Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning and a nice round 6. Tuesday’s exercise must still be catching up with me I think.

Going to be even hotter today I believe, and muggy, and we’ve decided to have a BBQ tonight, just the two of us. I’m going to do Greek, lamb koftas, hummus, tzatziki, Greek salad and pitta bread. Think this may be the last time we get the BBQ out this year, TBF it’s not been out much at all. Mr Eggy has an 8am appointment at the GP surgery for a blood test and he’ll go straight to Tesco afterwards for the shopping for it. Should be nice and quiet I would think. Other than that no plans, making the most of the weather and the fact we are child free ( until tomorrow), no lounging on the loungers or BBQs with a two year old running around. 🙄

Have a great day all.😎
Well done @Paul Gibbins on the HS. A 6.1 for me today. 🙂

Shaping up to be another lovely day here in Berkshire, although I noticed that our garden furniture was soaking wet this morning so I guess it rained overnight. As usual on a Thursday I'll be off to the pool later. I expected it to be busy when I went on Tuesday, with the weather being what it is, but it was actually less busy than usual with some of the regulars missing.

In the 5s again, for the fourth day in a row, with a 5.7 this morning so I feel I'm over the holiday blip and back to what's normal for me. It was nice not to be weighing things every meal time and writing in my food diary for a week though.

Started painting the kitchen yesterday and will be on it again today. Tried the colour we chose on one wall to begin with and it looks to have been a good choice, so I can crack on. Took me a week last time so I don't expect to finish until this time next week. Door frames and skirting boards next, then internal doors and finally the paint job I like least - ceilings - before finishing the walls.

Congrats @Paul Gibbins on your HS this morning.

Enjoy the heatwave.
7.3 for me this morning with a little DP bringing me up from a nice, reasonably straight line in the 6s all night so I am very happy with that.

Well done @Paul Gibbins on your HS achievement today.
Morning everyone, somehow I got 5.4 this morning despite having the munchies (again) last night. I really fancied something savoury, but we didn’t have anything so I ended up having sweet stuff which of course just made me want to have more and more (along with more and more insulin). Oh well, at least I prevented high BGs and it is a new day.

Congratulations @Paul Gibbins on your HS today!

Stay cool everyone!
Morning everyone, somehow I got 5.4 this morning despite having the munchies (again) last night. I really fancied something savoury, but we didn’t have anything so I ended up having sweet stuff which of course just made me want to have more and more (along with more and more insulin). Oh well, at least I prevented high BGs and it is a new day.
Hi, don't underestimate the effect of the current warm weather and its ability to lower your natural insulin resistance, hence needing more carbs to stay even. Just a thought.
Yup it was very early whrn I got up at 4am. Very dark which is a bit of a problem for me as I can not see anything in the dark.

BG 4.6 unusually low for me
Temp 36.4
Oxy 96
BP 118/71

Today the dreaded trip to Preston Royal for an instruction 'lecture' on how to use and when to administer an Epipen (presumably filled with hydrocortisone but as they gave me no details I don't know, but apparently they give you a pen to take home as part of the lecture). My operation was in fact 19 years ago (which requires an Epipen, not that I knew) and I have to ask why the 'course' wasn't run then.

Although it was way too hot last night, I slept really well.

So it's a long day of travelling on busses on my own, thank goodness they are free and that I will have my mp3 player with me. I get bored very easily!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Epipen is adrenaline. Although that brand isn't great as the needle for the adult one is too short to get the adrenaline to the muscle when needed, especially if administered through jeans
Congratulations @Paul Gibbins !

6.6 for me today, not too worried as again corticosteroids and antibiotics likely a factor. I resisted the temptation to have a middle of the night snack when I woke itching and went downstairs to watch some TV to avoid disturbing bf too much as I wanted to be able to take an antibiotic dose when I went back up for more regular spacing since I was awake, and it has to be at least 2 hours after eating to take that. (Next dose due now as 2 hours since finishing breakfast, which means no lunch for at least an hour!)
And it was a 5.3 for me earlier this fine sunny morning.

I had my breathing test at the hospital yesterday, apparently, I'm normal, that's nice to know.

Have a good rest of the day everyone.
Good afternoon! 3'9 this morning if you trust the sensor I activated just before sleep.... It soon went up to 5'2 and 6'2 in the finger, which is a reasonable difference.

I'm experimenting with bolus for the breakfast that made me spike higher on Tuesday. Those are the results so far:

Tuesday: no insulin+ 20 minutes walk+ active work:

BG went from 5s to 13 and came back to the 5s within 4 hours, staying stable there.

Wednesday: 1 unit NR+ sitting on my bum:

BG went from 5s to 10, before the 4 hours was below 5 and still going down.

Today: 1 unit NR+ 20 minutes walk + active work:

BG barely moved up from 5 and I got a low alarm shortly after I got to work. I know Libre exaggerates the drops a bit when I walk but had a Dextro. Levels recovered a bit later and stayed in the low 6s after.

I kinda expected it but the combination of insulin and walking is quite powerful o_O
Hi, don't underestimate the effect of the current warm weather and its ability to lower your natural insulin resistance, hence needing more carbs to stay even. Just a thought.
Thanks for that - that definitely could explain why I’m not seeing the spikes and highs that I would otherwise have had. Mustn’t use it as an excuse to eat more though! :rofl:
Good afternoon! 3'9 this morning if you trust the sensor I activated just before sleep.... It soon went up to 5'2 and 6'2 in the finger, which is a reasonable difference.

I'm experimenting with bolus for the breakfast that made me spike higher on Tuesday. Those are the results so far:

Tuesday: no insulin+ 20 minutes walk+ active work:

BG went from 5s to 13 and came back to the 5s within 4 hours, staying stable there.

Wednesday: 1 unit NR+ sitting on my bum:

BG went from 5s to 10, before the 4 hours was below 5 and still going down.

Today: 1 unit NR+ 20 minutes walk + active work:

BG barely moved up from 5 and I got a low alarm shortly after I got to work. I know Libre exaggerates the drops a bit when I walk but had a Dextro. Levels recovered a bit later and stayed in the low 6s after.

I kinda expected it but the combination of insulin and walking is quite powerful o_O
I like your findings to this study. Very interesting. Thank you. Walking is a very accessible form of exercise. And a combination will often do the trick. As Donald Trump would say, tremendous.
Sorry I should have put it in quote marks cos I was not sure what they were giving me.

I now know its not an 'Epipen' but a rather large needled syringe and 2 vials. Sounds fun (not) and my wife would have to administer it most likely.

Once again, my appologies for using the wrong word.

And my hospital appointment was really good. Nice nurse. Knowledgeable. Listened. Advised. Great. The bus journies their and back were a bit trying tho.