Group 7-day waking average?

6.0 this morning. Heading onto the office soon (first time in a month) and have a phone call to enroll in some liver research my GP are supporting later on
A 5.4 for on this distinctly milder morning. 🙂

5.3 this morning, same as yesterday, so missed an HS by a whisker yet again.

Ended up not doing any of the planned decorating yesterday as it turned out to be such a nice day that I decided it would be better spent cutting the grass (for the last time until Spring?) and doing some general end-of-summer work in the garden. My wife and our eldest are in the office today so a better day for decorating anyway. However, my car flashed up a tyre pressure warning this morning and after a quick inspection I've found a nail in one of the tyres, so that needs fixing first. Then it's swim day. Oh well, might be able to start on the kitchen ceiling after lunch then.

Have a good day.
5.9 for me but it did involve a 1.5unit correction 2 hours earlier to keep me in range. I am still working towards a new 7 day PB TIR so putting in a bit of extra effort at the moment. Had another unicorn yesterday. This good spell can't last for much longer, so I'm making the most of it.
Good morning - although not so good on current evidence. BG 6.1, which is OK ish, but frustration/amder/fury 100% but declining I hope.
Turned on pc to discover overnight it had gone back to speaking Ukrainian - a screenful of cyrillic script. Refused my PIN and obviousy wanted something else - but no idea what....I assume microsoft had done an update and and screwed up the whole system. Everntually saw something which might have been "enter microsoft password" despite looking like Putin speak - no idea what that was - but with the help of Kindle managed to change it to something very rude...So instead of concrete this morning I shall be trying to work out how to delete the Uks as users all the while in terror that the pc will go back to speaking Ukrainian...

Yesterday was not a good one despite the reduction in air temperature. I was very wobbly, my feet were frozen, my heart was pounding its syncopated rhythm, and the top end of me was sweating if I moved about. Went to bed with book, hot pad on feet, and managed to get them warmish after about 4 hours. Suspect heart just wasn't pushing the blood round very well so feet were left out of the heating circuit. Anyway got nothing useful done. Was hopeful of today but pc plus rain make it look unlikely. Moan over - sorry.

Hope everyone doing OK.
After getting up properly I find the sun has finally come out this morning, pretty grey & cool earlier, & I’m a pretty happy bunny! 🙂 A full smile this time! As looking up my stats on the the libre every stat & graph has improved, again, going back up to 76 tresiba so, that’s where I’m staying!:D My graphs looked pretty terrible for the two weeks I tried 74!😱:(

My only SLIGHT niggle is my overnight BS in the 9’s but, it is pretty flat & hopefully start coming down a wee bit so, I don’t start the day quite so high? That maybe being a bit greedy? 🙄
Morning all - sunny so far, a few black clouds lurking, but hubby hopes to get the lawn mowed.

6.9 this morning after chicken and tarragon casserole last night. It did have new potatoes in it but usually I can cope with a few new pots in their skins.

Got all the holiday clothes washed yesterday, bedding and towels to do today. Then at 5:30 I have a PPG meeting. This new chairman is hopeless, so far he's not even sent an agenda.

Got my B12 injection yesterday so am hoping to feel a bit more lively soon.... and start walking better instead of doing an uncoordinated stagger. I'd be no good on Strictly!

No HS so far today?

Have a lovely day all.
Morning all and it's another 5.4 for me today that makes four out of the last five days.

Have a good rest of the day and stay safe...
Been a bit quiet since getting back from Poland. But I’m ok. A bit of post holiday blues and generally sorting stuff out around the misplaced and cancelled bank card and credit card.
It’s amazing how many things need updating when there’s a change of card.
Also been right back in the middle of legal/police things with lawyers meetings and therapy. It’s like I’ve not even been away tbh.

I’m tempted to go back to Kraków in the run up to Christmas but not sure if it’s wise. I’ll sleep on it for a bit.
Well, where has the day gone? 4.5 for me this morning, pleased with that, even though an HS would have been nice, being slightly lower helps to tame my breakfast spike!

Very dull and rainy here all day, like it being a bit cooler, but sad the summer has gone.

Hope everyone had a good day!
generally sorting stuff out around the misplaced and cancelled bank card and credit card.
It’s amazing how many things need updating when there’s a change of card.
Yep. Due to an incident with car parking payments we had to cancel my Barclaycard whilst on holiday and subsequently with the very same scammers and car parking payment our Nationwide cards. It's a real pain.
Yep. Due to an incident with car parking payments we had to cancel my Barclaycard whilst on holiday and subsequently with the very same scammers and car parking payment our Nationwide cards. It's a real pain.
Mine was fine really. I thought I’d thrown the little magnetic wallet thing away in the hotel room. I closed off both physical cards and left them both live on my phone. Requested new cards and the first arrived today so switched over all the things I’d already switched from using the previous bank card for authorisation to an unused credit card.
It’s a relief knowing that I’d lost them in the car and that the driver found them. They were going to post them or something. Far easier to cut them up and get replacements anyway I’d have thought.
Good morning everyone. Very early waking at 3am

BG 5.6 !!!
Temp 36.4
Pulse 59
Oxy 96
BP 115/74

Yesterday was a good day but I fasted up until tea time. Bloods at lunch time were easy (phew...roll on the Startrek tricorder). I ate way too much rubbish in the evening. Sigh.

Today rest, keyboard practice, exercise

Tomorrow a walk to the Lytham hospital and back (once I get my repaired shoes back)....hearing aid check

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
3.9 for me but 3JBs involved overnight and it was a short sleep as it was without treating two hypos. Clearly got it wrong despite a 1.5 Levemir reduction. Off to Westmoorland Show today. Not enjoying the early start and trying to work out if FOTF will kick in this early or not to know how much insulin to inject and too early for Levemir, so will need to remember to inject whilst en route. I guess my Levemir will not be going in my buttocks this morning! 🙄 Hope everyone has a good day!
Will try to read back catch up soon 5.9 day one after eating out. Very pleased .
Started off bad . a tablespoon of porridge made with water and added cream.
Lunch out was favourite take away Beetroot salad from Marks. Coffee at costa That was about two then about 4 pm we had another coffee at Starbucks. . He had McDonalds at 6 tea with apple pie so i had a burger and he ate my bun. iI did not like the coffee so did not drink that.
Then at nine we went for a curry. iI had butter chicken left as much sauce as i could and cauliflower bahji . washed down with red wine. coffee back in room . Slept well . 5.9 I am delighted with that.
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Good morning all.

Got serious about what I eat and produced a 5.6 this morning.

Which considering I've been hitting 14, 15 or even 17 is a huge improvement.

Have a good day.
Very well done