Group 7-day waking average?

7.3 but and checked with finger & at 9.1
changed sensor 8 hours early, its not even consistently out anymore. (yesterday was reading 3 lower, today 2 ish).
Warmup has begun 🙂

Heading into town for what basically is a jumble sale (has some snazzy new term like pre loved something or other). Will see if there are any bargains to be had.
At least I will be able to get a nice coffee while I am out & both kids are coming with me.

I said yes to a Chinese take away last night and had some chicken fried rice. Of course the one meal in days that did absorb properly was that one and hit me like a truck. Not terribly upset with todays waking based on that alone 🙂
Was it worth it? I hope so. Will see how tummy behaves today with it all. Am hoping some bland ish bulk will help and not hinder whatever is going on.

Hope you all have a great day today!
I'm with @Northerner on the 5.3 step this bright and sunny Berkshire morning, which by all accounts might be the last one before the weather turns Autumnal. I've brought forward our usual Sunday towel change to today so I can get them out on the line as tomorrow is forecast to be wet here.

Weekly BP check 117/67 so no issues there.

@rebrascora Sorry to hear you're not feeling great this morning. Hopefully it will wear off and you end up having a good day.

@Gwynn Congrats on the HS. Looking at your numbers your diabetes journey is similar to mine - HbA1c 114 - 56 - 41 - 35 - 38 - 41 - 40, weight at diagnosis 87kg now 70kg.

@ColinUK Happy Rosh Hashona

Whatever your plans have a good weekend everyone.
Well done @Gwynn A 5.5 for me today. It's definitely a lot cooler these last few days.

Good morning. 6.3

Misty, moisty, low visibility sort of day. Not planning doing much after yesteday's concrete and then mowing the lawn - didn't get the orchard done sadly - but with rain forecast at some time every day for the next 2 weeks the lawn was an essential. Very glad to report that despite all the work pain levels are minimal this morning - seems as though the recent flare is on its way out.

Hope @rebrascora has a good day at the show and feels better - good luck and do take care - your recent bad day sounded absolutely awful.
Morning all. Woke at 9.30am to a 3.5, finger prick 2.9. The earlier JBs obviously didn't do their job when the alarm went off at 4.9 a couple of hours earlier. Just waiting for the juice to work so i can have breakfast.

Not much planned today apart from the usual cleaning, washing and ironing. Its cloudy with a bit of a breeze so hopefully the washing will dry.

@rebrascora i hope your levels come down ok and you feel better. Sending you (((HUGS))). Take care.
@ColinUK Happy Rosh Hashona. I love hearing about the history of celebrations and the food always sounds amazing.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning weekend 6.9 today

been a busy week and a few days without posting from me
back on Wednesday I dropped my iPad and smashed the screen
so had to get it replaced (wasn’t as expensive as I expected)

hospital appointment went reasonably well (ankle)
they agreed I need to build up strength in my ankle, and wear the support boot less,
he’s referring me for some physio which should help, they didn’t want to x-ray it as they said in the last x-ray the joint was healing ok.

I've quite a few pages of posts to catch up with later
TC & have a good weekend
Morning all and 7.2 for me.

Phone upgraded to android 12 yesterday and Libre still working.

Venues are starting to advertise our USA dates but are using photo of previous line up, presumably supplied by our agent. Grrrrr. Emails to send.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all.6.0 for me this morning.From late yesterday afternoon till midnight it was 12 to 13 correction doses just weren't cutting it Hadn't eaten anything out the norm Tested a few times during the night in between 5.6 and 5.9 .Sorted . Have a good day folks
Morning all on this overcast day.. though it was lovely blue sky when I woke up earlier. For once Met Office and google weather agree... it's going to rain this afternoon, but one says at 1pm and the other 3pm. Go figure.

4.9 or 3.7 this morning, take your pick! Phone said 4.9 and simultaneously the reader was alarming and saying 3.7. I ate half a stem ginger cookie. Whilst we were away I was trying to start up the new sensor with the phone and it just wouldn't recognise there was a sensor there. So I started it with the reader as I always have it with me because I use it as a BG meter, ergo I have alarms on the reader for this sensor, though the phone then recognised it so I get readings on that too. Has anyone noticed that these little tantrums always happen when you are sitting in front of a plate of food that you want to bolus for before it goes cold?

Meeting friends in town this afternoon. Looking forward to hearing all about their holiday touring Granada, Seville, Jerez etc. and comparing their experiences to ours.

@rebrascora, hope you are feeling better my lovely and good luck at Beamish.

@TinaD glad to hear no concreting today. Is it finished now? I get worn out just reading of your activities.

@Gwynn, congratulations on another HS... and what a gorgeous house you got.

@ColinUK Happy Rosh Hashana, the foods sound lovely, though not sure about the fish head

@eggyg had to laugh at the knicker shop scenario.... although M&S could be said to be a knicker shop, so Zara was right.

Have a super Saturday all...
Morning all on this overcast day.. though it was lovely blue sky when I woke up earlier. For once Met Office and google weather agree... it's going to rain this afternoon, but one says at 1pm and the other 3pm. Go figure.

4.9 or 3.7 this morning, take your pick! Phone said 4.9 and simultaneously the reader was alarming and saying 3.7. I ate half a stem ginger cookie. Whilst we were away I was trying to start up the new sensor with the phone and it just wouldn't recognise there was a sensor there. So I started it with the reader as I always have it with me because I use it as a BG meter, ergo I have alarms on the reader for this sensor, though the phone then recognised it so I get readings on that too. Has anyone noticed that these little tantrums always happen when you are sitting in front of a plate of food that you want to bolus for before it goes cold?

Meeting friends in town this afternoon. Looking forward to hearing all about their holiday touring Granada, Seville, Jerez etc. and comparing their experiences to ours.

@rebrascora, hope you are feeling better my lovely and good luck at Beamish.

@TinaD glad to hear no concreting today. Is it finished now? I get worn out just reading of your activities.

@Gwynn, congratulations on another HS... and what a gorgeous house you got.

@ColinUK Happy Rosh Hashana, the foods sound lovely, though not sure about the fish head

@eggyg had to laugh at the knicker shop scenario.... although M&S could be said to be a knicker shop, so Zara was right.

Have a super Saturday all...
Ah that’s Sephardic practices rather than Ashkenazi.
Sephardic is from when Jews left the Middle East and North Africa and settled in Spain and Portugal so there’s lots of North African influences on food.
When the crusades took on the Moors and won the crusaders turned their wrath on the Jews who fled east where they’d heard they’d be welcomed. Once they were east of the Elba I think, they’re called Ashkenazi as it’s a mix of Hellenistic words to describe “Germanic” and something else I can’t recall.
Anyway they brought the rule book with them from Galicia and a rabbi in krakow set about adapting the contents to better suit life in an Eastern European, colder, climate.
Food choices changed, festival rules changed because it wouldn’t have been practical to abide by the old rules.
However the old ones used in Galicia were seen as immutable because they’re the word of God. They can’t be changed. So what the rabbi did was write a book called “Table Cloth” and said the table was the word of God but the cloth laid on top was what was necessary to make it usable. Sort of.
However the old ones used in Galicia were seen as immutable because they’re the word of God. They can’t be changed. So what the rabbi did was write a book called “Table Cloth” and said the table was the word of God but the cloth laid on top was what was necessary to make it usable. Sort of.
A bit like the church hundreds of years ago being rather flexible about what counted as 'fish' for Fridays!
And much earlier this morning it was a 5.6 for me.

Results of the recent eye test showed there's nothing wrong with my eyes thankfully.

Have a good rest of the day and stay safe.
A bit like the church hundreds of years ago being rather flexible about what counted as 'fish' for Fridays!
Well you can also think on the differentiation that Kashrut (the rules on what's Kosher or not) makes about milk or meat foods. Eggs are deemed as milk and not meat. Fish is milk and not meat. Arguably it's this which became the Christian church practice of fish on Fridays.
4.6 this morning for me.

Great day off work yesterday, we went to Ogmore by Sea on the Glamorgan coast with some friends and had beautiful weather, even had a nice paddle in the sea! Didn’t get to our favourite Dunraven Bay, so that will have to be another visit. Drink at the Watermill pub on the way back to round off a perfect day.

Today we booked our Australian holiday for next March/April. So we now both definitely have to retire :rofl:

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS.

@ColinUK - happy honey day, sorry, Rosh Hashona!

Hope everyone is having a good day and enjoying their weekend!
Sorry for the OT, but this piqued my interest. Is that the Galicia in the North West of the Iberian peninsula?
I think it was a larger part of the Iberian peninsular than just that bit when the Jews left.
Strangely it's also the name for a region which now straddles Poland and Ukraine. It's called Galicia. And it's one of the places first settled by the Jews from the Iberian peninsular but I think the name predates their arrival.
Morning all on this overcast day.. though it was lovely blue sky when I woke up earlier. For once Met Office and google weather agree... it's going to rain this afternoon, but one says at 1pm and the other 3pm. Go figure.

4.9 or 3.7 this morning, take your pick! Phone said 4.9 and simultaneously the reader was alarming and saying 3.7. I ate half a stem ginger cookie. Whilst we were away I was trying to start up the new sensor with the phone and it just wouldn't recognise there was a sensor there. So I started it with the reader as I always have it with me because I use it as a BG meter, ergo I have alarms on the reader for this sensor, though the phone then recognised it so I get readings on that too. Has anyone noticed that these little tantrums always happen when you are sitting in front of a plate of food that you want to bolus for before it goes cold?

Meeting friends in town this afternoon. Looking forward to hearing all about their holiday touring Granada, Seville, Jerez etc. and comparing their experiences to ours.

@rebrascora, hope you are feeling better my lovely and good luck at Beamish.

@TinaD glad to hear no concreting today. Is it finished now? I get worn out just reading of your activities.

@Gwynn, congratulations on another HS... and what a gorgeous house you got.

@ColinUK Happy Rosh Hashana, the foods sound lovely, though not sure about the fish head

@eggyg had to laugh at the knicker shop scenario.... although M&S could be said to be a knicker shop, so Zara was right.

Have a super Saturday all...
Alas the concreting is an on going sort of job - 3 sq metres at 150mm depth and associated brick work and manho;e cover fitting - done. 6sq metres at 100mm, 4 sqmetres at 150mm, and 30m of wall strip foundtions etc 400mm by 100mm await...Cannot get anyone to do it so I'll just plod on at it. Spent today lying down and reading to let everything have a rest - sadly the cooker decided to join me as did the assocaited circuits on the same RCD so now cooking dinner on the wood burner until electrician can come out on Monday. Maybe I should never take a dayoff...