Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. 5.8 after a hot, sticky, sleepless night.

Didn't get much done yesterday - cleared space for next section of concrete, levelled it and did shuttering. If we get a bit of a breeze I may be able to get it filled in - if not it can wait until this heat wave declines a bit.

Keep cool and carry on folks...
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Good morning. An all too rare visit into Fiveland, 5.8.

Yesterday was a strange day, very warm and sticky but we didn’t have any sunshine at all. Just cloud with a few drops of rain. We still had our BBQ though and very nice it was too. Although I may have overdone the garlic in the tzatziki! Good job it’s my dentist appointment next week and not today! Today is very misty over the river and the fells, hoping the sun will shine today and burn it off, might get the paddling pool out for Zara, supposed to be 27c feels like 31c!

Have a fab Friday.
Good morning everyone

Visit to the hospital yesterday went well but was very tiring. They suggested reducing my hydrocortisone even further and gave me a huge (well it looked huge) syringe of stuff for any possible emergency.

Up late this morning at 6am

BG 5.2 Yesssss
Temp 36.4
Pulse 54
Oxy 95
BP 120/74

Overall I feel quite tired this morning.

Today practice, expecially as I missed any practice yesterday but did have a really pleasant cool walk at 7pm

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning! 5'6.

Last night I had a brief conversation with a guest at work who mentioned her husband is diabetic. I told her I am as well and showed my Libre. It went a bit like this:

-Oh, I'm sorry you have diabetes too. It's horrible :(

+Oh well! It is a faff but what can I do, it was a drama at the beginning, now is just part of normal life 🙂

-You have a very positive attitude, that's good.

That lifted my mood a bit, although it also made me wonder about her husband attitude. Maybe he is struggling. Not my place to ask anyway.

Diabetes aside, she gave me a tip for helping with something and it happened to be 2 euros. She apologized because she only had that on her. That's fine with me because I can take them to Spain in my next visit 😉
06:12 BS 7.7 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

😳 Oops! Just over a week, this time, since my last post on here! AND it is actually a morning waking reading as I only JUST got my body clock back literally this morning!

I’m been under the weather again this week after my trip out for diabetic eye screening & still JUST a little bit hoarse still this morning! The weather just broke last night with a long thunderstorm as this week was mostly wet, cool & grey then, out of nowhere it seemed, a sudden heatwave of two stiflingly hot days & nights where I deployed once again the heatwave tactics of the earlier heatwave: leave bedroom door open with oscillating fan on lowest setting, no unnecessary heat caused by the motor at higher settings, no lights on & using a flameless candle for lighting; it really does cut down on the excess heat caused by even a low energy saving 10 watt halogen bulb bedside lamp I usually have on!

I gave 74 tresiba two weeks & still having to use too much NR, 80, & went back up last Thursday to 76. But, being unwell I’m still using more NR, 60, this week & can see 76 is still not enough but, last evening & last night just got the NR back down to 48 again as I’m recovering so, another week on 76 basal & I think that’ll be ok?

A couple of other things to note this week are a) I had a nasty burn that’s healing slowly this week from resting my laptop on my bare belly in bed during one of the rare instances I was using it, to transfer downloaded music files from, to, & back to the iPad so, I have the freedom of playing them in playlists etc. on iTunes, & I lost track of the time & the fact that a blister came up under the laptop! NOT a good idea & I REALLY should’ve known better as I have actually burnt myself before using a previous laptop that way before: I always sleep in my birthday suit; usually, & REALLY NEED TO EVERY TIME, put the laptop over my quilt on my belly in bed!

And b) “I don’t believe it” I’ve actually forgotten what that was in the time I was typing up “a”! I REALLY am getting old as THAT little distraction make me forget a la Ellen DeGeneres playing Dory’s short term memory loss, :rofl:😳🙄:rofl: I do believe that’s the first time that’s happened to me SO fast OR maybe NOT so fast with my slow typing!🙄

I’m signing off now & if/when I remember things of note b) I’ll post it? :rofl::confused:😉

Back home. Woken up yesterday meeting at 7am by music blasting in the courtyard at the hotel that my room overlooks. It was like a band was rehearsing or something. Nobody could figure out what it was until I went to restaurant and the penny dropped. Staff member had connected their music to the outside courtyard speakers inadvertently and it was that playing! Comped me breakfast and an apology note with a selection of petite gateaux were in the room when I got back.

Met up with the guide Max for coffee and a chinwag as we’d gone out for dinner the night before and both opened up about our own trauma history. He had an alcoholic father who used to become violent towards his mother and at times to Max himself. There’s also sexual violence.

We chatted that previous night and with him telling me his stuff I then told him mine. We both wondered what brings a Jewish gay guy and a Ukrainian straight guy together in the Universal Plan of Things (TM) so that they can open up to each other and find a connection. Neither of us know the answer to that one but that friendship is there even after such a short time.

He also told me that he had been, in his youth, a football ultra. He’d fallen in with the football hooligans because he was seeking a sense of community, a safe space away from the violence at home but somewhere he felt safe. He said he was always a small kid and was picked on etc so he responded enthusiastically when the ultras showed him he was welcome.

He said he became vehemently antisemitic, racist, homophobic and a text book far right nationalist. He went on to share about times he’d participated in really rather disturbing acts of violence.

Three years after joining he realised the awfulness of what he and they were doing. He went to the police and left the cult of hatred that he’d found. He moved back into the house his mother was now sharing with his new step dad and baby brother. He was showered with love and affection and felt safe.

Off to uni he goes to study languages and then history. He converts to Judaism.

Now he’s an educator teaching people what hatred and intolerance can do, how it can start, what makes it grow, how it flourishes in the shadows at first but then how monstrous it becomes.

In his spare time he goes and cleans and restores old Jewish tombstones and cemeteries.

Yet he’s still riven with guilt and shame. He’s also full of really awful jokes he’s only too happy to share!

Clearly there’s a lesson here for me that he’s bringing. I’m not sure yet what that lesson is. I’m off to see Therapy Jerry this morning so I’m sure I’ll start to explore what I experienced in Kraków.
Good morning 6.9 today

was busy with an early start at work yesterday (I’m thinking I forgot to post)
the new computer work has sent me to use for my job
will take some getting used to for me,

Have a fantasting Friday everybody 😎
Oh yes! I remember now! I ordered 1 libre sensor, all I can afford & justify, as a buffer as with the Bank Holiday, just past, & the delay I only had that ONE sensor on jy arm after taking off the other one out by over 5mmol. And I got both sensors, the free replacement & the 1 I bought as a 2 week buffer last Morning morning. Then, as the sensor on my arm was getting very loose on Monday evening it pinged off my arm as I was groggily turning over in bed so, I had to change to a new one which had I’d luckily got through the post that morning! So, new sensor changeover day is now Mondays. And my 2 week buffer is now actually 3 days shorter! But, it’s still a wee buffer in case of another wildly inaccurate sensor!

It seems that 2 sensors a month that I can’t repeat order is a very tight margin & non existent at all if it’s the last sensor of the month that needs replacement & it’s another two weeks before I get next month’s supply! Which is why I reluctantly coughed up the money to buy 1 sensor: have to order slightly less shopping for two weeks!
Morning all, 6.6 here. Off to ride the new nag this morning. He’s settling in well, has made friends with the other horses, I've ridden him a few times, but this is the first time I will have taken him out for a longer hack with some of the riding school ponies.
Yesterday was long but good.
There’s nothing in the camps that I’d not heard about or seen before at other Holocaust memorials or museums but there’s something quite affecting about seeing that all in situ. And the scale of the place is, well quite frankly, terrifying.
Most of the group were really well behaved but Strapless got a stern talking to by the guide for videoing when he’d said no photos.
There were a group of four lads from Manchester on our group and I asked them why they’d come to Auschwitz. They were all 17.
“Well you’ve kinda gotta come if you’re in Kraków”
“People have to see this to make sure we all remember how cruel Man can be”

They weren’t Jewish, were typical ‘lads’ and were the only people to check I was ok when I cried.

Anyway…. only felt appropriate that evening to dine in the Jewish quarter, Kazimierz, and I did. Klezmer music was being played live and I had a Jew-ish meal before walking quite a bit.

Oh and 5.9
It brought tears to my eyes just reading that, places like that are so moving. I remember going to Ypres and Passendale and it was unbelievable and such a reminder of lives lost.
Morning. 6.2 for me.

Kids back at school proper this morning finally (though with being unwell this week I have appreciated not having to make sure they were ready every day!). Bf has just left to take them to the station so I didn't have to drive. It will be nice to have the sofa available during the day for a change, usually it's commandeered by one or both teenagers! Though this week I have felt much more like lying on my bed most of the time anyway. Feeling a bit more like myself though still lethargic. Rash is reducing so hopefully won't take too many more days to go completely.

Congratulations on your HS @Gwynn !
A 5.7 for me today. 🙂

8.3 for me this morning and another straight horizontal line for the few hours I was asleep. My body clock has got out of synch and I really must get it back into a routine. I managed a unicorn yesterday. First for a while!
Just one show this weekend on Sunday and it is a local one and just taking one horse into one class, so should be a doddle! Then Westmorland Show on Wednesday which will be a very early start followed Attelage de Tradition next Saturday and Sunday at Beamish Museum.

Congrats to @Gwynn on yet another House Special. I find it odd that they train you with this emergency injection when your wife would be the one who needed to administer it. Sounds a bit like the Glucagon injection kit where you have to mix two reagents and then inject it.

@ColinUK What an absolutely amazing story! Life is strange and wonderful (and cruel) in how it throws circumstances and connections into your path to change and mold you for better or worse. Really uplifting that this guy turned things around and is now redressing the balance and sharing his story to help others understand the power of love and hate and how easy it is to get dragged along the wrong path. Two really positive and powerful stories to come out of your trip.
@Gwynn congrats on the HS
I’ll find a suitable house fit for you and your pipe organ later!
Met office says expect 21 degrees by 10.00. So I did until I melted and checked thermometer (which faces North and is in shade) to discover it was already 25 degrees. So I have downed tools for the day and am off for cooling shower. Dunno which is worse for making plans - the met or the BBC - this isn't forecasting it is guessing...