Group 7-day waking average?


6.1 today was 5.7 when I went to bed, so must be a touch of dawn with getting up for work. Today is weigh day, don’t think going by my own scales I have lost anything but after 2 weeks on holiday where I consumed a considerable amount of Sangria and the odd cocktail or two, I am pleased with that.

after weigh in going to FaceTime my granddaughter as it is her 12th birthday today.

@Martin.A - congratulations on your HS today.

@ColinUK - loving the selection of houses today. I like the bottom one.
Morning all - not a nice day, has only just stopped raining.

7.2 this morning, but I did spike after a dinner that included new potatoes and a fruit platter.

Going to meet 2 girlfriends in town for lunch. One of them has been away since July so really looking forward to seeing her and catching up. Only thing is that we have arranged to meet at the cafe attached to the Lido on the seafront, which is pretty windswept and there's no shelter. So hoping we can get a table indoors, or we'll be hotfooting it into the town centre whilst braving wind and rain.

Congratulations to @Martin.A on the HS and a choice of nice houses to add to your portfolio!

6.1 today was 5.7 when I went to bed, so must be a touch of dawn with getting up for work
@Grannylorraine given meter tolerances I'd regard those two numbers as the same. So you did pretty well.

Hope you all have a good day.
A happy 5.4 for me earlier on this very windy and grey morning.
Mine was late'ish as well! I missed my target of 7:00pm so watched the quizzes on BBC2 first as I don't have pause, etc. just a basic TV with communal roof aerial. Sky, BY, etc. packages all to expensive for <10 hours per week. I am sick and tired of this following police, ambulances, trawlers, etc. interdisperced with ads for funeral plans, riser chairs, etc. And the dramas have to much mumbling for my ageing hearing. I watched an episode of of Magnum PI last week and all the dialogue was totally clear so tried a drama on BBC after and found 50%of dialogue incomprehensible so turned off! :(
I hate that too when dialogue is not clear especially with these American dramas where it’s spoken very fast & the background soundtrack/effects drown out the voices. The older TV shows had much clearer sounding dialogue & an extra 5 to 10 minutes to have plots better shown: now the plots of these American dramas are paced too fast with plot holes; it’s all “bam, bam, bam, bam” with the dialogue interspersed with the action! I always put on the subtitles to a) see the dialogue that’s not clear & b) help me comprehend the plot faster as the average American tv drama is now only 40 minutes compared to the 45 to 50 minutes of shows in the 80’s! Those 5 to 10 minutes make such a BIG difference!
Well, I woke twice today: 03:54 BS 5.6 as I’d overdid dinner bolus & needed to eat; just now, a lot to read here before posting, 12:12 BS 6.0 🙂

A Very G’day Mates & have a Wonderful Day, 😉

It’s looking grey still today: was FRRREEEEEEZZZZZING in the kitchen earlier in the pre dawn darkness now, whilst still on BST, when cooking a quick ramen! 😱
forgot to hit send....
was 12.2 but sorted with a correction already (7.2 now)
Quiet day today, had a couple of rough tummy days (I say this as i couldn't keep coffee down this morning so I should include today in that)

Got my eye screen tomorrow so will be up and out first thing for that. hoping drops wont be needed as I'm going by public transport (with daughter) and don't fancy trying to navigate the bus home with impaired vision 😉
In last ones letter it said it needs to be rechecked in a year - that was about 20 months ago 🙄
The opticians did check for me last time I was in and bg control has been reasonable ish since then. Would be surprised if there was anything more serious than background flagging up again.

Right off to find something for lunch that wont annoy my tummy (haha im full of the jokes - everything annoys it atm)
enjoy the rest of your day everyone!
Late posting but very happy this morning 5.1 - new batch of test strips which I haven't QA'd yet (awaiting test solution to arrive) but also I have been keeping a bit more track of my food especially carbs. So hopefully will start getting more fasting numbers below 5.4 before my next review.

Busy day today, still getting a bit more tired than usual but definite improvement over the end of last week. Just realised I forgot to take my new antihistamine this morning, and it has to be taken before meal so can't take it now as I just had a cheeky small piece of cake for a colleague's big birthday. Might take the other type of antihistamine when I get home.... skin not as itchy but a little still.
Good moaning! A horrific 14. 6 for moi! :( I wanted to go to bed earlier than usual as have an early pickup for podiatry today. I the event I went even earlier as we had a total power outage in the area. It was a real find my phone as it was pitch black and after crashing the wheelchair I became disorientated! Anyway I found the phone, turn on its light, and went to the bathroom.and bed. Lying there in total darkness I went to sleep as I wanted to Ave the phone battery. In doing so I forgot my Gabapentin. Just after 1:00 I woke with horrendous phantom pain but at least the lights were back on. My BG had spiked up to 12.7 but I assumed it would drop somewhst but boy/girl was I wrong. Need to correct but try and avoid a hypo!

:( :( :(
Good morning everyone.

DSN appointment went really well yesterday. A great, thinking, knowledgable, positive, DSN. No issues at all. I was officially diagnosed (re-diagnosed?) as in remission I am convinced that this should have happened a long time ago) but interestingly they said they had no criteria for being able to say that I am not diabetic. Both she and I believe that I am not diabetic tho. Hey ho. At least the real advantage is that they will continue to do annual tests and stuff that will help me stay healthy and/or catch anything untoward early. Sorry to cost you more NHS.

I was about to give up testing (no point?) however...

BG 5.2 (@ColinUK ) can I have a really tall house please as I feel on top of the world.
Temp 36.4
Pulse 50
Oxy 96
BP 119/77

Today, as it is still dark, cold, windy, wet, I may not bother with exercise much. I may start practicing Christmas carols on the keyboard (ha ha. Well, I have always liked Christmas. More people than normal seem happier which I like to see and more people than normal seem to think of others.) ...Silent night....

I know some get really upset and some actually hate Christmas and I find that very sad, however I try to look on the bright, good side. And no I do not have the decorations up yet!


And... my energy provider sent me an email message to say that the cost of energy is coming down and they have reduced my monthly direct debit. Excellent.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Good morning - 6.8

Have a great day everyone

Feels cold this morning.

10.3. Has been a bit better then messed up again.

Have a good day