Group 7-day waking average?

Well done @freesia on that special number. 🙂 A 6.1 for me today.

Good morning - 7.6

Have a good day everyone
Good morning? Woke at 8:00 to a rising 6.7! Totally drained my heat and another hypo around midnight. Also just too hot - flat was still 28C at midnight! And yet I will get no sun after 9:30 in the morning.

Looks like another scorcher but would now prefer 20C and showers!
7.8 for me and a reasonably flat line but nothing as impressive as @eggygs arrow straight offering. Wow, that is fab! Did you sleep well?
Managed another unicorn yesterday although Libre said I hit 3.3 with a downward sloping arrow whilst mowing the orchard (didn't hear the alarm over the mower) and didn't feel hypo, but 2 JBs and half an hour later and there was no sign of red on my graph and back up in the 5s, so it was clearly exaggerating things.... as it does! 🙄 I am getting close to my personal best TIR for the past 7 days. I am currently 96% with 2% above and below so may make a push to set a new one, but I also know that the tide of ebb and flow of diabetes will be due to change very soon as it always does.... this plain sailing can't last.... so fully expect my levels to go a bit haywire again anytime.... probably as the weather changes.

Congrats to @Martin.A on your House Special yesterday and @freesia on getting another one too. That is 2 in about a week for you isn't it? Not easy with your erratic levels. Well done!
nothing as impressive as @eggygs arrow straight offering. Wow, that is fab! Did you sleep well?
No worse than usual. Bed 10.30, read until 11ish. Slept on top of the covers all night it was so hot. Got up at 3.30 for a wee, was 5.7, slept until 6.30, still 5.7. It’s a miracle! 😉
I’ve had breakfast at 8ish, one slice of cheese on toast. 6 units of bolus, still not much movement.


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No worse than usual. Bed 10.30, read until 11ish. Slept on top of the covers all night it was so hot. Got up at 3.30 for a wee, was 5.7, slept until 6.30, still 5.7. It’s a miracle! 😉
I’ve had breakfast at 8ish, one slice of cheese on toast. 6 units of bolus, still not much movement.
Absolutely amazing that you can get a line like that even with a trip to the loo during the night!
Morning folks. A rude awakening with libre alarm @4.3. happily sitting at 6.8 now and didn't go under 4. Cautiously only had one glucose tab (couldn't face JBs this morning and also concerned they might be melted in the pack by now)

Washing is hung out, fan is about to go on.
Son asked if I wanted to go out for brekkie with him but common sense prevailed and even if he paid for it, I would go in aldi and walk away £30 poorer. Got a trip to save up for!
So naturally now I'm going to cooking us a brekkie at home because I feel bad for not going out with him. :rofl:

Have a great Saturday everyone!
Strange day here yesterday. Hot but no sunshine or blue sky, just a solid white blanket of cloud. Not this morning, though - it's lovely and sunny and it was a pleasant 20 degrees when I went to get a newspaper just after 8 o'clock. Yellow weather warning for thunderstorms north of the M4 later but we're south of it so might not catch any.

Might be Billy No Mates again for a while today. Wife's off to see family in Bedfordshire, our youngest has a shift at Sainsbury's and our eldest might be going paddle boarding with his mates. At least I can crack on with painting the kitchen undisturbed.

Yesterday I got my first HS in weeks and then, just like buses, along comes another one..........

Hope everyone has a great weekend.


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Morning all and 4.4 for me.

That was one hell of a hot and sweaty gig last night. The customary long black coat was abandoned so a short sleeved black shirt was order of the day.

Got in at 4 this morning but couldn't sleep past 6.

Next gig not until November, London here we come.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning 7.0 today

OK it wasn’t on waking, who knows I could’ve missed a HS ?
got up mage a cuppa T
used bathroom then back to bed
streaming some content on youtube about RAAC
as it’s quite topical at the moment, I wanted to know a bit about it

congratulations to @freesia on the HS
and for another HS yesterday to @Gwynn
and @Martin.A on the double

did @ColinUK (our resident house awarding expert)
find something suitable for @Gwynn to house his concert organ ?

hot and sunny here in Sunny Northampton today
currently sat in the garden (under parasol) contemplating what jobs need doing

Busy week for medical appointments next week:
Eye Clinic late Monday afternoon (DMO) I’m hopeful the swelling is still going down in my eyes.

Wednesday morning I have a consultation following my ankle surgery (it will be 16 weeks ago on Monday)
still no pain from that ankle, I can weight bear (but not for to long)

Had the blood test my GP wanted repeating earlier this week (3rd one in 8 weeks)
but as Zi haven’t received a phone call, I’m hopeful he was happy with the results this time
Previously the next day he phoned me, but I will phone the surgery and check.

Have a Wonderful Weekend everybody 😎
5.0 today for me. Just loving this lack of insulin resistance! Even did 1U less NR for breakfast today and still stayed in range!

Sensor change this morning, going to miss old 3MH00LWJM0M, he was a well behaved sensor. But the new kid, 3MH00LWJLP0, is starting off well, so fingers crossed for the next fortnight!

Congratulations to @freesia and @Martin.A on your HS today!

Have a good day everyone!
Bit of a late morning. 1st week back at work and I’m ready for a holiday.

Levels getting better. A 6.2 this morning.

Have a good day All.
Afternoon all.

It was a 5.4 for me much earlier this morning..
Sensor change this morning, going to miss old 3MH00LWJM0M, he was a well behaved sensor. But the new kid, 3MH00LWJLP0, is starting off well, so fingers crossed for the next fortnight!
I'm laughing so hard at this but its totally true. There's the rare ones that is always spot on, stay stuck down and never misbehave :D
I'm laughing so hard at this but its totally true. There's the rare ones that is always spot on, stay stuck down and never misbehave :D
I must be really lucky as the vast majority of mine are really well behaved and I have no nonsense from them.
Do you not give them a stern talking to before you apply them?
Just been out for 3 hours exercise and seeing the kite festival. A bit poor as there was hardly any wind. Knackered now. BG on getting home 5.2