Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning folks! 5.1 for me today after a couple of corrections during the night. I think Tiramisu and champagne last night (celebrating booking our Australian holiday for our retirement) must have had a bad effect.

Visiting my parents this morning then a trip over to Merry Hill shopping centre as my wife wants to get her nails done there. Don’t mind it to be honest as I can have a wander around and beats staying in idling the day away.

Hope everyone has a good day today.
A nice round 5.0 on this rather grey Berkshire morning with a 90% probability of rain and thunderstorms this afternoon. Stopped for a coffee whilst out shopping yesterday and sat at one of the coffee shop's outside tables in the sunshine. Might be the last time we get a chance to do that this year.

Back on kitchen painting duty yesterday. Our dining room became a fully-equipped home office during the first lockdown and it still is and we've been eating in our kitchen ever since. Fortunately it's just about big enough to use as a kitchen/diner. My wife wanted the 'diner' area a different colour to the rest of the kitchen and I finished painting that last week, but she now thinks it would look better if the whole kitchen was one colour. I hadn't said so but I thought that all along, so quietly pleased to be cracking on.

Watched Wales get a bonus point win in the Rugby World Cup yesterday but they were made to work surprisingly hard for it by Portugal. There was a time when a Wales side would have smashed a second tier side like Portugal but not yesterday. Not a good omen with Australia up next.

@rebrascora Glad to see you seem to be over things

@Paul Gibbins that's the weather that's heading our way methinks

Have a good Sunday.
Well done to @MrPixels on that quintuplet of House Specials. 🙂

A 4.8 for me this morning after a very disturbed night. I went to bed at 11pm and just as I was dropping off some inconsiderate idiots started letting off a whole barrage of fireworks. 😡 This went on at irregular intervals until 11:30. I finally got to sleep about 12:15am, only to be woken by same said idiots doing the same thing from 2:30am till 3.

The rest of my night was a series of weird but strangely connected dreams which are now just a fleeting memory.

07:13 BS 7.4 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Finally, getting my overnight & waking BS down a bit: actually had tea & biscuits with no NR before bed to bring BS up a wee bit!

It’s chilly this morning so, glad I’d cooked a shepherds pie yesterday & only had to ding a portion in the cold kitchen then, ate it back in bed! I’m not getting out until the sun is properly up & showing itself to warm up the kitchen a bit: a pile of dishes that I’ve for 2 days; every plate & dish used now, though so, HAVE to wash up now! 🙄:rofl:

But, in my defence I did a LOT of laundry yesterday having fetched out my duvet & did 3 loads of bedding: the quilted throws & duvet each done on its own as it’s so heavy in the machine especially in the final spin; now dry, didn’t take long as it’s spun almost dry, & put away for next spring! It was sunny yesterday but, with a definite chill.

No central heating, yet, & had the hot water bottles in bed last night: one at the foot of the bed to warm the bed; the other on my chest to warm my breathing up so, I don’t wheeze! Because my duvet is not dry yet so, using my heaviest weight velvet throw but, still not as warm as the duvet: it’s actually a lighter weight continental quilt otherwise, it couldn’t go in a domestic washing machine at all!

I’ve never liked heavy bedding that makes me too hot as I’ve always, in the past, had heating on at night in the winter as breathing in cold air no matter how warm the bed is made me wheeze. In these recent few years I’ve found the solution to that problem with a hot water bottle on my chest to warm my breathing so, I CAN do without the heating unless it’s very cold but, still don’t like the weight of heavy bedding!

Hopefully the duvet will be dry by tonight & I can do without the hot water bottles, for now & set the velvet throw aside: might need it on top of my CQ later on in the winter; the two together is very heavy, though as it weights about the same as a normal duvet so, only on the coldest night!

Yep! I’ve been gearing up & getting ready for winter! :rofl:
Morning all.

I'm almost back to myself now, finally starting to catch up a bit on some of the housework, though still not done the washing from our holiday. I returned to work on Thursday with the agreement with team leader that I would work from home in the afternoon, in the end I was too tired to finish paperwork then so did a couple of hours on Friday late morning instead (Friday is usually my day off). Bf has his first day actually playing at the church where he is now organist today so will be attending our local church by myself, wonder how many people will ask if he's OK (even those who knew he had been offered the job may have forgotten it was September that he started!). When he gets back, we're going to go out for lunch and to look at a jewellers and for a walk (to do some Ingress missions to complete a banner in our game profiles), my youngest will come with us but they will mostly be playing Pokemon Go as there's an in game event that they want to do.
Planning to walk to church as well so will be lots of exercise, hopefully I will still be feeling OK at the end of the day!

BG 5.3 today, excellent - might not be a HS but I'm very happy with that, especially as I had rather more carbs than usual yesterday (we were doing some concentrated game play at home so I put put some biscuits and sweets for bf for early afternoon snack and ate some myself, then remembered he had bought me a chocolate orange so ate all of that too... brunch had been a nice healthy homemade shukshuka though)
Morning all. 5.0 for me.

@rebrascora great result despite the split sleep. Have a good day today.
@MrPixels what a great result. Well done!
@eggyg 97% in range and 5 unicorns!!! Well done.
@Grannylorraine congrats on your HS while away. What a horrible thing to happen with your bag though. I hope nothing important was in it.

Nothing planned for today apart from tackling a big basket of ironing. Sensor changeover day as well so need to get the new one on ready to activate later.

Have a lovely day everyone.
Morning all on this very cool grey day.

4.7 when I woke. Though the alarm had been screeching telling me I was 4.1 during the night and I'd had a Dextro tablet and half a cookie.

Got soaked coming back from town yesterday. So glad it wasn't like that when we were on holiday.

Today I will be starting to make grape jelly i.e. stewing up the 3 kilos of ripe purple grapes we picked off our vine yesterday and putting them in a jelly bag to strain before adding sugar tomorrow, boiling and potting it up. I commented that the grapes on a vine we planted 2 years ago were showing no sign of turning purple. So we looked it up in our garden file and it turns out it's a white grape variety!!! Shall have to eat one to see if they're ripe! Lots more bunches still to come from the other 3 vines, but if the sun doesn't shine they may not ripen.

@Grannylorraine so sorry to hear about the stolen bag. It makes you feel violated doesn't it? Still, congrats on the holiday HSs.
@rebrascora - hope today is easier for you.
Congrats to @Mr Pixels on you average - you too @eggyg on your unicorns.

Have a super Sunday everyone.
Morning all, a rather grey overcast morning here with rain in the forecast.

It was a 5.6 for me around 8.15 today.

Have a good day all.....
Morning all on this very cool grey day.

4.7 when I woke. Though the alarm had been screeching telling me I was 4.1 during the night and I'd had a Dextro tablet and half a cookie.

Got soaked coming back from town yesterday. So glad it wasn't like that when we were on holiday.

Today I will be starting to make grape jelly i.e. stewing up the 3 kilos of ripe purple grapes we picked off our vine yesterday and putting them in a jelly bag to strain before adding sugar tomorrow, boiling and potting it up. I commented that the grapes on a vine we planted 2 years ago were showing no sign of turning purple. So we looked it up in our garden file and it turns out it's a white grape variety!!! Shall have to eat one to see if they're ripe! Lots more bunches still to come from the other 3 vines, but if the sun doesn't shine they may not ripen.

@Grannylorraine so sorry to hear about the stolen bag. It makes you feel violated doesn't it? Still, congrats on the holiday HSs.
@rebrascora - hope today is easier for you.
Congrats to @Mr Pixels on you average - you too @eggyg on your unicorns.

Have a super Sunday everyone.
We’ve grapes starting to ripen. We’ve only ever attempted to make wine with them and it’s absolutely terrible. I call it Chateau Neuf de Crap! :rofl: Can you give me the grape jelly recipe please. Do you think these are ripened enough? Apparently they taste quite sweet according to Mr Eggy, usually this time of year they’re still really bitter. But we are a few hundred miles north of you!


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8.7 today mum came up to visit for a couple days so had nice couple of days but resting today because doing stuff alot has kind of tired me out. Also seem to have a broken a tooth(think it must happened well I was eating something the other day as that's when I noticed itsilly eat neatul peanut and chocolate bars but can't go anywhere on weekend obviously and not sure I will manage to get there before I go back in a couple of weeks(well just under 2 weeks the 28th) you probably don't need to know all this so not sure why I typed all that(just thought that after I tapped).
Good morning. 6.3.

"The plot thickens..." Been using my detective abilities (nil) on the electricity problem. Last night the cooker was switching off its section of the "fuse" box and so was the boiler. The meter is reading 000 as I told EDF last week (clearly phone responder had village idiot as part of the job description). Now, after turning everything controlled by the relevant RCD and then flipping up the switches again I have cooker (OK🙂, boiler (thank the Lord as have Drs appointment tomorrow with a GP I cannot stand but do not wish to exacerbate feud as he is doing my driving licence application - no wash beforehand doesn't bear thinking about! 🙂, and one marked "downstairs sockets" which is causing a mass flip down of switches (I cannot find a anything plugged in except radio and PC - both working and "downstairs"? I live in a bungalow...)

Oh well, the faithful electrician cometh tomorrow morning.

@Pattidevans Thank you for your commiserations but the concreting isn't bad luck - it is shortage of labour in this post Covid but plus Tory administration - although I was amused by a different view expressed by my digger hire owner "they want £20 an hour for doing nothing except playing on their phones..." Meanwhile it needs doing so I will slowly get on with it accepting that the timescale is extended by my work routine - day 1 : 2-4 hours work, days 2-3 lie down, read books, heat feet and contemplate (but resist) the Df118 packet...Today is just finishing levelling the next section, a small part of which I was unable to finish earlier.

Hope eveyone is having a peaceful Sunday.
We’ve grapes starting to ripen. We’ve only ever attempted to make wine with them and it’s absolutely terrible. I call it Chateau Neuf de Crap! :rofl: Can you give me the grape jelly recipe please. Do you think these are ripened enough? Apparently they taste quite sweet according to Mr Eggy, usually this time of year they’re still really bitter. But we are a few hundred miles north of you!
Coo! They look better than mine which are tasty but the size of bilberries.
Just applied a new sensor to my left arm, 18:50, old one was on right arm & it bled SO much! The applicator was a bit stuck when trying to lift it off & had to wiggle it a bit! Once it was off loads of blood was flowing down my arm & I only JUST got up off the bed in time to avoid blood on my sheets! I just ran to bathroom opposite the bedroom & let it drip into the wash basin then, once it stopped dripping I cleaned it up with cotton wool before starting the sensor on my phone! That’s the second time I’ve bled & even though the last time wasn’t as bad as this the sensor was over 5 mmol out!

Am I doing something wrong? I apply it very high up on the inside of my arms so, it clears the bath water & I don’t sleep on it as I side sleeper.

This one’s not ready until 19:50 & I’ll see how it does?

Maybe the skin on my inside arm is too thin & delicate? Maybe have to move to the outside arms a bit more?

I was in bed watching some cdrama after dinner & going to sleep soon when sensor ended alarm came on! Thank goodness I saved my newly put on, yesterday’s laundry, bedding! Phew! Otherwise it’s another load of laundry & change bedding again! :rofl:
Just applied a new sensor to my left arm, 18:50, old one was on right arm & it bled SO much! The applicator was a bit stuck when trying to lift it off & had to wiggle it a bit! Once it was off loads of blood was flowing down my arm & I only JUST got up off the bed in time to avoid blood on my sheets! I just ran to bathroom opposite the bedroom & let it drip into the wash basin then, once it stopped dripping I cleaned it up with cotton wool before starting the sensor on my phone! That’s the second time I’ve bled & even though the last time wasn’t as bad as this the sensor was over 5 mmol out!

Am I doing something wrong? I apply it very high up on the inside of my arms so, it clears the bath water & I don’t sleep on it as I side sleeper.

This one’s not ready until 19:50 & I’ll see how it does?

Maybe the skin on my inside arm is too thin & delicate? Maybe have to move to the outside arms a bit more?

I was in bed watching some cdrama after dinner & going to sleep soon when sensor ended alarm came on! Thank goodness I saved my newly put on, yesterday’s laundry, bedding! Phew! Otherwise it’s another load of laundry & change bedding again! :rofl:
Sounds frustrating, ill leave it to others to hopefully help as i dont have anything like this . Wish u
Just applied a new sensor to my left arm, 18:50, old one was on right arm & it bled SO much! The applicator was a bit stuck when trying to lift it off & had to wiggle it a bit! Once it was off loads of blood was flowing down my arm & I only JUST got up off the bed in time to avoid blood on my sheets! I just ran to bathroom opposite the bedroom & let it drip into the wash basin then, once it stopped dripping I cleaned it up with cotton wool before starting the sensor on my phone! That’s the second time I’ve bled & even though the last time wasn’t as bad as this the sensor was over 5 mmol out!

Am I doing something wrong? I apply it very high up on the inside of my arms so, it clears the bath water & I don’t sleep on it as I side sleeper.

This one’s not ready until 19:50 & I’ll see how it does?

Maybe the skin on my inside arm is too thin & delicate? Maybe have to move to the outside arms a bit more?

I was in bed watching some cdrama after dinner & going to sleep soon when sensor ended alarm came on! Thank goodness I saved my newly put on, yesterday’s laundry, bedding! Phew! Otherwise it’s another load of laundry & change bedding again! :rofl:
I had one bleeder once. As far as I can tell the bleeding is generally a random accident. I didn't notice any effect on accuracy at the time, and I think there were some in here who thought that bleeders were more accurate.
Well! First test at 20:00 was BS 14.7 & checked on FT BS 15.0 so pretty accurate BUT, only an hour ago BS was on its way down in the 10’s in the hour 2 after it peaked in the 11’s at hour 1 SO OH, it must be the stress & worry that sent my BS up? Ah well! At least it’s a diagonal downward arrow & hopefully go back down again?

I think I’m pushing in the applicator far too hard & need to ease up on the pressure a bit: I’m THAT anxious to stick it on properly; the very first free trail libre 1 sensor fell off before the hour was up so, didn’t get even a single scan! That’s always in the back of my mind & I push it in that hard it hurts & then keep the pressure on for a few seconds before lifting the applicator off! It’s all obviously too much for my delicate skin! 😳

I need to remember to ease up a bit the next time! 🙄:rofl:
We’ve grapes starting to ripen. We’ve only ever attempted to make wine with them and it’s absolutely terrible. I call it Chateau Neuf de Crap! :rofl: Can you give me the grape jelly recipe please. Do you think these are ripened enough? Apparently they taste quite sweet according to Mr Eggy, usually this time of year they’re still really bitter. But we are a few hundred miles north of you!
They look ripe enough @eggyg . A few of mine on the bunches were a bit green still but will be putting enough sugar in to get over that. By the time we had removed the grapes from the stalks, picked out grotty ones and washed them we had a few grams under 3kg. Put them into a big pan with 2 sliced lemons (I have a huge preserving pan) with about a cup of water (120 ml). If you want them spiced (I like mine Winter spiced) add 1 or 2 sticks cinnamon, a teaspoon of whole cloves, 100g chopped stem ginger (I didn't have any, but I put a big squirt of ginger out of a tube in) OR you can add a few sprigs of rosemary.

Bring slowly to the boil, mashing them with a potato masher a number of times to break up the skins and when they are all broken turn up the heat and boil for 15 - 20 minutes. By that time the juice should be looking quite dark red and the grapes should be thoroughly broken down. Now you need to put everything in a jelly bag - see pic. Or if you don't have one, then line a colander with something fine woven e.g. a new J cloth or a clean tea towel (providing you don't mind it being stained) over a bowl. Tip in the grapes, juice, seeds and all. Allow it to drip for at least 2 hours, better still overnight. Do not squeeze the bag or you will have cloudy juice.

Next day measure the juice and put it back into the large preserving pan. For every 600ml you will need 500g of sugar. Put the sugar in a low oven to warm (with your jars to sterilise them). Put the warmed sugar into the pan with the juice over a low heat and stir until disolved. Then bring to a rolling boil and either use a thermometer to make sure the temp reaches 105 degrees, or put some plates in the freezer and test for setting point. Put into your sterilised jars. We shall be making several batches as the grapes ripen.

It's gorgeous with roast pork, painted on any meat or used as a sauce for Duck. Lovely in spoonfuls with cheese!


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