Group 7-day waking average?

Warm here already but the sun hasn't broken through yet and there's no blue sky to be seen. Had an uncomfortable night despite both bedroom windows being wide open and didn't get under the duvet until after a trip to the bathroom at 4am. Friday is always Big Shop Day so off to Sainsbury's shortly and then a trip out to the greengrocer at the garden centre. Sooner I get those out of the way the sooner I can get back on the decorating.

Friday is also BP check day (when I remember) and this morning it read 107/70

Congrats @Gwynn on your HS - I got one too this morning, for the first time in weeks......

Everyone have a good Friday, whatever your plans.


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Morning all.

It's a happy 5.4 for me this fine, sunny and very warm morning.....
was 6.1 this morning
On the last stint of emptying the washing baskets. Blankets and winter wear all freshened up, ready for the cooler weather coming in (I type this with a fan pointed at me :rofl:).

Right, onwards to hang out washing 🙂
Another thing of note, this week, is that I’ve found a way to have almost all protein meals by having a small bit of carbs with it, a slice of buttered toast for example: my BS stays a little bit elevated for about 2.5 hours but, it DOES come back down again within the active NR window; just confirmed it, for the second time, today for breakfast just now where it was at 10’s then 11’s for hours 1 & 2 & now the last 45 minutes, active NR up around 2pm, in the 9’s & just now in the 7’s. 🙂 I can work with that! It’s on a full NR dose, though & not the half dose like before but, it works; I don’t hypo, my BS is only a little bit higher for an extra hour & I come back down again within the NR window! If anything it’s still a flatter profile of when I eat carbs; steep rise in hour 1 & then drops quite fast! True, there’s no reduction in NR but, I can have a bit more variety with more protein in my diet! I just had sausages & vegetables roll with a slice of buttered toast with a cuppa this morning for breakfast. Haven’t tried it with eggs yet as I haven’t ordered any this week but, I could try adding a fried egg or two & hopefully that shouldn’t change the graph profile too much? Will try that next week. :confused:🙂

Oh yes! It seems that I was a bit presumptuous about pasta bolognese that I posted about last time as it’s in about hours 5 & 6 that the flat profile starts rising & keeps going to at least hour 8, don’t know how much longer it goes on when BS reached 15/16’s & I corrected with the next meal: I tried all kinds of dosing & portion control methods to no avail; I had it already cooked in the fridge anyway so, that is definitely off the menu & will not be trying pasta carbonara either!
4.9 this morning. This hot weather is definitely trashing any insulin resistance I might have and I find I need to be careful about dosing, reducing NR a bit from my normal ratio. Downside is that after taking 10U tonight for 76g carbs I didn’t spike much at all and now down at 4.5. Must have something soon as I need to be able to drive and pick up my wife from the train station after her day with a friend in Birmingham.

Pharmacy did get my Libres in this week, really quickly as well, so all good and no supply issues. I suspect someone forgot to place the order last week.

Got a parcel delivered this morning, totally contrary to the UPS texts and email which started off this week saying it would be delivered 0845 - 1045 Wednesday, then on their tracking website it said today 0845-1045, then switched to 1320-1520, finally it was delivered at 1007! At least I was in anyway! So, UPS = “Unexpected Parcel delivery Service”:rofl:

Congratulations to @Gwynn and @Martin.A on your HS today!

@ColinUK - it is indeed amazing how people’s paths cross! It sounds like both of you benefitted from this chance meeting.

Sitting outside trying to keep cool whilst writing this, listening to the frog croak from the pond (I have seen him in the waterfall which I suspect is one of his homes).

Hope everyone has a cool night if possible!
Good morning. 5.8.

Lovely cool air drifting into house at last after a miserably sticky night. I was so hot yesterday evening (30 degrees) that I drove to the coast to see friends, thinking "if not in at least the car is cooler..." It was, they were, and much laughter ensued. Good old friends are a remedy for most of the ills in life.

Have a happy weekend everyone.
Good mmorning everyone. So tired in all the heat yesterday however I slept like a log and woke late this morning at 6:30am.

I need to lose a few Kg having relaxed my strict diet recently. Nothing too serious but that's where 'serious' starts!

BG 5.3
Temp 36.4
Pulse 53
Oxy 95
BP 120/74

Today keyboard practice then lugging the heavy gear to the church for a practice with the rest of the team this evening, ready for the service tomorrow. And some exercise (about an hour).

I missed my 'house' yesterday @ColinUK but it was ok sleeping at the beach...a pleasant breeze too

HAve a great day today whatever you are doing
Forgot to post this earlier & realised it now!

02:12 BS 6.3 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

An earlier start today as after my loo trip I just couldn’t get back to sleep so, have eaten twice now already today!

I spoke too soon in saying the weather had broken after the thunderstorm as it didn’t take long yesterday morning before the heat cranked right back up again with a cloudless sky deep blue sky so, can’t really complain. But, it was hot & sticky again last night AND my burn has reached the itchy, scabby, beginning to peel a bit stage & it’s hard to keep my fingers away from picking it all off! Been putting on lots of sudocrem on it after cleaning it first with tea tree oil but, it still looks rather nasty & must still be elevating my BS a little? Mostly sticking to 48 NR but, having to go a bit higher to 52 on the odd occasion as I drift up to finishing in the 11’s & 12’s: add +4, 52, at the next meal; mostly finishing in the 6’s & 7’s though & temporarily dropping to 5’s, & once into 4’s, when cooking but, rises pretty fast when I start eating!

I’m just never really going to get rid of my eating hills as that just seems to be the way I react to insulin now but, I’ve accepted that & as long as my BS comes back down again I’m ok with that? 🙄🙂
Morning folks and I’m still in Fiveland with 5.7 and the flatest flat fish known to mankind! Like @Eternal422 my insulin resistance is virtually non existent in this heat.

Today is supposed to be the last day of this heatwave, thank goodness, yesterday was heading to 30. A more comfortable 25 today although we’re surrounded by mist at the moment but should soon burn off, a day spent in the garden is on the cards.

Have a sunny Saturday all.


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