Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 6.2 today
posting at the propter time of day today
have a great day everybody 😎
Went to the bathroom just before 5 o'clock and couldn't get back to sleep, so to avoid further disturbing my wife I decided to start my day early and got up just after 6. Tested while the kettle boiled and scored a 5.2 so maybe I should get up early more often.

Kitchen's about two-thirds painted now so will press on with it today with just a break for my usual Tuesday swim. We have a few days away in the Cotswolds next week so will want it finished before we go away. We were there in April but the weather was pretty awful - Bourton-on-the-Water was more like Bourton-under-Water - so we thought September would be better. Looking at the forecast I'm not sure it will be but fingers crossed.

Eating out tonight as we're on our own, our two boys being off to QPR vs Swansea City. Tough being Swans fans at the moment as they have yet to win this season. True fans take the bad with the good though.

Bit grey and overcast here at the moment but at least it's dry, at least for now. Played safe with the laundry yesterday and gave the tumble drier a workout. Just as well - would have had to grab stuff off the line in a hurry once or twice.

Have a good day.


  • HS 19.09.23.jpg
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Good morning all.

It's a 16.2.

Should not have had my dinner in the middle of the night.

Have a good one.

Mine was late'ish as well! I missed my target of 7:00pm so watched the quizzes on BBC2 first as I don't have pause, etc. just a basic TV with communal roof aerial. Sky, BY, etc. packages all to expensive for <10 hours per week. I am sick and tired of this following police, ambulances, trawlers, etc. interdisperced with ads for funeral plans, riser chairs, etc. And the dramas have to much mumbling for my ageing hearing. I watched an episode of of Magnum PI last week and all the dialogue was totally clear so tried a drama on BBC after and found 50%of dialogue incomprehensible so turned off! :(
Morning all. 6.4 today. Dark and cloudy here.
Went to the bathroom just before 5 o'clock and couldn't get back to sleep, so to avoid further disturbing my wife I decided to start my day early and got up just after 6. Tested while the kettle boiled and scored a 5.2 so maybe I should get up early more often.

Kitchen's about two-thirds painted now so will press on with it today with just a break for my usual Tuesday swim. We have a few days away in the Cotswolds next week so will want it finished before we go away. We were there in April but the weather was pretty awful - Bourton-on-the-Water was more like Bourton-under-Water - so we thought September would be better. Looking at the forecast I'm not sure it will be but fingers crossed.

Eating out tonight as we're on our own, our two boys being off to QPR vs Swansea City. Tough being Swans fans at the moment as they have yet to win this season. True fans take the bad with the good though.

Bit grey and overcast here at the moment but at least it's dry, at least for now. Played safe with the laundry yesterday and gave the tumble drier a workout. Just as well - would have had to grab stuff off the line in a hurry once or twice.

Have a good day.
Congratulations on your HS Martin.A.
I’ve been a bit lax on houses recently so here’s a few you can fight over to determine who gets what…


Mine was late'ish as well! I missed my target of 7:00pm so watched the quizzes on BBC2 first as I don't have pause, etc. just a basic TV with communal roof aerial. Sky, BY, etc. packages all to expensive for <10 hours per week. I am sick and tired of this following police, ambulances, trawlers, etc. interdisperced with ads for funeral plans, riser chairs, etc. And the dramas have to much mumbling for my ageing hearing. I watched an episode of of Magnum PI last week and all the dialogue was totally clear so tried a drama on BBC after and found 50%of dialogue incomprehensible so turned off! :(
Yeah, don't watch a lot of TV. The political stuff can be quite entertaining but I have a very short attention span.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.5
Temp 36.4
Pulse 52
Oxy 96
BP 119/78

Today I have a diabetic review to 'discuss' my recent blood test results. Should be very interesting. I have printed off a few graphs to support discussions. Some DSNs are very interested and engage in intelligent, helpful, discussions. Some just are not interested or are not well informed. Let's hope todays nurse is one of the more engaging ones.

Out there it is very dark and very rainy and cold and blustery and I have to walk to the surgery. Lets hope that the weather improves before I have to go out.

Exercise will be off today if the weather does not improve.

3 days before my eye op. I feel a bit nervous of this one...

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning. 5.8 and it’s pouring down and quite dark for 8am. Was awake just before 7 but resisted getting up and dozed on and off and of course now have a splitting headache and I’m absolutely starving.

No plans outside of the home today. I’ve an appointment with a pile of ironing and Mr Eggy is emptying and moving his floor to ceiling CD rack ( it’s in the older part of the kitchen) as we are occasionally getting a waft of dampness around that area. Fingers crossed it’s nothing too bad.

Congratulations @Martin.A on your HS.

Have a good day folks.
@eggyg maybe time to get rid of those Wet, Wet, Wet cds then
If it was up to me I’d get rid of them all. He’s not long got rid of his cassettes! ( He did keep some). But he’s never got rid of, nor will he, of his vinyl, in fact that’s all he buys now. Anyways I can’t believe you’d think we’d be Wet, Wet, Wet fans. Thought you’d have felt that in your fingers, and in your toes! :D
5.6 for me on this blustery morning.

Congratulations @Martin.A on your HS.

@Gwynn - thinking of you about your eye op.

@eggyg - I managed to archive all my old CDs and DVDs but not quite got around to throwing them away. Now we’ll and truly switched to streaming and it’s nice not to have loads of clutter everywhere.

@ColinUK - would love to go to the opera, but sadly not got the time - hopefully you’ll find someone to use the ticket.

Have a good day everywhere and don’t get blown away!
Well done @Martin.A on the HS. My reading on this cold and damp morning was 5.9. 🙂

Good morning. 6.4.

Heavy overcast, low visibility, drizzle. Heavy rain forecast.

Having complained to EDF (3 times) that my meter is reading 0000 they requested a photo of the meter. Provided.
I did wonder why I should have risked myself balancing on steps with head in cupboard to oblige them when I was apparently receiving free electricity? Surely it is in their interests to send out an engineer?

A horrible update has stuck me with bing AI - aargh! Sometimes I despair of the digital/AI world of today - maybe we should go back to clockwork and steam...Driving yesterday through the new 20mph I felt a a preceding man with a red flag would have been appropriate - so perhaps we are already en route for 1880...

Have a happy day everyone.