Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all 7 7 for me this morning.Early hours of Monday morning started coughing.Never got a wink of sleep all Monday night . plenty of paracetamol and Vic's vapour rup slept like a log last night Feeling great today apart from sore ribs . Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
Morning all.

And it's a happy 5,1 for me today and the sun is shining again, a very pleasant 17.8c at the moment.
Hey all. 6.5
Rough tummy yesterday. Been constipated most of the week and yesterday was the opposite - a day running to the loo with all the cramps and spasms going on. Buscopan is my new best sidekick.
Bolusing being a nightmare, hit or miss when the food decides to spike me before the insulin sinks me. Kinda bright side though, angry body = higher levels most of the time so a bigger safety net.
Will do smaller/lower carb meals to have smaller boluses for a few days.

Hope everyones having a decent day today.
Want to hear something worse? When we were looking at new cars last year we were in a showroom and noticed that the cover of the brochure for the one we were interested in had an attractive blonde model sitting on the bonnet. I asked the salesman if she came with it and he winked and said 'afraid not', to which I immediately replied 'what I mean is, I didn't think you advertised cars that way anymore'. About time some people caught up with the times, I think.
Amazing! Didn’t know the car industry was still stuck in the 80s (or earlier!)
Late again for me! 5.7 this morning, seems like my run of 4s ended, but not too bad.

Been very busy at work trying to sort an issue which has kept me occupied over the last couple of days, hopefully an end is in sight soon now I’ve made a breakthrough today!

Congratulations @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS today!

Hope everyone is ok.
Good morning everyone. Up at 4:30am. I really like getting up early. Yesterday I woke and got up at 3am.

BG 5.3
Temp 36.4
Oxy 96
Pulse 55
BP 118/74

I feel quite rough this morning. At my 'hydrocortisone emergency' training recently they suggested reducing the med. Seemed sensible. With a caveat if I started to feel unwell to increase the meds again. Well it looks like that is what I need to do. So after 13 years of being stable and feeling well on the original dose of meds they meddle on the off chance it might be ok. I guess it was logical to try because of the reputation of hydrocortisone. Sigh.

I was going to walk to Lytham today for another type of check but right now it seems to be raining so my walk may be 'off'. I hope it clears up.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Morning. A very surprising 4.9. I checked on my meter and it all checked out. What was even more surprising was when I went to bed the Libre said 14, after steadily rising after tea. I didn’t check that out I was too tired and meter wasn’t handy, it was only 9pm when I went to bed and thought it would sort itself out, which it did, looking at my graph I’d got down to about 4 at 3am. Could be the two hour walk we did yesterday afternoon.

Got a busy, busy day today. Dentist for both of us early this morning. Check ups and hygienist. My bank account is crying already. Then Mr Eggy has a haircut afterwards, and Zara is coming for a sleepover, she’s arriving after her swimming lesson which finishes at 12, and mummy and daddy are going to Liverpool for the night to a spa hotel. It’s all go.

Have a good day everyone. 🙂
Morning folks. 🙂 6.0 for me.

Back in the classroom next week, so lots of work to do today. Apparently, there was an important Zoom meeting for all staff where they talked about very important things - but I wasn’t invited for some reason...oh, great. o_O Picture lots of conversations starting with: “We went thru this at the important meeting...”.:confused:😉🙂
Good morning. 5.9

Plenty of rain overnight - and still at it.

Managed to get the complicated bit by the woodshed, including a water inspection chamber, and the path to the dog run concreted yesterday - 3 hours in the morning and 2 in the evening. Expected to feel a bit grim this morning but not too bad at all - the cool air really helps my breathing. Not planning on running a marathon but getting about OK with quite tolerable pain levels. Think the good luck @Pattidevans sent me worked! Thanks🙂

Off to optician today to get eyes tested for driving licence. Couldn't live out here without a car - 18 miles to Aldi and Tesco.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. No blood. I must be made of stone. Raining and cool here. Have a good day all. 🙂
Morning everyone! Back in the 4s today with a 4.9.

Not much planned for today other than work. Off tomorrow so trying to cram everything into today so as not to leave any loose ends.

Have a good day everyone!