Group 7-day waking average?

Here’s a map of our walk yesterday. Up and down up and down!
You can only appreciate the high peaks if you spend time in the deep valleys :rofl:
A 6.2 for me today. Looks like it's going to be a hot one today. 🙂

Very happy with a 6.0 today although I went to bed on 7.5 and somehow gently dropped ever so slightly into the red for an hour or two according to Libre and then gently came back up again. I definitely need to take some slack out of my washing line but not entirely sure how!

Yes, I also find it uplifting @ColinUK to hear about those lads. What a lovely positive story that gives you hope and reassurance that the future is in good hands. So pleased you found comfort in the Jewish community and food afterwards and a great waking reading this morning, so lots of positives, but can image it was also incredibly harrowing and humbling.
Pleased to see 5.5 pop up on the meter this morning, so looks like I'm returning to my normal waking levels after getting some 6-point-somethings whilst in Cornwall last week. Goes to show what being less rigid with my diet whilst on holiday can do I suppose.

On decorating duty today as we've decided it's about time our kitchen walls had a change of colour. We took ages poring over colour charts before picking a shade called Warm Pewter, which is noticeably different to the Daffodil White that's currently on the walls, as you can imagine. I wanted a pastel green, my wife wanted something darker, so what we've got is the usual compromise when it comes to these things.

Touched 30 degrees here yesterday and forecast to be there or thereabouts for the rest of the week. Hopefully the same for everyone after such a dismal July and August.
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Finally caught up with reading! I'll do today then start on the long catch up post of the general life/holiday updates.

6.4 which I'm quite surprised with as I'm on day 2 out of 5 of oral corticosteroids (maybe it'll go up with the rest of the course?). It's continued to be in the 6s quite a bit over the summer. I'm wondering if I have let my low carb slip more than I thought. Saturday morning was 8.7 - didn't double check but had fairly recently washed hands before. I had eaten quite a bit of blondie plus a full fish and chips the previous night, so despite the 7 or so gin and tonics that may have been real. Sunday morning after BBQ (only one burger bun and a little bit of blondie, but also some full sugar coke with a couple of rums, more g&t, and a couple of different shots) was 5.9....

I know that 6s are still OK and probably would mean my HbA1c would be OK when checked again in December, but I am feeling a little frustrated as bf and I are thinking about possibility of pregnancy next year or the year after and I know that's above the pregnancy targets... going to ask at next review for referral to pre-pregnancy clinic though not quite sure yet when we will start trying
Afternoon all.

It was a 4.2 for me much earlier this morning.

I'm off for a respiratory test shortly and that follows my annual eyesight test yesterday. Soon be
getting my own personal parking space at this rate.
Not sure quite how far to go back but I remember that I definitely didn't do a bit about the opera that bf and I went to see on 20th July so let's start there...

It was a new English translation of the Magic Flute which has updated it slightly to be more modern, and also cut it down a bit to about 2.5 hours. We went to the public dress rehearsal so got to hear the director (who did the new translation) explaining it a bit beforehand. It was a little confusing at the start, eventually I twigged that it was the actors/singers moving around all the props as if we were watching the backstage preparations kind of as a little prequel. Then the first act proper started. It was the first opera that either of us remembered going to see as adults, and we both enjoyed it. The director is hoping that the translation will be picked up at other opera theatres across the country (this was at Clonter Opera Theatre near Congleton in Cheshire, lovely little place and lovely to have fresh air and no external noise interfering! And they permitted, nay encouraged, us to bring picnic to eat beforehand/ during interval as they didn't have any catering company doing food on the night we went).

The weekend 22nd/23rd July we went to York (with my teenagers) to meet up with some friends for a game we play called Ingress, lots of fun though we didn't really have time to explore York other than via the AR game (I.e. outside and more looking at our phones than the architecture :rofl:) but nice to have the socialising time and introduce bf to a couple more of my friends.

The following week we went down to Brighton for a few days, to an apartment, did a few touristy things with kids like the Hello Kitty Cafe and went into one of the arcades on the pier one day (through the storm :rofl:) and also met up with a couple of friends who again play the same AR game(s) which was really nice. Then we went on to one of my brothers in Surrey and bf met him and his family, did Pokemon Go fest in London on Saturday 5th August (kids and I play PoGo, bf doesn't so he played Ingress a bit and helped when teens wanted to split up). Very wet again.... the Sunday we met up with another of my brothers who also lives in Surrey but a different town and his family. Then came home on the Monday after a week away total.

Various activities (plus work) kept us busy for the rest of August, then last week (on the bank holiday Monday) we went down to Kent for a few days. While there we met up with my parents, and separately my sister, so bf has met most of my family now. This also included the orchard walk I mentioned in a previous post. Later on Wednesday (walk day) I noticed lots of little red bumps which I assumed were insect bites, probably from the orchard walk, initially a bit taken aback by how many 😱 (over 200 possibly over 300, and some look like they tracked an insect walking on me and biting every couple of steps as there are definite rows of 3 to 7 bites) but not that worried as looked like my normal reaction to bites.

Friday to Sunday we went camping (OK, we were glamping with actual real beds in what looked like a shed :rofl:) in the Cotswolds as part of a group meeting up for our shared game, some people that we both already knew, more people that I knew from camp last year or other events, and a few that neither of us had met before. Lots of fun (hence the alcohol and BBQ and fish and chips!) but my insect bite reactions were gradually getting worse and more irritating to the extent that sometimes I felt like clawing off my skin and had a bit of trouble sleeping.

Sunday we drove home and bf suggested that it might be better to get an out of hours GP appointment rather than wait till Monday as he was concerned by how much the reaction/rash was spreading around pretty much all the hundreds of bites. Thankfully having gone through the NHS111 online process, when we were rung back by telephone triage she said she was supposed to put us for GP phone consultation first but was certain they would want to then physically see me with rash so just gave us a face to face appointment to arrive when we thought we could get there. We didn't have to wait too long past our arrival time (they don't guarantee to see you on the appointment time so they call them an arrival time) and were seen by a GP who admitted she hadn't seen anyone with such extensive bites/rash and said it's difficult to tell reaction versus infection sometimes but given the time since initial bites (not sure if some were newer but most were the Wednesday) she would err on the side of infection and gave me antibiotics and calamine lotion. Struggled to sleep much at all Sunday night despite multiple cold showers to cool the itch and bf applying the calamine for me a couple of times (it helped each time initially but then when it dried was maybe more irritation) and struggled to distract myself with TV beyond one episode of Only Murders in the Building when I gave up on sleeping in the middle of the night and came downstairs to not disturb bf too much. (He's been staying to help look after me 🙂 including playing me music on his phone to help me distract myself enough to get to sleep). Monday I had a phone consultation with a GP from my practice after submitting an online consultation as rash still getting worse, advised it could get worse until antibiotics at full effect after 2-3 days and to definitely take the full week off work (was supposed to be annual leave at the start then back in for 2 days from tomorrow) and contact again if I developed a temperature or new symptoms. Later same day I felt like I was very hot and by forehead thermometer (the only one bf could find, not sure where digital one is hiding) I was 38c so he called NHS111 for advice, they put referral through to UTC. GP called me back, I explained and said that I wasn't sure if I needed to be seen again or if it would just be a case of still needing to just wait for antibiotics to kick in, he said he thought better to have a low threshold for seeing me so back to UTC. For some reason had been put down as to see nurse rather than GP, not sure if that was deliberate. Not too long a wait anyway and the nurse practitioner got GP to come through and have a look to confirm her thoughts and prescribed me corticosteroids and a different type of antihistamine which is meant to be better for bug bites than my usual hay-fever antihistamine. I'm now 3 days into the antibiotics and 2 days into the steroids and rash is starting to improve again, and I'm managing more sleep as my skin is mostly irritated rather than on fire/ painful now. Taking the odd dose of paracetamol when it gets too much and using more emollient at nurse practitioner's suggestion. I'm also managing to concentrate more and be more my usual self (hence finishing catching up on this thread finally!)
Does anyone else notice that the heat appears to inflate their BG readings? Mine seems to go up as a hot day progresses.
It depends how your body responds to heat and what you are trying to do during the heat of the day.
If heat stresses your body and you are trying to do manual work in it, then it is more likely to push your levels up. If you enjoy the heat and you are relaxing on the beach or in the garden or by the pool, then it may well drop your levels.
It depends how your body responds to heat and what you are trying to do during the heat of the day.
If heat stresses your body and you are trying to do manual work in it, then it is more likely to push your levels up. If you enjoy the heat and you are relaxing on the beach or in the garden or by the pool, then it may well drop your levels.
Thanks for that. I don't enjoy the heat and I'm doing very little but it's still on the high side.
Super late posting but was 6.1 this morning
Took a lovely fotf trip into the 9s after getting up & not really felt like food all day (just forced myself to have some dinner and tummy is protesting at the mo 😡) but bg came back down to 6 over the course of the day with no fast acting.
Either basal is too high (likely), pancreas stepped up a bit and resumed light duties or pottering about the house soaked it up.

Very much ready for a nap again.
Yup it was very early whrn I got up at 4am. Very dark which is a bit of a problem for me as I can not see anything in the dark.

BG 4.6 unusually low for me
Temp 36.4
Oxy 96
BP 118/71

Today the dreaded trip to Preston Royal for an instruction 'lecture' on how to use and when to administer an Epipen (presumably filled with hydrocortisone but as they gave me no details I don't know, but apparently they give you a pen to take home as part of the lecture). My operation was in fact 19 years ago (which requires an Epipen, not that I knew) and I have to ask why the 'course' wasn't run then.

Although it was way too hot last night, I slept really well.

So it's a long day of travelling on busses on my own, thank goodness they are free and that I will have my mp3 player with me. I get bored very easily!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Good morning - 6.8

Have a good day everyone
Good morning. 6.6

Overcast and muggy here which is not encouraging me to go out and set up shuttering for the next lot of concrete. Yesterday managed to finish first section by 10.20 - by then temperature had risen to 28 degrees in the shade so I stopped before I melted. It continued to rise during the day and was still 29 at 18.30 so I didn't do anymore in the evening.

Spent the rest of the day setting up appointments for eye check and drs examination so that I can (hopefully) retain my 7.5 ton class on my driving licence.Got the mug shot done last week - looks as if I should have a number on my front.

One good thing about the heat - got laundry on line instead of using electricity. The worst is trying (and failing)to eat sensibly when it is too hot to contemplate cooking.

Have a good day all.