Group 7-day waking average?

I must be really lucky as the vast majority of mine are really well behaved and I have no nonsense from them.
Do you not give them a stern talking to before you apply them?
Mine are the same. It’s two years next month since I had them prescribed and I’ve only had two dodgy ones. Previous to that I self funded on and off for five years and think, again, had two or three that needed replaced. On the Libre FB page it’s amazing the number of folks who have two or even more fall off in a day or just stop working. I wonder how many are user error. Mine due to replaced on Monday, as usual I’ll be prising it off with a blunt instrument!
@freesia on getting another one too. That is 2 in about a week for you isn't it? Not easy with your erratic levels. Well done
I think its a combination of heat and being back at work! Hopefully levels will behave when temperatures get back to normal. TIR over 7 days has been 90% as well so pretty pleased with myself atm.
5.0 today for me. Just loving this lack of insulin resistance! Even did 1U less NR for breakfast today and still stayed in range!

Sensor change this morning, going to miss old 3MH00LWJM0M, he was a well behaved sensor. But the new kid, 3MH00LWJLP0, is starting off well, so fingers crossed for the next fortnight!

Congratulations to @freesia and @Martin.A on your HS today!

Have a good day everyone!

I give mine names. The last one, Simon, was excellent in all respects. The latest Barbara (@rebrascora) has proved surprisingly good not veering to extremes as she does in Wordle! Pesky Pete was all over the place and Runaway Robert failed after five days! 🙂
05:29 BS 10.6 & it’s been a pretty flattish line, with the occasional wiggle down to the 9’s & back up again since the last time I ate just before sleeping around 18:20 with BS in the 10’s yesterday: last ate at 16:50 with BS in the 8’s & obviously 48 NR wasn’t quite enough; but, basal is right, at least, as I stayed steady instead of drifting upwards the last few days!

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Not much wriggle room so breakfast is in the oven already & done at 06:30, now 06:27 & I need to get it out. BS is currently at 10.8 & I’ll put in 60 NR for being a bit higher!
Good morning everyone

BG 4.8
Pulse 56
Temp 36.4
Oxy 96
BP 116/74

I feel very tired this morning. I had better get an energy spurt on this morning as I am playing in the church and have to set everything up too.

I shall probably do less exercise today to counter the tiredness.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Morning all! Bit drizzly here today. Shock horror! The dog took one look and refused to go out, returning to the sofa!

6.2 for me.
Very happy with a 4.8 this morning and having some stewed blackberry and apple with my breakfast yoghurt and seeds this morning for a change. First of the season and it has to be my favourite flavour combination of the year. Got a load more blackberries to pick and apples to peel and stew but not happening this morning as off to Stanhope show, once I get my animals seen to and myself made presentable. Fingers crossed the rain arrives later in the day here.
4.9, and mainly being knackered from my holidays today
Good morning. 5.5 after a restful yestersay staying out of the heat. Downloaded a couple of whodunnits to kindle and put my feet up for most of the day.
Nice cool morning today so far - thunder storms in the forecast but no sign of it overnight. More concrete to do if it stays cool and dry.
Have a good day everyone.
Not happy 7.8. . i have been bitten and got lots of swelling on one foot . Unsure if its that . Weight has stayed the same this week. Down overall
I have been doing more as cannot setlle so between thst and thiz heat.
or half a cap and its a small screw cap not long thin one on a gin bottle about half a tsp if ghat of gin surely would not do it. Or was it the juice from the lemon.
whatever was 6.4 when i did it before bed after i drank the gin.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.2 yesssss
Temp 36.4
Pulse 50
Oxy 97
BP 120/77

Today keyboard ptactice and exercise. The exercise may be tough going as I have blisters on my feet.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Well done
Morning all. Still in the fives, just, with 5.9.

Very misty yet again but the sun is breaking through, although supposed to rain at 2ish. I’ve put a wash on already and hopefully get it dried. Yesterday was awful, so hot and muggy and who decided to pull down the wall cupboards in the utility room so we can get another freezer. So the day was spent finding room for all the crap we keep. Dozens and dozens of jars, car cleaning stuff, decorating gear etc. Lots of stuff went straight into the bin or recycling, the cupboards themselves were re purposed and Mr Eggy put them up in his new workshop which was, until last week the summer house. I’ve ordered a new freezer and await its arrival with much excitement, I’m so sad! 😛

Have a super, cooler Sunday, I hope.
Morning all. Still in the fives, just, with 5.9.

Very misty yet again but the sun is breaking through, although supposed to rain at 2ish. I’ve put a wash on already and hopefully get it dried. Yesterday was awful, so hot and muggy and who decided to pull down the wall cupboards in the utility room so we can get another freezer. So the day was spent finding room for all the crap we keep. Dozens and dozens of jars, car cleaning stuff, decorating gear etc. Lots of stuff went straight into the bin or recycling, the cupboards themselves were re purposed and Mr Eggy put them up in his new workshop which was, until last week the summer house. I’ve ordered a new freezer and await its arrival with much excitement, I’m so sad! 😛

Have a super, cooler Sunday, I hope.
You too . Sounds like you are really doing improvements with the orangery and new freezer . Dont work too hard.