Group 7-day waking average?

An early one for me. 6.1

Had some soup and bread went to bed exhausted at around 9pm. No fast acting (was around 6) and crashed out forgetting to set a high alarm to see if I needed to bolus. It only went up by +3 drifted back down itself.
Basal needs nudged down a smidge, I keep (slowly) drifting down all the time.
I would like to say I'm cured but I am assuming its mainly based on not eating much (no appetite at all and feeling nauseous) & not absorbing food normally so my pancreas is having a holiday and its refreshed and ready to work a bit harder.

Have a great day everyone!
Good morning - 6.0

Have a great day everyone
Good morning Friday folks. A very nice 5.5.

It’s absolutely pouring down which is great, NOT, as we had plans with Zara today which included going to an adventure playground. Daughter has left us her car while her and hubby are off in Liverpool. Yesterday was so full on, dentist, hair appointment, Zara, but I’m still reeling with shock at the price of the dentist. Last year for a check up, scale and polish plus an X-ray each ( as we hadn’t been since Covid) was £224. Yesterday cost us £308 without the X-rays! Mr Eggy paid and I didn’t notice, got to car and I asked him how much it was, I went back in thinking we’d been charged for someone’s gold filling! No, that’s the price now, cost of materials, blah blah blah, and hygienist appointment is now half an hour and cost £94! That’s twice as much as it was, I was very annoyed as nothing had been mentioned about a price rise. Also £60 for a check up. I’m sure before Covid it was £29! I asked daughter how much her dentist was and hers has reduced the price of a hygienist appointment to make it more affordable. It’s now “only” £77! It all cost more then my new freezer which I now can’t afford to fill up! Rant over. 😡

Hope you all have a fabulous Friday and it’s not raining too much where you are. I’m off to Google indoor play areas! 😉
4.3 this morning after a redline overnight which didn’t wake me (I admit, I’m naughty and don’t set the Libre alarms).

@MikeyBikey - congratulations on your HS!

@rebrascora - so sorry to read of your scary ordeal yesterday! I hope you’re better today.

@eggyg - frightening prices! We both use Denplan which covers 4 hygienist visits and 2 dentist checkups per year along with X-rays every 2 years and any work the dentist has to do, ( any lab work for crowns, etc. is paid for extra ). It costs me £32 per month, so still expensive at £384 per year, but helps spread the cost.

Off work today and going down to Brean with some friends for the day. Hoping to make the most of the last bits of summer!

Have a good day everyone!
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.4
Pulse 55
Temp 36.4
Oxy 96
BP 118/73

All good

Walk to Lytham hospital yesterday went well. My wife came along and was happy too. Fish and chips after my hearing aid appointment...really good. At the appointment they actually got the things to fit, stay in and feel comfortable. It made all the difference.

Had a second walk with my friend who is somewhat isolated and depressed. His wife abruptly left him 3 years ago. It completely shattered his heart and his life.

In total I walked for 4.5 hours and that was with my old standby shoes (as the normal ones have worn out beyond repair. I can't imagine why).

In the evening I watched the film Top Gun 2 which I really enjoyed. No popcorn tho (the kernal bits get stuck in my teeth)

Today a bit more exercise and nothing much ... another film?

Still feeling well after changing my hydrocortisone meds back up to the original dosage.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Congrats on the HS @MikeyBikey

What a lovely day you had yesterday @Gwynn - and so lovely to hear your wife was with you and was happy.

Control IQ cheating offers a 5.7 from me today. Pretty good going after a takeaway pie and mash last night.

Have a lovely day, and look after yourselves 🙂
4.3 this morning after a redline overnight which didn’t wake me (I admit, I’m naughty and don’t set the Libre alarms).

@MikeyBikey - congratulations on your HS!

@rebrascora - so sorry to read of your scary ordeal yesterday! I hope you’re better today.

@eggyg - frightening prices! We both use Denplan which covers 4 hygienist visits and 2 dentist checkups per year along with X-rays every 2 years and any work the dentist has to do, ( any lab work for crowns, etc. is paid for extra ). It costs me £32 per month, so still expensive at £384 per year, but helps spread the cost.

Off work today and going down to Brean with some friends for the day. Hoping to make the most of the last bits of summer!

Have a good day everyone!
That is interesting as my Denplan has gone up and up and is now £62 per month for 2 check ups and any work in between times and 3 hygienist visits or when needed. You still pay extra for crowns etc. I have considered cancelling it several times but been too idle to actually do it.
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Well done @MikeyBikey on that HS. A 5.9 for me today. 🙂

Phew! A busy day for me yesterday. Firstly, an hour on the phone to my elder sister trying to get her mobile phone back to life after she accidently left it out in the rain. 😱 Managed to do that.

Secondly again on the phone to my younger sister trying to sort out problems with her printer's ink cartridges. She didn't get a chance to try all my suggestions, but if it's still not working, I can nip over to her house to have a look.

And then thirdly giving some hands-on tips to a former work colleague to tweak his PowerPoint presentation. 😎

Good morning Friday folks. A very nice 5.5.

It’s absolutely pouring down which is great, NOT, as we had plans with Zara today which included going to an adventure playground. Daughter has left us her car while her and hubby are off in Liverpool. Yesterday was so full on, dentist, hair appointment, Zara, but I’m still reeling with shock at the price of the dentist. Last year for a check up, scale and polish plus an X-ray each ( as we hadn’t been since Covid) was £224. Yesterday cost us £308 without the X-rays! Mr Eggy paid and I didn’t notice, got to car and I asked him how much it was, I went back in thinking we’d been charged for someone’s gold filling! No, that’s the price now, cost of materials, blah blah blah, and hygienist appointment is now half an hour and cost £94! That’s twice as much as it was, I was very annoyed as nothing had been mentioned about a price rise. Also £60 for a check up. I’m sure before Covid it was £29! I asked daughter how much her dentist was and hers has reduced the price of a hygienist appointment to make it more affordable. It’s now “only” £77! It all cost more then my new freezer which I now can’t afford to fill up! Rant over. 😡

Hope you all have a fabulous Friday and it’s not raining too much where you are. I’m off to Google indoor play areas! 😉
£29 is the NHS price of a check up, I had mine just a few weeks ago.
£29 is the NHS price of a check up, I had mine just a few weeks ago.
I can’t find an NHS dentist accepting new patients within about 12 miles from home. That’s pretty much the whole of central London.
It's another bright and sunny Berkshire morning with blue skies all around and no rain in the forecast, although that's due to change over the weekend. Taking advantage by getting the washing done and out on the line a day earlier than usual.

Interesting to see the comments about dentists. I had the same dentist for years when I lived in Bedford but one day was told they were joining Denplan and that I had a choice of signing up or finding another NHS dentist. I signed up. When we moved down here I registered with a local Denplan practice, although it's now DPAS. For £38 a month I get 2 check-ups a year, 4 hygienist appointments a year and all my treatment covered other than any lab fees. Also, on the couple of occasions that I've needed an emergency appointment, I've got one no later than next day. With all the things you hear about NHS dentistry at the moment I consider myself fortunate to be able to afford to stay with them.

Friday is Big Shop Day so a trip to Sainsbury's shortly, followed by a run out to the greengrocer at our local garden centre. My wife is WFH today and wants to nip into town during her lunch break, so I'll tag along and we can maybe grab a coffee and a bite to eat. Lunch in town two days in a row? Steady on, Martin.

Oh - and I got a text from the Surgery telling me to book my next HbA1c. Have made an appointment for 6th October.

@rebrascora hope you're back to normal after what sounds like a pretty scary episode

@MikeyBikey - congratulations on your HS! I'm joining you......!!

Have a good day everyone.


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I can’t find an NHS dentist accepting new patients within about 12 miles from home. That’s pretty much the whole of central London.
It’s the same here. We were forced to go private over 20 years ago when our dentist stopped doing NHS work. We used to have a plan but they’re not worth the paper they’re written on. Mr Eggy had root canal work done years ago and all he got back was £37 as that was the NHS cost! So we decided to just “pay as we go”. Fortunately, we haven’t needed any major work for a long time. Fingers crossed/touch wood etc etc.
Morning all - light overcast with some blue. Forecast is cloudy all day (though there was a beautiful clear blue sky at 8 am.

5.1 when I first woke. Have had to munch half a biscuit since then. Not much carb in the stir-fry last night.

Don't talk to me about dentists! We were private for about 20 years and then our dentist sold his practice and retired, at which point the service became a farce. So I put our names down for an NHS dentist. We eventually got one but they cancelled more appointments than we ever had, so just before lockdown we signed up with another private dentist. Now pay £76 a month for both of us.... I get 3 hygienist appointments a year and 2 check ups + all work except lab fees. Haven't had to have any treatment and yet I pay £10 a month more than Julian and he's had several lots of treatment.

Congratulations to @MikeyBikey and @Martin.A on your HSs.

Have a fab Friday people.