Group 7-day waking average?

A 5.4 for me today. 🙂
Have a good day everyone.

08:30 BS 4.4 a bit of a o_O & after getting back in bed again, little girl’s room, 08:35 BS 5.2! Tah Dah!😛:rofl:😉 REALLY! So, I’m just about ok!🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I was feeling a little peckish well after midnight last night & BS was wavering in the 11’s & 10’s so, had some tea & toast & put in, I dithered for a bit about the dose, 38 NR! Almost overdid it: don’t like waking in the 4’s but, getting up, for trip to loo, I’m rising as I also, did in the traced in graph about an hour before I woke with a little bump in the graph! So, maybe 36 or even 34, 32 would have been better? :confused:

I have just decided not to continue to pay for a TV licence that I’ve hardly used to watch terrestrial tv for quite some time now even though Strictly is coming up soon as I always buy it on iTunes, for multiple viewings whenever I feel like it, anyway so, it only means a wee delay of about a week for the episodes to come up on iTunes! It does mean I don’t get to vote, or at least I’ll be doing it blind but, I can live with that! And the only other programme I also love to watch, Death In Paradise, I also always buy as well: both really cheer me up when I want or need it! 😛:D

I’ve hardly watched any tv this whole spring/summer as I mostly watch cdramas online! 😛😎:D
So after my breakfast I have taken the increased dosage (back to normal) hydrocortisone snd I no longer feel nauseous or overfly fatigued. Such a rapid response, assuming it's not a placaebo effect.

And it's stopped raining so my long walk is back on

Morning all 10 .8 for me this morning Was in the 12s when I got into bed took a couple of units .Had a good sleep never woke up all night So never checked my phone .in the 10 range all night Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
5.6 on this bright and sunny Berkshire morning and quite warm in the sun when I went to get a newspaper. Could have done with that yesterday when I walked into town for my flu jab. I was halfway there when I began to wish I'd put on an extra layer. Fortunately I was able to get the bus back, the one that stops at the bottom of our road.

Thursday is one of my swim days and as our eldest is WFH today I have a car available, so I can park up in town and maybe have lunch there if I have enough free street parking time left (there's a 2-hour zone if there's room, otherwise it's Waitrose). Have to be be careful not to overstay absolutely anywhere here since the Council brought back traffic wardens. Already had one ticket.

Congratulations @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS yesterday!

@Gwynn - pleased you're feeling better and that your weather's perked up. Enjoy your walk.

No rain forecast for down here in the sunny South. Not the case up North though, I believe. Have a good day, your weather permitting.
Good morning! 5'5 this morning at 5:20, after 3'5 hours of sleep. Chaotic dinner shift followed by a chaotic breakfast shift today, and I expect tonight's dinner to be chaotic as well. I have to go back to work so won't bother you with a longer rant, is enough to say we are severely understaffed and I'm not pleased with it!
Morning all - heavily overcast here today.

4.2 this morning after a gentle drift down from the 7.8 I went to bed on at 0:18. 96% TIR.

Got a message to have more blood taken from the GP surgery. I asked why and it's an Hba1c as my last one 6 months ago had gone up to 51. I think it'll be even higher this time as Libre is predicting 54mmol. However not too worried as TIR is running at 86% with no numbers under 3.9 for 30 days and only 1% of readings under for 90 days. The hospital D team seem to go on that more than Hba1c these days as far as control is concerned.

Nothing much on today except a catch up video call with an old friend at 4pm. Meantime I better get on with the PPG minutes.

Glad to hear the concreting went well @TinaD - wish you more luck to get it finished soon.

Big Hugs to @Elenka_HM you don't deserve to work like that. Management need to get their act together! But you know that.

Hope you all have a lovely day.
Morning all.
It was another 5.1 for me at 9.15 this fine but overcast morning.
Have a good day everyone.
5.8 for me this morning which I am delighted and very relieved at as it followed quite a traumatic evening.

Had a lovely day at the Westmorland Show. What an amazing show and so well organized!. We won our class and got Reserve Driving Champion and Zak was a star.... and Ian did really well too! 🙄 We were away from home from 6am to 6.30pm and it was pretty full on, especially after about 4 hours sleep including 2 hypos. I started to get a bit of a headache just before we got back to the farm after a 2.5 hour journey, got Zak put out and carriage unloaded and it was getting worse fast. Got in the door at home 10 mins later and had to rush for the loo as migraines always cause me an upset stomach. Got paracetamols into me pronto as they have been the best medication for me, but by half an hour later, I was lying on the shower room floor not knowing which end wanted to be on the loo the most, in absolute agony with full on fevers and hypo (3.4) but so nauseous that I couldn't even sip water let alone eat a JB. Put one in my mouth and tried to chew whilst deep breathing to help with the nausea and let it absorb through my mouth. Tried to ring Ian but he was in a meeting and phone on silent. Got through to my sister who was thankfully not the usual 30 miles away and she came hot footing it to support me. Poor soul, it must have been scary for her to witness it and at one stage I really thought she might need to get me to hospital but eventually the paracetamol took the edge off it enough for me to chew and eat another JB and keep it down and my levels started to come up and then gradually felt well enough to get back into bed. I left a message for Ian to check on me later and my sis headed off to sort my GGs for me for the night. Started to feel ill again and levels dropped at 11pm but managed another JB and 2 more paracetamol and skipped my evening Levemir, so that there was less risk of me dropping again. I got through to 5am when my levels hit 9.2 due to no Levemir, so I jabbed 3.5 units of Fiasp and went back to sleep and that was a triumph of half asleep, brilliantly estimated guess work (and pure luck of course 🙄) but I am taking all the credit 😎 for it and waking up on 5.8.
I really don't miss those severe migraines. Not having them has been the main and unexpected benefit of going low carb since diagnosis. My diet has been slipping a little too much lately though and a full long day out in the sun may well have been the final trigger although I kept hydrated and fed this time. Trying to juggle insulin dependent diabetes on top of a really bad vomit inducing migraine is just plain scary! Not impressed that my trusty liver, which happily chugs out glucose by the pintload when I don't want it too, failed to help me when I needed it most last night. :(

Happy to report I am much, much better this morning though and I am still on track for my 7 day TIR PB attempt. Currently 98% and 2% below, so just need to reduce that below %. This Libre is due to end on Sunday so I hope to achieve it before then as a new sensor might just sabotage things!
5.8 for me this morning which I am delighted and very relieved at as it followed quite a traumatic evening.

Had a lovely day at the Westmorland Show. What an amazing show and so well organized!. We won our class and got Reserve Driving Champion and Zak was a star.... and Ian did really well too! 🙄 We were away from home from 6am to 6.30pm and it was pretty full on, especially after about 4 hours sleep including 2 hypos. I started to get a bit of a headache just before we got back to the farm after a 2.5 hour journey, got Zak put out and carriage unloaded and it was getting worse fast. Got in the door at home 10 mins later and had to rush for the loo as migraines always cause me an upset stomach. Got paracetamols into me pronto as they have been the best medication for me, but by half an hour later, I was lying on the shower room floor not knowing which end wanted to be on the loo the most, in absolute agony with full on fevers and hypo (3.4) but so nauseous that I couldn't even sip water let alone eat a JB. Put one in my mouth and tried to chew whilst deep breathing to help with the nausea and let it absorb through my mouth. Tried to ring Ian but he was in a meeting and phone on silent. Got through to my sister who was thankfully not the usual 30 miles away and she came hot footing it to support me. Poor soul, it must have been scary for her to witness it and at one stage I really thought she might need to get me to hospital but eventually the paracetamol took the edge off it enough for me to chew and eat another JB and keep it down and my levels started to come up and then gradually felt well enough to get back into bed. I left a message for Ian to check on me later and my sis headed off to sort my GGs for me for the night. Started to feel ill again and levels dropped at 11pm but managed another JB and 2 more paracetamol and skipped my evening Levemir, so that there was less risk of me dropping again. I got through to 5am when my levels hit 9.2 due to no Levemir, so I jabbed 3.5 units of Fiasp and went back to sleep and that was a triumph of half asleep, brilliantly estimated guess work (and pure luck of course 🙄) but I am taking all the credit 😎 for it and waking up on 5.8.
I really don't miss those severe migraines. Not having them has been the main and unexpected benefit of going low carb since diagnosis. My diet has been slipping a little too much lately though and a full long day out in the sun may well have been the final trigger although I kept hydrated and fed this time. Trying to juggle insulin dependent diabetes on top of a really bad vomit inducing migraine is just plain scary! Not impressed that my trusty liver, which happily chugs out glucose by the pintload when I don't want it too, failed to help me when I needed it most last night. :(

Happy to report I am much, much better this morning though and I am still on track for my 7 day TIR PB attempt. Currently 98% and 2% below, so just need to reduce that below %. This Libre is due to end on Sunday so I hope to achieve it before then as a new sensor might just sabotage things!
That sounds very scary Barbara. Thankfully your sister was able to get to you pronto. Bad hypos give me terrible headaches and it’s well documented I can’t eat when I’m like that. It’s an awful feeling. Sometimes there’s no rhyme nor reason for it. Glad you’re feeling better today.
That sounds very scary Barbara. Thankfully your sister was able to get to you pronto. Bad hypos give me terrible headaches and it’s well documented I can’t eat when I’m like that. It’s an awful feeling. Sometimes there’s no rhyme nor reason for it. Glad you’re feeling better today.
I did wonder if I should consider asking for a glucagon emergency kit but some people say it makes them sick and/or gives them a headache and to be honest, I would rather go unconscious from a hypo than risk making a migraine like that any worse. It really was on the very edge of my pain tolerance, so that actually, the thought of losing consciousness or even dying doesn't seem as bad as the possibly of making myself feel even worse with a glucagon injection. I guess I am just a bit of a wuss! 🙄
That sounds very scary Barbara. Thankfully your sister was able to get to you pronto. Bad hypos give me terrible headaches and it’s well documented I can’t eat when I’m like that. It’s an awful feeling. Sometimes there’s no rhyme nor reason for it. Glad you’re feeling better today.
I really feel for you Elaine if hypos make you feel like that! No wonder you are so averse to them.
To me hypos are an almost daily, minor inconvenience, but not being able to treat one when you need to, is something else entirely!