Group 7-day waking average?

They look ripe enough @eggyg . A few of mine on the bunches were a bit green still but will be putting enough sugar in to get over that. By the time we had removed the grapes from the stalks, picked out grotty ones and washed them we had a few grams under 3kg. Put them into a big pan with 2 sliced lemons (I have a huge preserving pan) with about a cup of water (120 ml). If you want them spiced (I like mine Winter spiced) add 1 or 2 sticks cinnamon, a teaspoon of whole cloves, 100g chopped stem ginger (I didn't have any, but I put a big squirt of ginger out of a tube in) OR you can add a few sprigs of rosemary.

Bring slowly to the boil, mashing them with a potato masher a number of times to break up the skins and when they are all broken turn up the heat and boil for 15 - 20 minutes. By that time the juice should be looking quite dark red and the grapes should be thoroughly broken down. Now you need to put everything in a jelly bag - see pic. Or if you don't have one, then line a colander with something fine woven e.g. a new J cloth or a clean tea towel (providing you don't mind it being stained) over a bowl. Tip in the grapes, juice, seeds and all. Allow it to drip for at least 2 hours, better still overnight. Do not squeeze the bag or you will have cloudy juice.

Next day measure the juice and put it back into the large preserving pan. For every 600ml you will need 500g of sugar. Put the sugar in a low oven to warm (with your jars to sterilise them). Put the warmed sugar into the pan with the juice over a low heat and stir until disolved. Then bring to a rolling boil and either use a thermometer to make sure the temp reaches 105 degrees, or put some plates in the freezer and test for setting point. Put into your sterilised jars. We shall be making several batches as the grapes ripen.

It's gorgeous with roast pork, painted on any meat or used as a sauce for Duck. Lovely in spoonfuls with cheese!
Thanks for that. Will definitely be doing it. I’ve got a straining bag and a stand for hanging it, and more jars than you could shake a stick at!
Good morning. 6.7

Electrician coming this morning, hopefully. Beginning to think fault may be in dishwasher - needless to say it is full of dirty dishes and is on the circuit which seems to be the problem. This afternoon the dreaded medical exam for my licence. Forecast heavy rain most of day. All in all not a promising prospect.

Could be worse: aches and pains down to perfectly tolerable levels and I managed to get the bulk shop done yesterday. Oddly Aldi had run out of unsalted butter again and had little real alternatives - so I'm indulging in Welsh butter with sea salt crystals - lovely on its own but a bit aggressive to use with Parma ham or soft cheese - doubt anyone could pair it with jam or honey.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Good morning. 5.8 and yet another unicorn. Don’t quite know what I’m doing right because I’m definitely not doing anything different.

Had a good day yesterday, the weather was very mild, we did a walk we haven’t done for a while, it was very overgrown and unfortunately we both got nettled, right through our trousers ( that bit wasn’t good), my legs tingled all night, but we’re glad we done it. Came across a butterfly I’ve never seen before, apparently it’s a speckled wood butterfly, neither of us have ever heard of it, the strange thing is there’s a new estate (popping up houses at a rate of knots) only a few 100 meters away from us which is called Speckled Wood. There you go, everyday is a school day.
When we got back home we pulled all the remaining runner beans off the plant, far too tough and stringy to eat now and I’ve got three bags full in the freezer. We stood and shelled them for over an hour, we got just over 2kgs, they need blanched now and I’ll freeze them and they’ll be perfect to pop into soups and stews etc. Look how beautiful they are at the moment though, it’ll be a shame when they change to boring green once I’ve dealt with them.

Anyways, Zara day today and the forecast is heavy rain this morning and we have a British Gas engineer coming between 12-6, a trip to the park is off the cards today. Maybe some craft, that’ll kill five minutes!

Have a Happy Monday.


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6.4 this morning. So with diet and meds I keep quite stable.
I had one bleeder once. As far as I can tell the bleeding is generally a random accident. I didn't notice any effect on accuracy at the time, and I think there were some in here who thought that bleeders were more accurate.
Same here @Lanny - only happened once to me so far out of 35 sensors. I believe it’s just random when the sensor filament/needle inserter hits a capillary. Unfortunately the sensor ended up not reading after about a day, so possibly a clot had formed and blocked the filament of the sensor?
Good morning everyone, 4.2 today for me at the start of this week.

Back to work today, but so glad I’m 100% working from home. Mondays are a bit easier when just staying at home to work! Can’t believe we’ll be finished with work in a few months time, well 3 months from when we hand our notices in!

Hope everyone has a good day!
Morning all, 7.5 here, just as I decide I need to lower my basal, my body thinks, oh wait, maybe I do need all this basal after all…
Woke up around 2am to a huge thunderstorm and torrential rain.
Yes did not hear thunder here but very very wet.
Surprised to have blue sky and sunshine this morning after yesterday's drenching. Everything still looks pretty wet out there though. Thunder started just before midnight, within minutes of me putting my book away, turning off my bedside lamp and settling down to sleep. How inconsiderate.

5.6 this morning. Off to get a newspaper shortly, then breakfast, then on with painting the kitchen.

Have a good start to the week everyone.
Good morning everyone

Well stressed this morning. My eye operation is this week. Sometimes the internet is not a blessing as I have read up about the operation. The procedure sounds scary. And my friend is coming over for tea tonight. I have to go out and get the food but its raining elephants and rhinos with a forecast of dragons and doom all, that rain is very heavy right now.

And, probably because of my stress my BG is raised (for me)

BG 5.6
Temp 36.4
Oxy 97
Pulse 50
BP 117/72

Have a great day today whatever you arecdoing

Quiet day today. Currently listening to an audiobook (Holly by Steven King) before getting on with my day.
Morning folks. :D 5.0 here.

Back at work this morning. Not many hours available so far, but if there’s a mixed bag of language levels among my new students, I’ll no doubt have more classes next week - fingers crossed!

6.5 today, obviously being home is not agreeing with me. Back to work in 1/2 hr, not looking forward to it but has to be done. Bakeclub tonight with mum, I am going to be taking a bought cake and something to eat as I get weighed tomorrow and don’t want to spoil things now.

@Eternal422 - pleased to here all your plans are working out and you will soon be handing in your notice.
Morning all. Scores on the doors for me this morning were 5.6.

Slightly disturbed night, I think there must have been a fox cub mewling in the street or something, which one of the dogs was less than happy with!