Group 7-day waking average?


7.6 and falling for me.

Feels so much cooler than the last few days this morning.

Have a good day.
Good morning - 4.8 at 6:00

Have a great day everyone
Morning all, 5.5 here. Food shop this morning. Now schools are back I’m on split second timing again, need to avoid passing the secondary school when all the buses are turning in and out, but get to the shop before all the parents who’ve just dropped their kids off and headed for the supermarket.
Morning all, and my brief foray into the fives are over with a 6.6. Could be the sudden change in the weather. It’s rained almost constantly since 12.30pm yesterday so consequently cooler. Back to normal!

I was hobbling around on crutches in my dream as I had a very sore back. Guess what? I woke with a very sore back! Totally self inflicted as I was lying on my stomach and I shouldn’t as I know it gives me a bad back, thought I was going to have to wake Mr Eggy to flip me over like a beached whale! It’s ok, I managed to turn over myself and hobble down the stairs, back will be fine soon once the stiffness goes. Oh and my right hand was dead as I had it under the pillow and I was lying on it! Oh the joys of getting older!

Not sure what my plans are today, weather rubbish so nothing outdoors that’s for certain.

Have a Happy Monday all.
Morning all, 5.5 here. Food shop this morning. Now schools are back I’m on split second timing again, need to avoid passing the secondary school when all the buses are turning in and out, but get to the shop before all the parents who’ve just dropped their kids off and headed for the supermarket.
It sounds like a military operation!
Morning all. 🙂 8.3 here.

Ah, rain. Nice to be home. Horrendous journey on Friday - traffic jam all the way from Plymouth to Swansea. Took twice as long as usual. Mental note to self: always book ferries that arrive late and avoid daytime traffic! :confused::rofl:
Bit wet and miserable so far this morning (the weather, not me) but forecast says it'll be dry and warm later. Hope so - I have three machine loads of washing to dry and would prefer it was all out on the line.

Flirted with an HS yesterday with a 5.1, flirted with one again today but it's a 5.3 so I've overshot the target this time. Must improve my aim.

Wales not doing a great deal for my BP last night, leading 32-14 before eventually winning 32-26. If Fiji hadn't knocked on at the death, with a clear run to the try line, it could easily have ended 32-33. Still, a win's a win and a bonus point as well.

Back on decorating duty today but instead of being on me tod I'll have to work around a housefull, as my wife and our eldest are WFH and our youngest doesn't work Mondays.

Have a good start to the week, everyone and congrats @MrPixels !
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Morning all and congrats @MrPixels !

7.1 for me this morning. Still too lethargic to go back to work though rash is basically better, and steroids are clearly still in my system so fair enough. Just not sure how many more days I need to take off..
Good morning everyone. It is a 6.7 for me today. Had a teeny tiny dip into the red yesterday when I got caught out in the first deluge of rain whilst hurriedly trying to get more lawn mowing done when I got back from the show and then horses fed and sorted. It was a bit of a scramble. I got soaked to the skin but it wasn't unpleasant.

Congrats to @MrPixels on your HS today.
Well done @MrPixels 🙂 It was a middle of the road 5.5 for me.

6.7 for me today. I'll defo take that after the meal out yesterday.

Back to normal Scottish weather today (rain and brrr) and honestly, somewhat glad. Like @MikeyBikey the furosemide is inducing extra thirst on top of the heat (I got up and downed a full 750ml of vimto pre coffee which is usually unheard of), although my legs and feet are much less puffy than usual 😛

Have a fabby day everyone