Group 7-day waking average?


I blame an appalling app called Too Good To Go which despite its name I have now uninstalled.
Far too tempting I’d assume.
Same reason I don’t have Just Eat or Deliveroo on my phone.
Good morning! 7.3 @ 7:00am

Relatively easy day today as podiatry not until Wednesday. Seems impossible to get anything resembling same day and time. The problem is there weekly dressing changes can be anything from 4 to 10 days which is not ideal.

Was blue sky with high cloud but now clouding over and clouds getting darker! Rain forecast for 10:00am!
5.6 for me this morning. 🙂
After Saturday night's shenanigans, I had a great night's sleep. In fact I slept like a log, because I woke up in the fireplace.

I'll get me coat! :D

Morning all. 75 @ 7.29am 🙂 Still bottoming the kitchen for them coming Wed to give me a spiffy new one. Have a good day all.

I forgot an egg slid down the side of the cooker. It was perfectly baked.
And it was a 5.1 for me at 08.15 this fine sunny morning...
Morning all - bit of a mix of weather. Google weather says "partly cloudy". The cloudy part is behind the house and the sunny part at the front!!!!

5.7 at 8 am and a unicorn! Actually 95% TIR for the last 7 days. Mind you there have been a lot of biscuits and Dextro to fend off 4.1s so I have finally realised it's an overnight pattern and have adjusted basals. Probably find myself high tomorrow morning. Such a blooming balancing act all the time. I sympathise with @Robin.

Off to the vampire at 12:20 no idea what they want this lot of blood for, I've lost track entirely. Then 3:40 to the Chiropractor and in between, or after, I need to do a grocery shop and finish off the grape jelly making. Such an exciting life I lead!

@eggyg I had one of those fancy jelly bags on a stand but when I got it out yesterday all the elastic round the top had perished, so it's usless unless you want calcified rubber bits in your jelly!
so I'm indulging in Welsh butter with sea salt crystals - lovely on its own but a bit aggressive to use with Parma ham or soft cheese - doubt anyone could pair it with jam or honey.
I must be odd then, we use West Country butter with sea salt crystals for eating (unsalted for cooking) and it never occurred to me not to put it on if I'm having a smear of jam. Hope the electrician can sort you out.

Have a good day all...
Good morning. 5.8 and yet another unicorn. Don’t quite know what I’m doing right because I’m definitely not doing anything different.

Had a good day yesterday, the weather was very mild, we did a walk we haven’t done for a while, it was very overgrown and unfortunately we both got nettled, right through our trousers ( that bit wasn’t good), my legs tingled all night, but we’re glad we done it. Came across a butterfly I’ve never seen before, apparently it’s a speckled wood butterfly, neither of us have ever heard of it, the strange thing is there’s a new estate (popping up houses at a rate of knots) only a few 100 meters away from us which is called Speckled Wood. There you go, everyday is a school day.
When we got back home we pulled all the remaining runner beans off the plant, far too tough and stringy to eat now and I’ve got three bags full in the freezer. We stood and shelled them for over an hour, we got just over 2kgs, they need blanched now and I’ll freeze them and they’ll be perfect to pop into soups and stews etc. Look how beautiful they are at the moment though, it’ll be a shame when they change to boring green once I’ve dealt with them.

Anyways, Zara day today and the forecast is heavy rain this morning and we have a British Gas engineer coming between 12-6, a trip to the park is off the cards today. Maybe some craft, that’ll kill five minutes!

Have a Happy Monday.
Yes my runner beans have gone a bit like that but still hopeful of a few that will be edible. Still plenty of tomatoes, and the first of the pumpkins 4kg which fell of it's stalk.
Question- do you still need to boil the beans from the pods for 15mins as you would for dried kidney beans to get rid of the toxins./060*
04:40 BS 8.4

Only just sat down after a busy morning & too late for a Morning Greeting & have to go Australian! :rofl:

A Very G’date Mates & hope you’re having a Wonderful Day? 😉

I FINALLY did my stack of dishes as yesterday turned out to be a duvet day, yes I got my duvet dried & in its cover on the bed by the afternoon, as it stayed grey & chilly all day; the sun never showed up! Today the sun is playing “Peek-a-boo” but, the kitchen isn’t as cold as yesterday! 🙄
Can’t believe we’ll be finished with work in a few months time, well 3 months from when we hand our notices in!
I must admit i'm very jealous of you being able to do that, but also happy for you.
Yes my runner beans have gone a bit like that but still hopeful of a few that will be edible. Still plenty of tomatoes, and the first of the pumpkins 4kg which fell of it's stalk.
Question- do you still need to boil the beans from the pods for 15mins as you would for dried kidney beans to get rid of the toxins./060*
I’ve tried my hardest to find this out abd had lots of different answers. Some say no and they can be eaten raw in salads ( I wouldn’t chance it) but most seem to think they need cooking but not as much as kidney beans. I think they’ll be fine straight from the freezer and put into stews/soups.
BTW it’s taken me almost three hours to shell them. I’ve got three bags full.
Morning all - bit of a mix of weather. Google weather says "partly cloudy". The cloudy part is behind the house and the sunny part at the front!!!!

5.7 at 8 am and a unicorn! Actually 95% TIR for the last 7 days. Mind you there have been a lot of biscuits and Dextro to fend off 4.1s so I have finally realised it's an overnight pattern and have adjusted basals. Probably find myself high tomorrow morning. Such a blooming balancing act all the time. I sympathise with @Robin.

Off to the vampire at 12:20 no idea what they want this lot of blood for, I've lost track entirely. Then 3:40 to the Chiropractor and in between, or after, I need to do a grocery shop and finish off the grape jelly making. Such an exciting life I lead!

@eggyg I had one of those fancy jelly bags on a stand but when I got it out yesterday all the elastic round the top had perished, so it's usless unless you want calcified rubber bits in your jelly!

I must be odd then, we use West Country butter with sea salt crystals for eating (unsalted for cooking) and it never occurred to me not to put it on if I'm having a smear of jam. Hope the electrician can sort you out.

Have a good day all...
Interesting how tastes differ - perhaps depends on where/how one's taste buds were reared! Mine went - "Jersey house cow-churn- home made bread - eat" so found salty butter quite a contrast. It is quite a vigorous taste after sweet butter but would certainly ginger up an egg sarnie.
The electrician came - it was the pond pump which had cause the problem - now who would expect an extrernal socket, spurred from the living room, to be part of the utility room circuit? Not me anyway! Happily dishwasher/washing machne etc are go - what a relief.
Dr was surprisingly reasonable - fingers crossed I get my new licence with lorry/trailer classes continued. £100 for Dr; £40 for optician and £17 for DVLA to put on new photo - well worth it if I can tow a horse trailer for another 3 years.
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Evening all on what turned into a beautiful sunny6, warm day.

Finally got the Grape Jelly jarred up after we got home from 2 supermarkets and my visit to the chiro. @eggyg the (almost) 3 kilos of grapes yielded 2.5 litres of jelly. I was a little concerned this morning to discover a pan full of cloudy juice, but nothing ventured, nothing gained. I went ahead and completed the process and magically the jelly cleared and it tastes lovely - maybe a tiny bit heavy on cinnamon, but I love cinnamon.

@TinaD so glad to hear the electrician turned up and sorted things for you. Great that the Doc was able to clear you for towing.


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Ummm with my ex-chef's head on - why would you need to boil the (podded) runner beans for 15 minutes? They are not kidney beans and when you cook runner bean pods I hope you do not boil those for 15 minutes! Yuck.
@Lanny I feel you about the dishes piling up. My problem is I tend to eat in my room, as living in a share house I don't always feel like being in the kitchen with others. Then I can get a bit lazy about bringing the stuff to the kitchen to wash it. At least I don't have too many plates so the pile can't get too big! When I cook and eat in the kitchen is easier to get everything clean right after.

Sometimes I leave it longer than I should and end up doing things like washing dishes at midnight (like 2 days ago) at times I shouldn't waste a minute of my sleep, just because a) I don't have clean stuff for breakfast and b) don't want to wake up to the dirty pile in my room again.

Speaking of that, I'll wash the few things I have pending at the moment, before the pile grows!
Good morning my waking BS was 7.1today
looks like I forgot to hit the blue button AGAIN this morning

I had written that I have my DMO EYE Clinic appointment today,

But I can change that to I HAD the appointment this afternoon
GOOD NEWS the swelling in BOTH eyes has dropped !

I’m unsure exactly how many treatments of the latest steroid I’ve now had but there’s definitely a significant improvement.
The DR I saw said now might be a good time to revisit my optician and maybe consider new specs, although I’ve just taken an old pair out of he drawer (my first pair of Vari-vocals)
and to me they seem better for my eyes at the moment than the ones I was previously wearing earlier today.

Also had a phone call this morning it looks like following my referral Physio is all set up
first appointment on Thursday this week, Good News

bedtime and I’ve only just posted for today, in just a few hrs the early birds of tomorrow will be on
Good evening guys! Posting my morning reading from bed, ready to sleep :D . It was 4'5. I believe because I had dinner early-ish and slept until late. That lie in was much needed!

Had a good day, feeling all content now. The weather surprised me for the best, was dry and mostly sunny, if a bit windy. Went for a walk to a nearby country park, there's a bit from the main road to the park that's so beautiful and peaceful... Treated myself to a "cheese tea", the savoury version of a cream tea: cheese scone, cheese and onion chutney (you can also pick chilli jam). Finished off with tea and 2 lil chocolates I bought at one of the small shops in the site. BG obviously went up but nothing extreme. After I sat in a bench in the park and read for an hour or so. Felt a bit like a book character myself 😛
Morning all. 6.4

If anyone’s in/near London and fancies joining me at the opera tomorrow evening I’ve got an empty seat next to me for the new production of Das Rheingold at the Royal Opera House Covent Garden.

Curtain up is 7:30 and the whole thing should be done by about 10:00.