Group 7-day waking average?

OMG @TinaD you are having a lot of bad luck. Hope this changes soon.

@ColinUK thank you so much for the history, it is indeed fascinating. I've read a lot about the jews in Europe but you have told me a lot of things I did not know. I mean I did know some of the rules e.g. those prohibiting the consumption of pork were sensible food hygiene given the heat of the places they lived and lack of refrigeration back in the day. FWIW my first serious boyfriend who I was with for some 4 years and was still friends with many years later was Jewish. I spent a lot of time with his family and I knew his parents well and loved them. His grandpa was very strict and I had to pretend I was also Jewish, which was quite difficult at times since I didn't know much about it at the time.
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OMG @TinaD you are having a lot of bad luck. Hope this changes soon.

@ColinUK thank you so much for the history, it is indeed fascinating. I've read a lot about the jews in Europe but you have told me a lot of things I did not know. I mean I did know some of the rules e.g. those prohibiting the consumption of pork were sensible food hygiene given the heat of the places they lived and lack of refrigeration back in the day. FWIW my first serious boyfriend who I was with for some 4 years and was still friends with many years later was Jewish. I spent a lot of time with his family and I knew his parents well and loved them. His grandpa was very strict and I had to pretend I was also Jewish, which was quite difficult at times since I didn't know much about it at the time.

I had a Jewish girlfriend in the nineties. However, her family and many of their friends were not happy about this lapsed Catholic. She bowed to pressure and ended up marrying a good Jewish boy. The last I heard was he had beaten her up a few times! Cowardly scumbag to be polite! Having had the family of a nurse who was a Seventh Day Adventist forbid her from seeing me I now put my religion as Jedi!
I think it was a larger part of the Iberian peninsular than just that bit when the Jews left.
Strangely it's also the name for a region which now straddles Poland and Ukraine. It's called Galicia. And it's one of the places first settled by the Jews from the Iberian peninsular but I think the name predates their arrival.
That's right, at the time Galicia was its own kingdom and covered a larger area. It is also curious that Krakow is the capital of the other Galicia in Europe.

The reason I was asking is that I am from the western Galicia, but have a somewhat rare surname for a galician. Some years ago a nurse at the dentist asked if I was Jewish, as my surname was Hebrew, which was a surprise to me. Our surname seems less uncommon in Italy, Central Europe, and, of all places Iran, which all have had or have, sizeable Jewish communities. That lead us to wonder if in the distant past we had Jewish ancestors who converted to avoid being kicked out from Galicia, but kept their surname. Idle speculation, just marginally plausible.
Good morning everyone. First up?

Wake 4:15am
BG 5.5
Temp 36.4
Oxy 97
Pulse 51
BP 117/73

Today church, exercise, rest, not much else

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Some years ago a nurse at the dentist asked if I was Jewish, as my surname was Hebrew, which was a surprise to me
I had a teacher in university asking if I was gipsy because of my surname, which also surprised me. I said no and she replied I must surely have gipsy ancestors. I went and told my family thinking it was quite funny, one of my cousins clearly didn't like it because her answer was "your teacher must have stupid ancestors then"!
That's right, at the time Galicia was its own kingdom and covered a larger area. It is also curious that Krakow is the capital of the other Galicia in Europe.

The reason I was asking is that I am from the western Galicia, but have a somewhat rare surname for a galician. Some years ago a nurse at the dentist asked if I was Jewish, as my surname was Hebrew, which was a surprise to me. Our surname seems less uncommon in Italy, Central Europe, and, of all places Iran, which all have had or have, sizeable Jewish communities. That lead us to wonder if in the distant past we had Jewish ancestors who converted to avoid being kicked out from Galicia, but kept their surname. Idle speculation, just marginally plausible.
More than marginally plausible. Lots of Jews changed their religious observance but retained their names in order to survive.
I had a teacher in university asking if I was gipsy because of my surname, which also surprised me. I said no and she replied I must surely have gipsy ancestors. I went and told my family thinking it was quite funny, one of my cousins clearly didn't like it because her answer was "your teacher must have stupid ancestors then"!

Unfortunately the "stupid" gene seems to have spread far and wide during my lifetime! You are most likely to encounter them in NHS administration and councils as they could not survive in the real world! :(
Good morning! An 8.3 for me which is puzzling as my BGs were better a day ago when I had Fish 'n' Chips with a rather higher carb content.

Woke at 5:00 with my "Poorly Foot" itching, stinging and sort of aching where the macerated wounds are. This seemed to kick off loww level but increasing phantom pain on the other side. An hour after taking pain killers it is now settling. Only plan today is to follow the Singapore GP.

Very grey and raining which suits my mood!
Delighted with a 5.0 this morning but it took several corrections before bed to get it there and I have only been in bed 3 hours as I had a split sleep shift. 3-4 hours when I got back from Beamish, then got up and cooked and ate at midnight as I hadn't had anything since breakfast. I ran out of Fiasp as I went to inject for lunch after the large correction dose I needed at breakfast. I only had 1.5 units left which was exactly right as a correction, but nothing to cover food. Felt rough when I got home and just wanted paracetamol and bed. Then by the time I went out and got animlals sorted, I just had time for another 3 hours sleep.
Last day of the showing season today although we still have a club drive and a little fun event of our own to finish the driving season, but I will enjoy those and no stress. Carriage got absolutely filthy yesterday doing the "Routier" and difficulties as the ground was waterlogged, so have a lot of cleaning to do today before the cone driving and presentation.
Must crack on.... Hope everyone has a good day.
Morning folks. 🙂 6.0 basal tweaks seem to be working, but they’ll probably starting un-working in a few days, hey ho.:confused:😉

Back in the classroom tomorrow, so lesson planning today. No idea how many students, and I’m expecting a range of English levels, so all in all pretty hard to plan for. Er...I’m hoping a few ideas pop into my head asap! o_O:D
Morning all, 4.9 here, and a downward trend all night, was in hypoland yesterday as well, maybe Ineed to look at basal, I’ve been dismissing the lows as a ‘temporary blip' for days now.
Was surprised to see swallows still flying in and out of the stables yesterday, some of them look quite young, presume the warm weather last week has given them a chance to build themselves up a bit more before migration.
Morning all. 5.4 when I first woke, laid for five minutes and checked again 5.3, laid a while again to get it to the optimal waking number, 5.8! Ah well that’ll teach me for trying to cheat the system. On the other hand I’ve had five unicorns this week and am 97% in range for the last two weeks. Not too shabby.

Lovely day yesterday of doing the bare minimum I could get away with, a bit washing, make the tea, wipe the worktops down and read a whole book! I’d better shift my lazy butt today. 😉

Have a super Sunday everyone.
Good morning

Back from holiday, where for some reason I could not get on this forum, but could get on everything else. Anyway first bag in UK is a shocking 7.1 whilst I have been on holiday it has been between 3 and 6.5, including a couple of HS that I wasn’t able to claim

please also to report that I didn’t gain any weight while on holiday so pleased with that on the downside both hubby and I had a cold and we had a bag stolen from between our sun beds while we were sitting on them. Apart from that blip we had a good holiday and now back to reality.

hope everyone is doing well.
Good morning! 6'1. A bit early for me but at least is easier to catch up on today's posts! (Note: I started typing at 5:40, then had to leave and came back to finish the post way later lol).

Had a decent day at work yesterday as we were fairly well staffed. Still tired and a bit grumpy in the morning after not enough sleep. I've been browsing Indeed and being attracted to some food production type of jobs. It's not really the type of job I'm looking for and the locations in industrial states are not very convenient without a car. However, things like "no weekends" ,"Bank holiday closure", no split shifts...make my heart beat faster. Yup, hospitality lowered my standards :D Anyway I am not so desperate to go for the first job that offers Monday to Friday, I want something that's actually an improvement. Will take more effort and I have to make the time for it, which is the hard part at the moment.
up a lot last night but call this up in the morning and its 6.9