Group 7-day waking average?

12.2 for me this morning and not feeling great still but better than Wednesday night so I will take that. My PB TIR attempt is blown out of the water now as I was high all night, so probably a spell of looser management for a few weeks now. Thanks so much for all the good wishes guys. Love how caring and supportive you all are! X
Got 2 days at Beamish Museum this weekend competing in an Attelage de Tradition event, so I need to get myself pepped up a bit more for that somehow. At least it is pretty much on the doorstep, so no significant travelling or silly start times. Just hope we are not drawn first this time as that was a bit daunting last year as it was our first time at this sort of event and we had no idea what we were supposed to do and no one to watch to get an idea. 🙄

As regards dentists, I am on DPAS (was Denplan) I pay about £17 a month and get 2 check ups and 2 hygienists appointments which is really all I need as she sometimes says my dental hygiene is great and just keep doing what I am doing. It cost me over £600 recently though for a replacement crown and a filling as work isn't covered on my DPAS contract.

Congrats to @MikeyBikey and @Martin.A on your House Special achievements today. Sorry to see you had so much time in the red overnight though Mikey. Do you not set your low alarm or did you sleep through it?
Blood results are in and

HbA1c 38 yesss last one was 37 and not sure about error range but I did relaxed my diet so this rssult is excellent. It's a lot better than my starting point 3 years ago of 150 !!!

However cholesterol is 6.8 and I am told it is bad but the 'experts' have contrasting views about cholesterol. Does anyone here have a good understanding? I have other bits of the cholesterol test if that helps

Triglicerides 2.0
HDL 1.21
LDL 4.67
Ratio 5.6

Non HDL level 5.59
Morning all.5.5 for me this morning.Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
And it's a 5.5 for me as well this beautiful morning.
Blood results are in and

HbA1c 38 yesss last one was 37 and not sure about error range but I did relaxed my diet so this rssult is excellent. It's a lot better than my starting point 3 years ago of 150 !!!
Well done on that HbA1c result. Keep doing what you're doing. I have my next test booked for 6/10. My last three have been 38, 41, 40 so I'd settle for another result in that range, although it would be good to see a drop, however slight.
It's another bright and sunny Berkshire morning with blue skies all around and no rain in the forecast, although that's due to change over the weekend. Taking advantage by getting the washing done and out on the line a day earlier than usual.

Interesting to see the comments about dentists. I had the same dentist for years when I lived in Bedford but one day was told they were joining Denplan and that I had a choice of signing up or finding another NHS dentist. I signed up. When we moved down here I registered with a local Denplan practice, although it's now DPAS. For £38 a month I get 2 check-ups a year, 4 hygienist appointments a year and all my treatment covered other than any lab fees. Also, on the couple of occasions that I've needed an emergency appointment, I've got one no later than next day. With all the things you hear about NHS dentistry at the moment I consider myself fortunate to be able to afford to stay with them.

Friday is Big Shop Day so a trip to Sainsbury's shortly, followed by a run out to the greengrocer at our local garden centre. My wife is WFH today and wants to nip into town during her lunch break, so I'll tag along and we can maybe grab a coffee and a bite to eat. Lunch in town two days in a row? Steady on, Martin.

Oh - and I got a text from the Surgery telling me to book my next HbA1c. Have made an appointment for 6th October.

@rebrascora hope you're back to normal after what sounds like a pretty scary episode

@MikeyBikey - congratulations on your HS! I'm joining you......!!

Have a good day everyone.
Congratulations Martin.A.
However cholesterol is 6.8 and I am told it is bad but the 'experts' have contrasting views about cholesterol. Does anyone here have a good understanding? I have other bits of the cholesterol test if that helps

Triglicerides 2.0
HDL 1.21
LDL 4.67
Ratio 5.6

Non HDL level 5.59
There's lots of information about cholesterol online. I always tend to look things up on the NHS site first (it includes a link to the cholesterol charity Heart UK). Your results look a bit of a mixture to me but you should really discuss them with your GP or DN if you want to understand what they mean for your general health.
I'm very late today and can't remember what the morning reading was, it was so long ago. Its been a long week, so glad its Friday. Almost every night this week i've come home and slept for an hour plus!

Congrats to @MikeyBikey and @Martin.A on your HS.
@eggyg the cost of dentists are ridiculous! I'm with an NHS dentist atm and the old one was lovely. The practise has been taken over, its still NHS but my dentist isn't so nice. I'd move but i don't think i'd get in anywhere else and i couldn't afford to pay more.
@rebrascora i hope everything goes well at Beamish tomorrow and you continue to feel better.

Enjoy your evening everyone.
I'm very late today and can't remember what the morning reading was, it was so long ago. Its been a long week, so glad its Friday. Almost every night this week i've come home and slept for an hour plus!

Congrats to @MikeyBikey and @Martin.A on your HS.
@eggyg the cost of dentists are ridiculous! I'm with an NHS dentist atm and the old one was lovely. The practise has been taken over, its still NHS but my dentist isn't so nice. I'd move but i don't think i'd get in anywhere else and i couldn't afford to pay more.
@rebrascora i hope everything goes well at Beamish tomorrow and you continue to feel better.

Enjoy your evening everyone.
Hope you have a relaxing weekend and manage to recharge your batteries a bit. X
12.7 this morning and feeling really rough and very anxious. I have injected a whopping 13 units of Fiasp to deal with the high, breakfast and Foot On The Floor but it is going to take an age to bring me down and just hope that I don't start to feel really ill in the meantime. Really don't want to let Ian down today, but it is going to be hard work as the weather is wet and horrid. Feeling very stressed and anxious. Hope everyone has a good day.
Seems it’s a day for high readings all round. I clocked a 9.9 this morning.
Atrocious sleep last night.
It’s Rosh Hashona (Jewish New Year) so I’m off to the folks. They’ll go to shul but I’ll be making sure the house stays put and joining in a creative writing session from Survivors.
Food for this festival is traditionally heavy on honey and includes bread dipped in honey, apple dipped in honey, apple cake dipped in honey, honey cake.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.2 yesssss!!!!!
Temp 36.4
Pulse 53
Oxy 96
BP 120/73

@ColinUK as winter seems to be drawing nearer and nearer and the temperatures are plumeting I really do need one of your houses 🙂

I didn't expect my blood work result to be on the patient portal yet so I hadn't looked. Yesterday I decided to look anyway and there they were

The last 3 years HbA1c readings were...
150 at diagnosis (type 1 given insulin meds but no instruction). Weight was 90.4 kg
43 after I took myself off all diabetic meds a few weeks later (under supervision of sorts). Rediagnosed as type 2
weight had dropped to 55Kg. Upped my diet and ate less restricted to regain some weight
latest result yesterday

I really am unsure if I am diabetic at all and will discuss that with the nurse at my review on Tuesday. However the extra health checks have proved invaluable so maybe I won't discuss it. I certainly was diabetc at the start.

Yesterday I was tired all day after the ridiculous exertions the day before. Feeling somewhat less tired today after a good nights sleep. My wife was knackered too and didn't get up till just short of midday, 8 hours after me!!!

Today definately some exercise, possibly go to the church this evening to set up their sound system for tomorrow.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Morning all, 6.7 here. Reduced my basal last night after a day of hypos, BGs seemed to plummet every time I exerted myself. Mind you, in the afternoon I was cutting the tall yew hedge, and wielding the hedge trimmer and the long handled loppers above head height is one thing that always drops me faster than any other form of exercise.
@Gwynn how’s this? I think it’s cute. Just the 4 beds but does come with underground parking for 2 cars, pool, garden, staff flat and the cachet of being able to peek into Buckingham Palace garden from the top floor of you stand on tiptoes.

Morning all. Going with the high numbers today, 7.2. We ate really late, ( for us), last night, it was almost 8.30 and it was rice! I had no chance of a low score on the door.

Looking forward to a doing nothing day today after two full days of childcare. Don’t get me wrong, Zara is a good girl, very pleasant, great fun and very, very funny, but it’s as any other two year old, she is on the go all day. Doesn’t rest so we can’t rest.
It rained all day yesterday and was cooler than of late too, so we popped to a nearby town and went to soft play and had lunch which we all enjoyed. I had something to pick up from a specialist lingerie shop there, just a pair of briefs to go with a bra I bought last week. Zara asked where we were going and Mr Eggy said we were going to the “Knicker Shop”, she went on and on about it. We parked in M&S food hall carpark and took a short cut through the shop. Zara decided to ask in her loudest voice “ is this the knicker shop?” and not just once, all the way through, and all along the street until we got there! Toddlers eh? :rofl: It was with a hugh sigh of relief when mummy and daddy picked her up last night, they’d had a great time and it will no doubt be the last time they go away on their own, or with Zara, before the new baby arrives in February so I’m glad they enjoyed it. But we’re absolutely done in!

Congratulations @Gwynn.
Have a super Saturday everyone and don’t forget it’s Strictly tonight. I’m very excited. :D