Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 7.2 today had a lazzzzy lay in today
just had a late breakfast / Brunch

nothing to pysical planned
other than ironing ready for work
and a catch up phone call with my Sister

it certainly is is a Sunny Sunday here today 😎
4.9 JB assisted at 4am.

PSA - Avoid these JBs at all costs. (Not because they are unsafe, they are just nasty but my son seems to like them :rofl:)

Will be out in a few hours to visit my sis in law's father in law in hospital so will see what the hospital shop has to offer in the way of a replacement and see if its going to be daylight robbery or not.

Have a great rest of your day!
Yesterday was long but good.
There’s nothing in the camps that I’d not heard about or seen before at other Holocaust memorials or museums but there’s something quite affecting about seeing that all in situ. And the scale of the place is, well quite frankly, terrifying.
Most of the group were really well behaved but Strapless got a stern talking to by the guide for videoing when he’d said no photos.
There were a group of four lads from Manchester on our group and I asked them why they’d come to Auschwitz. They were all 17.
“Well you’ve kinda gotta come if you’re in Kraków”
“People have to see this to make sure we all remember how cruel Man can be”

They weren’t Jewish, were typical ‘lads’ and were the only people to check I was ok when I cried.

Anyway…. only felt appropriate that evening to dine in the Jewish quarter, Kazimierz, and I did. Klezmer music was being played live and I had a Jew-ish meal before walking quite a bit.

Oh and 5.9

I would recommend reading the "Tattooist of Auschwitz" by Heather Morris. Whilst it will make you cry it will also give you hope.
Tempted fate about our weather. No thunderstorm but it suddenly turned cooler and darker earlier, then 5 minutes later it poured with rain while I was getting towels off the line and covering up the garden furniture. My wife texted a short while ago to say it's torrential up in Bedfordshire.

Watched our eldest's futsal match live on TNT Sports while having some lunch. They won 5-1 and he scored the 5th goal, so he's buzzing. Hope he doesn't have to drive back in heavy rain.
Tempted fate about our weather. No thunderstorm but it suddenly turned cooler and darker earlier, then 5 minutes later it poured with rain while I was getting towels off the line and covering up the garden furniture. My wife texted a short while ago to say it's torrential up in Bedfordshire.

Watched our eldest's futsal match live on TNT Sports while having some lunch. They won 5-1 and he scored the 5th goal, so he's buzzing. Hope he doesn't have to drive back in heavy rain.
Same here Martin, I had to dash out and get towels in. Had to finish them off in the tumble dryer. That means we can’t afford to eat this week! :rofl:
Sadly this morning at the church did not go quite as well as it could have.

A bit of exercise this afternoon and then BG 5.2 again!!!

My meter and me are great pals right now
Hospital visit was pretty rough. He's 87 and really gone downhill fast since I last saw him . :(

Went out for dinner after the visit to a Chinese buffet. Will know later if I managed to bolus about right 😉 Tummy is complaining though about the food. Was way more than I would usually eat, although I went v easy on the carbs.
6.7 this morning, unconcerned by the creep up over the end of this week as I have the steroids to blame! Took last dose yesterday morning so hopefully should start to improve. I have been tracking my food for 3-4 days too. 3 days I kept within my 130g target carb limit....

Today we ate lunch out after I went with bf to the church where he is starting as organist, I was too tired to walk to where we had thought we would try going to eat (20 minutes walk from the train station) so we stopped at what looked like a nice Mediterranean restaurant less than 5 minutes walk from the station. And it was very nice! We had the early bird starter & main special, starter they had plenty of low carb options - I went for grilled halloumi with sweet chilli sauce on a small bed of lettuce - but I succumbed to the temptation of chicken & chorizo pasta bake for my main. It was a big portion too but far too nice to leave any!

no idea what pre and post lunch BG were but the one I've just done was 7.1 which isn't too bad. (2 days ago it was 7.9... I didn't recheck assuming it was steroid related :rofl:. Did do a one hour post which was 7.8 and a 2 hour past 9.0 then though)
Have some. Replace the potato with mashed veg like celeriac, swede or cauliflower.
Yes its on Freshwell . It sounded good someone else making it.
Good very early morning this morning.

BG 5.5
Temp 36.4
Oxy 96
Pulse 53
BP 118/74

Tired and a bit 'down' this morning thinking over things not going so well yesterday. But lots learned so the only way is forwards and upwards

Today rest then exercise then tea with my musical friend coming over for tea and to help with some of the problems yesterday.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good very early morning this morning.

BG 5.5
Temp 36.4
Oxy 96
Pulse 53
BP 118/74

Tired and a bit 'down' this morning thinking over things not going so well yesterday. But lots learned so the only way is forwards and upwards

Today rest then exercise then tea with my musical friend coming over for tea and to help with some of the problems yesterday.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Everyday has its own trials but enjoy your time with your friend. Friendships live through the good and the bad.
5.8 this morning . Going to try this again . Seems to be lower if i eat cheese at bedtime. Not a lot but just a cube to stop the hunger. Being Scottish we always had supper. Habits are hard to change.
04:40 BS 8.1 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

The heat wave continued to affect me yesterday resulting in some pretty big sudden drops RIGHT at the end of active NR but, I’m taking that as a good sign as my burn is beginning to look less nasty! BUT, seriously itchy as the scab is starting to peel; with more help than is wise from me; JUST couldn’t keep my fingers away entirely! 😳🙄:rofl: But, kept cleaning it with tea tree & reapplied sudocrem!🙂

I kept reducing the NR with each successive meal but, was still caught out RIGHT before going to bed after 5 hours of NR, when I thought I was reasonably safe in the low 9’s when it suddenly dropped, in half an hour, to 5.2 so, had a shortbread biscuit & it still dropped, a tiny bit, to 5.1 despite waiting about 25/30 minutes. So ooh, had half a portion of the earlier made shepherds pie with no NR at all! Which kept me pretty flattish all night around 8’s & 9’s, by the look of my overnight filled in graph. 🙂

Cooking breakfast this morning, just finished it, took me up to the 10’s but 60 was too much yesterday in the heat & not knowing if it’s the same, yet, today I went with a more conservative 52 & see what happens? Haven’t written “Don’t panic! Wait & see?” in what seems like AGES now but, just did as immediately after finishing eating, I almost always scan, it went up to 14.7: I can kind of tell what the profile is likely to be, & if my NR was correct, from the initial reading right after a meal; 2 to 4 mmol rise is the norm & 6.5 mmol was the worst when I really got it wrong! This morning’s is borderline high but, could still be ok? :confused: