @Pattidevans grape jelly but I wasn’t climbing up wet, slippy ladders for anyone. Hopefully I might get some picked today IF the rain stops. Mr Eggy is going over the border with his camera club today to photograph The Gallops. From what I can gather it’s a load of race horses in training, galloping, funnily enough. The forecast in parts of South West Scotland is for very, very windy weather. Glad I’m not invited!

Have a wonderful, and hopefully not too wet, Wednesday.
I'm joining @Gwynn in the 5.2 step today, yay!

Slightly earlier finish for work on Wednesdays now as kids finish an hour earlier, so I'm looking forward to that :rofl:

Morning all, 3.9 here, which is frankly my sensor telling porkies. It’s shown a wiggly red line since about 4am, which is normally when my BG rises. It had better buck its ideas up, or I'll be telling on it.
5.5 on this grey and rather blustery Berkshire morning. Tail end of some hurricane, I believe. Not officially Autumn until tomorrow but feels like it's here already. I've unpacked my thermal vests and today my summer clothes (shorts etc) will be packed away until next year. Nice to find out they'd turned the water temperature up a notch when I went for my swim yesterday.

Nice meal out last night - Hunter's Chicken, one of my favourites. My wife shared my chicken liver pate starter and I shared her chocolate brownie dessert. Didn't bother with a post-prandial test as there seemed little point after that mix but tested just before bedtime out of curiosity and got 5.0 (an average of 4.8 LH, 5.3 RH) which was a pleasant surprise.

Picked our two sons up from the station just after 11 o'clock after their trip to QPR. They were gutted, Swans drawing by conceding at the death for a 1-1 when their first win of the season looked to be in the bag. Had a player red-carded with barely a couple of minutes left too.

@MikeyBikey - hope you're over last night's drama and that it goes well at podiatry

@Gwynn pleased your DSN appointment went well, and congrats to you & @42istheanswer on your HS's

Have a good day, weather permitting.
7.1 this morning but I am blaming the weather as my pain is through the roof. I will email the surgery at 8am as they open email slots at 8 each day and they go quickly as only 30 so going to try that instead of on the phone not getting anywhere and the nurse not ringing back.
Congratulations everyone on their HS. Good luck with the garden veg Leadinglights. Wow that is a nice pumpkin. I don't know re veg just know the beans skin get stringy even though string less so I put my beans in soup. Although we have so few left we have eaten most that we had this year. Tomatoes are finishing . Mainly pepper and chillies and raspberries. Although I do not have a large plot so I did what I could.
Have a great day people, hope you are all okay.
Morning all. :D 4.8 here. My Libre sensor’s telling porkies too @Robin with a 6.8.

That’s great news @Gwynn - well done!

Is there a vegan option @Elenka_HM - Scheese tea, or Tofu tea? :confused:😉
Thanks that made me laugh. Do Vegan things tell lies? I thought they were pure?@ lol:rofl:
Morning all

5.9 today so an improvement on the last couple of days. Lost 2lb on Slimming World scales so really pleased with that. Not sure I want to go out running tonight in this wind and rain, but got to be done, it will also be first dark run since last winter as it will get dark half way through the run. I have treated myself to a new reflective running jacket for the winter, not cheap but hopefully worth it.

@Gwynn and @42istheanswer congratulations on your HS today.
@Gwynn no tall house today but I can offer you this two bedroom (technically ‘flat’ but looks like a house to me) Hampstead property with 23ft high ceilings.

Congrats to today's 5.2ers. 4.6 for me this morning. 🙂

Good morning everyone.

DSN appointment went really well yesterday. A great, thinking, knowledgable, positive, DSN. No issues at all. I was officially diagnosed (re-diagnosed?) as in remission I am convinced that this should have happened a long time ago) but interestingly they said they had no criteria for being able to say that I am not diabetic. Both she and I believe that I am not diabetic tho. Hey ho. At least the real advantage is that they will continue to do annual tests and stuff that will help me stay healthy and/or catch anything untoward early. Sorry to cost you more NHS.

I was about to give up testing (no point?) however...

BG 5.2 (@ColinUK ) can I have a really tall house please as I feel on top of the world.
Temp 36.4
Pulse 50
Oxy 96
BP 119/77

Today, as it is still dark, cold, windy, wet, I may not bother with exercise much. I may start practicing Christmas carols on the keyboard (ha ha. Well, I have always liked Christmas. More people than normal seem happier which I like to see and more people than normal seem to think of others.) ...Silent night....

I know some get really upset and some actually hate Christmas and I find that very sad, however I try to look on the bright, good side. And no I do not have the decorations up yet!

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And... my energy provider sent me an email message to say that the cost of energy is coming down and they have reduced my monthly direct debit. Excellent.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Congratulations, result!...
The rain stopped so I dashed out with my steps, one baking bowl and ny scissors! I had to go back in for a few more bowls.
8.5kgs! Better get myself down to Aldi to buy more sugar. 😱


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Move over @Gwynn and @42istheanswer , make room for me!

@Gwynn - pleased that your DSN appointment went well and what a great result for you!

Hope everyone stays safe on this Very Blustery Day (as Winnie the Pooh would say).
Morning all. 6.4

If anyone’s in/near London and fancies joining me at the opera tomorrow evening I’ve got an empty seat next to me for the new production of Das Rheingold at the Royal Opera House Covent Garden.

Curtain up is 7:30 and the whole thing should be done by about 10:00.
Did you enjoy Rheingold? I was just reading an article about this production. Apparently the actress who plays Erda the Earth Goddess, and who is 81, was criticised by the FT critic for her appalling face make up. Her response? 'I wasn’t wearing any make-up'