Group 7-day waking average?

Good evening! 5'1 this morning.

It's been a week since I stopped my Levemir and I've had pretty decent daily graphs until now, even better than on Leve. Admittedly I was cutting down on carbs, because a) didn't have the "safety net" of my basal and b) didn't feel the need to add extra carbs to avoid going low at work, during walks, etc.

Now, here is today's graph:

View attachment 27449

Probably won't shock any seasoned type 1 but I haven't had a peak like that in ages. I'm staying nicely in the 5s between meals so I think is not the time to add basal but I am wondering if I should avoid that breakfast or I would need a small bolus for it :confused:
In your situation , it looks like your body is managing to balance your basal needs absolutely beautifully! I mean "WOW" the baseline of that graph is just amazing! So, if that was my graph (and I would be so proud if it was 😎 ), I would just bolus for that meal and any other that gives you a spike and otherwise continue as you are for now.

In some respects it makes sense that your pancreas is able to trickle out enough insulin in small amounts to balance your liver output, but it doesn't have enough surplus production capacity to kick out a larger amount to cover a meal, so if you can give it a bit of help with the meals, it should manage to chug along beautifully as it is, for longer, covering your background needs. I am somewhat jealous! 😉
In your situation , it looks like your body is managing to balance your basal needs absolutely beautifully! I mean "WOW" the baseline of that graph is just amazing! So, if that was my graph (and I would be so proud if it was 😎 ), I would just bolus for that meal and any other that gives you a spike and otherwise continue as you are for now.

In some respects it makes sense that your pancreas is able to trickle out enough insulin in small amounts to balance your liver output, but it doesn't have enough surplus production capacity to kick out a larger amount to cover a meal, so if you can give it a bit of help with the meals, it should manage to chug along beautifully as it is, for longer, covering your background needs. I am somewhat jealous! 😉
Wot Barbara said, double wot she said on the jealous bit.
Thanks for the reassurance @rebrascora and @Carlos. I promise I'm not trying to show off, I know this results are more luck than merit... o_O
You do yourself an injustice.... You have figured out that you needed to whittle your Levemir dose down to nothing and you are keeping active and often eating low carb and all these things take thought and effort and are helping to produce a graph like that, along with your amazing little pancreas, which is doing a sterling job at the moment despite the challenges it is facing and of course it is part of you, so I think you, as a whole, deserve a big gold star for producing such a fabulous graph.
You do yourself an injustice.... You have figured out that you needed to whittle your Levemir dose down to nothing and you are keeping active and often eating low carb and all these things take thought and effort and are helping to produce a graph like that, along with your amazing little pancreas, which is doing a sterling job at the moment despite the challenges it is facing and of course it is part of you, so I think you, as a whole, deserve a big gold star for producing such a fabulous graph.
Gosh, you will make me blush! 😉 Thanks Barbara, you know how to cheer people up XX.
Good morning - 7.8

Have a good day everyone
Morning all. 10.6 after a hypo around 9pm last night and a rebound that had me hovering just outside target all night.
Good morning 6.7

Managed to put in 4 hours on the concrete laying yesterday by splitting it into before the sun got to cooking time and then after he had left the kitchen..."Horses sweat, men perspire, ladies glow"..I fear there must be another category - perhaps "old women cascade"?

Looks like another scorcher today but I am pleased to see black wrapped big bales on the bottom field so that is one problem I will not have to sort out. Can't think there will be much feed value in it but that isn't my worry as feed merchant taking it.

Off back to my mixer and trowel. Have a good day everyone.
Yesterday was long but good.
There’s nothing in the camps that I’d not heard about or seen before at other Holocaust memorials or museums but there’s something quite affecting about seeing that all in situ. And the scale of the place is, well quite frankly, terrifying.
Most of the group were really well behaved but Strapless got a stern talking to by the guide for videoing when he’d said no photos.
There were a group of four lads from Manchester on our group and I asked them why they’d come to Auschwitz. They were all 17.
“Well you’ve kinda gotta come if you’re in Kraków”
“People have to see this to make sure we all remember how cruel Man can be”

They weren’t Jewish, were typical ‘lads’ and were the only people to check I was ok when I cried.

Anyway…. only felt appropriate that evening to dine in the Jewish quarter, Kazimierz, and I did. Klezmer music was being played live and I had a Jew-ish meal before walking quite a bit.

Oh and 5.9
Good morning 5.7 today

TC & have a great day everybody 😎
Managed to put in 4 hours on the concrete laying yesterday by splitting it into before the sun got to cooking time and then after he had left the kitchen..."Horses sweat, men perspire, ladies glow"..I fear there must be another category - perhaps "old women cascade"?

In my schooldays it was *Gentlemen perspire, ladies glow and the working classes sweat! ". Maybe you could" swelter".

There used to be a women's sports wear shop near where I used to live called "Sweaty Betty* (no idea if it is still there) which would sound much better as" Radiating Rose" or "Glowing Georgia"! :rofl:
5.1, so close! Didn’t really deserve it as I grazed on stuff last night and took loads of insulin to counter it all. Hopefully that is the scratch I needed to itch for a while and I can get back to being good!

@ColinUK, yesterday must have been hard but to have heard a 17 year old lad say :
“People have to see this to make sure we all remember how cruel Man can be”
That gives me hope for mankind and restores some faith in human nature.

Hope everyone has a good day, stay cool (especially @TinaD !)
Good morning everyone

BG 5.5
Temp 36.4
Oxy 97
BP 119/72

Nothing much planned for today but tomorrow I have to go to Preston for some Epipen training!! It's only 15 years too late!!!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Morning all. 7.1 after an epic walk and a half yesterday. It was only 9 miles but it was very hot and very steep at times. It’s a while since we did a tough walk like that and my legs knew it. I’ve never felt like that for a long, long time. I really did think I wasn’t going to make it back to the car at one point and wondered what mountain rescue would think if I called them and just said “ my legs are tired”. But if course I found my hidden reserves and plodded ( literally) on whilst nibbling Kendal Mint Cake as my glucose reserves were dropping only two hours after fish and chips! I’d only had 5 units of bolus too as intended to split it but the walk before the fish and chips was strenuous and in the full heat of the day. Got home at 9pm, 3 hours after the chippy tea and was still only 5.1 so I had some chocolate! That sorted it! I very nearly got a unicorn but I just poked over the top of the line fleetingly after the chocolate bar. Dash!

Today I feel a bit achy, not my legs funnily enough, but my right hip which never bothered me one iota yesterday. Weird! Another scorcher forecast today will just lounge on my lounger under the dappled shade of the grapevine, after I’ve stripped the bed and hung the washing out.

Have a wonderful and warm Wednesday.

Here’s a map of our walk yesterday. Up and down up and down! :rofl::(


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