Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 7.1, which is understandable as I realised when I got up I hadn’t had any basal before bed! Looked at my pen end and sure enough it stated it was 23 hours since I last used it! What a numpty! But on the bright side I got my third unicorn on the trot! Pun intended. :rofl:

Anyhoo, it’s under 5c this morning which surprised me as I’ve been sweating all night and very restless, hence the early hour. Or it could be I’m excited about my new freezer arriving between 10-12 today. Perhaps a mix of both.

Have a good day folks. 🙂


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Good morning - 7.7 (again!) at 6:00

Have a great day everyone
Morning all. 6.6.

Have we had a summer holiday? I can't remember it. I'm so tired, since being back at work i've come home every single night and slept for an hour or so. This is only our second week back as well. Who knows how i'll be by the time Christmas comes!! I'm struggling to keep up the pace but can't afford to retire. Sorry for the early morning moan.

A day without rain is forecast so i need to get the washing on the line. Have a good day everyone.

Off for the follow up ear wax hoovering this morning. Followed by a long zoom call with an organisation that basically provides emotional support for those survivors going through the criminal justice system.

I intend to go to the gym at some point today as well.
Morning all. 7.1, which is understandable as I realised when I got up I hadn’t had any basal before bed! Looked at my pen end and sure enough it stated it was 23 hours since I last used it! What a numpty! But on the bright side I got my third unicorn on the trot! Pun intended. :rofl:

Anyhoo, it’s under 5c this morning which surprised me as I’ve been sweating all night and very restless, hence the early hour. Or it could be I’m excited about my new freezer arriving between 10-12 today. Perhaps a mix of both.

Have a good day folks. 🙂
you too. Have fun filling up the freezer.
Bit grey out there at the moment but forecast is good. Was up earlier than usual as we're on the flightpath again this morning and once I've been woken up by a particularly noisy jet I rarely manage to doze off again. Got a 5.4 when I tested so still where I like to be of a morning.

Flu jab at Boots this morning but no cars available and no convenient bus from the bottom of the road, so I'll walk. It's only a couple of miles.

Got my puncture fixed yesterday morning, although when I got to the tyre place they had no power and asked me to come back in an hour, so I parked up and walked into town and had a coffee at our favourite cafe to kill time. While they were doing the repair I had a browse around the used car place next door and noticed that one or two of the cars were labelled 'One Lady Owner'. Why is that considered to be a positive when advertising a used car? Gender neutral clearly hasn't filtered down to the used car industry.

Whatever your plans have a good day.
While they were doing the repair I had a browse around the used car place next door and noticed that one or two of the cars were labelled 'One Lady Owner'. Why is that considered to be a positive when advertising a used car? Gender neutral clearly hasn't filtered down to the used car industry.
Goodness, I didn’t realise they still did that! When I sold my first car, I was in my early twenties, and I'd thrashed it dashing up the M4 to London, and then sitting in traffic jams, had needed the clutch and the exhaust replaced, and a huge dent knocked out when someone ran into the back of me. I was amused later to see it for sale in the local garage with the label 'one lady owner' with all the visions that conjures up of a nice gentle driver who took it to church once a week.
Good morning! All the sevens today at 7.7. It rose to 9.1 after a late supper but dropped and hoovered around 8 overnight.

Got to vampires with assistance from friend yesterday. Definitely not wheelchair friendly just wheelchair accessible. Then tried to buy Viscotears, or equivalent in two pharmacies with no joy. This stock shortage is worrying as two recent prescriptions have taken days longer to fulfill than usual. A friend has been waiting a week for Lanprazole.

Grey and not just my hair! :rofl:

Goodness, I didn’t realise they still did that! When I sold my first car, I was in my early twenties, and I'd thrashed it dashing up the M4 to London, and then sitting in traffic jams, had needed the clutch and the exhaust replaced, and a huge dent knocked out when someone ran into the back of me. I was amused later to see it for sale in the local garage with the label 'one lady owner' with all the visions that conjures up of a nice gentle driver who took it to church once a week.
Want to hear something worse? When we were looking at new cars last year we were in a showroom and noticed that the cover of the brochure for the one we were interested in had an attractive blonde model sitting on the bonnet. I asked the salesman if she came with it and he winked and said 'afraid not', to which I immediately replied 'what I mean is, I didn't think you advertised cars that way anymore'. About time some people caught up with the times, I think.
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6.1 knackered after first full day back at work yesterday (off sick Monday and 2 weeks of holiday before that) so running late today. Had some bizarre nightmares last night giving restless sleep too
Morning all. Just letting you know I'm still breathing as my old Mother used to say. 🙂 Tried to get some blood out this morning but no dice so no worries. Have a good day all. The housing association is doing all our kitchens, so it's pandemonium here, the parrot's none too pleased. 🙂
Morning all and it was a 7.7 for me although this current sensor is reading a little on the high side.

I can report that the spring inside a libre applicator is a pretty good replacement for the one in a Gretsch kick drum leg. I'll keep a few for spares as they do tend to make a leap for freedom if you unscrew the leg too much.

Washing to go out, fatball feeders to replenish and windscreen wipers to change. Not forgetting listings magazines to email.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. Quite a lovely day today, despite scattered clouds. Currently got all the windows closed as the window cleaner is here and it's rendered the house quite hot and humid.

7.8 this morning is a tad high, but better than the 11.4 I went to bed on after a latish dinner of leftover chicken tarragon casserole with baby new pots, broccoli and green beans.

Today I have to type up the PPG minutes if I can make any sense of them. Three people resigned including the chairman which leaves only 5 people on the group. One of whom, who has only attended one meeting 9 months ago has decided to be a "new broom" and perkily suggested that we ought to offer to do something to "help" the practice instead of being negative (giving feedback). We have been asking what we can do to help for the last 11 years and have received no answer nor enthusiasm for us to do anything coming from the practice. To be fair there isn't much we can do due to confidentiality issues. Basically having a PPG is a tick box exercise. I think after 11 years I may just resign too, since my only contribution has been to take the minutes to relieve the surgery admin staff of the chore. Perhaps the new broom will take over the minutes!

Also going for a knee Xray this afternoon - as is always the way, during the 6 weeks I've waited for the Xray my knee has improved somewhat!

@eggyg enjoy your new freezer!

@TinaD good luck with the concreting.

@MeeTooTeeTo congrats on another HS.

Have a good day all.