Group 7-day waking average?

Fallen off the 5 step today with a 6.1.

Making up for it with a 3.1 and downward arrow - and all I’ve done is get the bedding in off the line and iron it! Sometimes the least amount of physical work sends my BG plummeting. Sitting in the shade in the garden at the moment with some hypo treatment to ward it off in time for dinner in a bit. What a lark all this can be at times!

@rebrascora - love the photos, very smart! Must have been horrendously hot for you both though! We are looking forward to seeing “Little ‘orse” and “Big ‘orse” again in a field we often pass when out and about. They seem to disappear over the summer but so far have always returned for the winter months.

Hope everyone has had a good day.
Very unlike me to be consistent but I got another 9.3 this morning again.
I am OK with that as playing it safe still. There was a dip overnight probably down to about 6 and then came back up so a bit of DP. It is however resisting coming down this morning despite 4u of Fiasp and no breakfast, so I am guessing a very strong DP/FOTF today for some reason.

Thought you might like to see our pictures from the show on Saturday....
View attachment 27428
Zak won the Private Driving and then we won the any other vehicle class with the pair and Zak won reserve Driving Champion
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View attachment 27430
You talk about Zak driving but I’m waiting to see a picture of him sat in the carriage and you two pulling it along! Then he’d really be driving!
Had a fabulous day today! Had pre booked a walking tour of the Jewish bit of the city and it was soooooo good! It was so good in fact that I found out the guide had a tour of the Old City immediately after and did that one too!
The guide, Max, and I went for a bite to eat after the Old City tour ended and for someone who doesn’t do caffeine or alcohol today I’ve had four caffeinated coffees and we were being given free cherry vodka at the restaurant this evening which would have been churlish to refuse so we both had a few of those as well.

I’ve realised I’ve committed a schoolboy error today though as I forgot to pack any sunscreen, baseball cap or stylish fedora to keep the sun off and my forehead has clearly caught the sun today.

Tomorrow is the tour to Auschwitz and the guide has said to make sure we’ve got a hat and/or sunscreen as it’s going to be hot and there’s limited shade so I’m going to have to nip to the local pharmacy in the morning and buy some emergency Le Roche Posey factor 50 spray thing or else I’ll burn which is something I’m keen to avoid.

Here’s an amusing pic of me and Max post a couple of vodkas.

Good morning - 9.0

Have a great day everyone
Dzień dobry wszystkim.
6.3 for me today and off to Auschwitz after breakfast but I need to go and buy sunscreen beforehand as it’s going to be 24C and not a cloud in the sky.
Today’s obviously going to be impactful but I’ve truly no way of knowing how I’m going to react walking in the footsteps of family members murdered there.
Dzień dobry wszystkim.
6.3 for me today and off to Auschwitz after breakfast but I need to go and buy sunscreen beforehand as it’s going to be 24C and not a cloud in the sky.
Today’s obviously going to be impactful but I’ve truly no way of knowing how I’m going to react walking in the footsteps of family members murdered there.
That's going to be tough. But also interesting.
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Morning all. 5.2!!

First day back yesterday and don't i feel it. I could sleep for a week. Its a long term as well, 8 weeks.

@ColinUK today will be quite emotional i would think. Big ((HUGS)).
Morning all. 5.2!!

First day back yesterday and don't i feel it. I could sleep for a week. Its a long term as well, 8 weeks.

@ColinUK today will be quite emotional i would think. Big ((HUGS)).
Fabulous! Well done!
GoodMorning 5.8 from me today
Im off to see the vampires (after I drop the wife off at work)

glad to hear your luggage arrived yesterday @ColinUK
I haven’t read through all posts
but congratulations to those that, have posted a HS

busy day at work for me
have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning everyone

BG 5.2 yesssss
Temp 36.4
Pulse 50
Oxy 97
BP 120/77

Today keyboard ptactice and exercise. The exercise may be tough going as I have blisters on my feet.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 6.4 and it’s very misty, my beloved fells have disappeared.

Yesterday we topped 27c! Today to be the same, we’d planned to go out for the day as the greenhouse is almost complete and we haven’t any little cherubs to look after, but it’s gonna be hot, hot, hot! We need to find a nice shady forest I think, then I’ll probably get bitten like I did yesterday just in the garden! I’m covered in the blooming things!

Congratulations to @freesia and @Gwynn on your HSs.
@ColinUK today will be tough, it is for those of us without any connection. It will be very interesting though. Think of it as a great memorial of all those brave souls.

Have a great day folks, and don’t be like @ColinUK slap on a hat and or sunscreen. It might be September but that big yellow thing in the sky is still as hot!