Group 7-day waking average?

aww @eggyg I only have a fraction of that going on and know how disruptive even that it can be. My heart really goes out to you. Sending all the love your way <3

8.something today. Numbers been a bit rubbish over last 24 hours (and huge shocker - legs feeling a bit tight and fluidly).

Not much happening today but meeting up with @Lucyr tomorrow in Glasgow for some lunch and some exploring in the afternoon (if we have the energy after lunch).

Hope you enjoy the rest of your day x
Apologies for absence over the past few days. Been away to 2 different shows at the weekend and just didn't have time plus computer has been playing up. Hope everyone has kept well and got lots of House Specials every day in my absence. Will catch up when I find a spare hour later.

Anyway 3.8 on the Libre for me this morning and 2 JBs involved overnight so I guess I got my Levemir slightly wrong. Not helped by a pizza experiment yesterday afternoon that definitely went wrong. My first pizza since diagnosis 4.5 years ago and I was feeling brave. Nice 5.8 starting level where I had been since mid morning. Injected 5 units Fiasp (more than enough in my opinion) and gave it about 10 mins before eating and it was only half a thin crust sourdough 12inch pizza. I did however follow it with a small tub of real dairy ice cream with a flake.... which I also injected 2.5 units for. It was 2.38pm when I injected for the pizza and I was still higher than I would like at 10pm despite several corrections. Of course sitting in the car on the way home after eating it, did not help matters. I did however enjoy it, but not the BG battle afterwards and not sure I feel inclined to "practice" that particular experiment again, certainly not with a thick stodgy pizza from our local takeaway anyway. 🙄

Hope you guys all had a good long weekend and didn't get caught out in any torrential downpours like we had here on Sunday!!
@rebrascora I'm at about the same point with pizza. I want one but the hassle that comes with it is like "Can I be bothered with the correction game later" puts me off.
Glad you enjoyed it though!
@The_Bowlii - welcome to our virtual breakfast / coffee morning / any other time thread! We’re a friendly bunch on here and there is loads of experience to help and support if you need.
Diagnosed less than two weeks ago so trying to get levels under control. Average of 12 each morning over the last 5 days so not great but better than it was!
don't be hard on yourself. 2 weeks in, you are doing great!!!
it takes time to get the insulins balanced all while trying to do it safely.
Welcome to the gang x
Is it ok that I burst into tears from time to time? I feel like I’m grieving for a life I had and have now lost. I’m so upset.
That seems like a perfectly normal reaction to me @The_Bowlii. I was a crying mess after I was diagnosed. Sorry to hear about your diagnosis - sending (((Hugs))). It does get better, honest. 🙂
Is it ok that I burst into tears from time to time? I feel like I’m grieving for a life I had and have now lost. I’m so upset.
Totally okay and normal! I read the grieving process at diagnosis is very common, and everyone experiences grief in their way. I did cry in the shower more than once in the early days. It does get better, but give yourself time.

By the way, welcome to the forum. I find it really helpful, both for information and for moral support 🙂
@Bowlii. I took it in my stride when I was diagnosed. I only became a crying mess 4 months down the line when I had a hypo in a shop and heard an assistant say to another "that woman is drunk.. I was the same over my Dad's passing, grief came later. As @Elenka_HM says, we each handle grief in our own way. Check out Elizabeth Kubler ~Ross (a prominent psychiatrist who says there are 5 stages of grief, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance and they do not all come in the same order for everyone.

If it's of comfort though, as Bloden says, it does get better and eventually it becomes just a matter of habit. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
@Elenka_HM - i was goinf to say exactly what @Eternal422 said about strongly positive and how insulin can temporarily revive your beta cells as it gives them a rest.

@rebrascora I noticed you were missing from this thread and was about to say so. Glad you are OK, Pizza consumption notwithstanding 😉
Thank you @Eternal422 and @Pattidevans for your replies. I guess the best option is consider myself type 1 unless proven otherwise :D . And just follow the principle "you need what you need" in terms of insulin...even if what I need is none for a short period.

I've always assumed (and being told) that at some point I will need a proper basal bolus regime. I tried to prepare mentally but it's been so long, I guess when the time comes will be another whole adaptation process (but without the initial shock of diagnosis and the practice of injections).
Thank you @Eternal422 and @Pattidevans for your replies. I guess the best option is consider myself type 1 unless proven otherwise :D . And just follow the principle "you need what you need" in terms of insulin...even if what I need is none for a short period.

I've always assumed (and being told) that at some point I will need a proper basal bolus regime. I tried to prepare mentally but it's been so long, I guess when the time comes will be another whole adaptation process (but without the initial shock of diagnosis and the practice of injections).
FWIW I don't think I reached a stable regime until maybe two and a half years after diagnosis. Mind you, I was using Mixtard and Actrapid, which were not as well "behaved" as Levemir and Novorapid, but my doses were below five units per day for a long while.
Is it ok that I burst into tears from time to time? I feel like I’m grieving for a life I had and have now lost. I’m so upset.
I burst into tears in the GP surgery car park after I had just been shown how to inject insulin and supplied with all the gear for my new life. I had had 6 weeks of trying to manage my diabetes through oral meds and very strict diet and suddenly just felt like a complete and utter failure, having to go onto insulin. Of course I wasn't a failure at all because I had done my best..... and now I do my best to manage my diabetes with insulin and it is just a part of my life, but it was a huge shock to the system and grieving is an important part of it, so do let the tears flow when they want to come....Oh.... and welcome to the forum and this particular community thread from me too. So pleased you have found us. Don't worry about your levels going a bit high just yet, it is kinder and gentler on your eyes in particular to bring your levels back down into range slowly and gradually. You will eventually learn to manage it yourself but in these early weeks it is important not to bring it down too quickly and spikes after meals take longer to manage. It will all gradually start to make sense and settle down as you gain experience but that, as we all know takes time and a certain amount of trial and improvement.
I burst into tears in the GP surgery car park after I had just been shown how to inject insulin and supplied with all the gear for my new life. I had had 6 weeks of trying to manage my diabetes through oral meds and very strict diet and suddenly just felt like a complete and utter failure, having to go onto insulin. Of course I wasn't a failure at all because I had done my best..... and now I do my best to manage my diabetes with insulin and it is just a part of my life, but it was a huge shock to the system and grieving is an important part of it, so do let the tears flow when they want to come....Oh.... and welcome to the forum and this particular community thread from me too. So pleased you have found us. Don't worry about your levels going a bit high just yet, it is kinder and gentler on your eyes in particular to bring your levels back down into range slowly and gradually. You will eventually learn to manage it yourself but in these early weeks it is important not to bring it down too quickly and spikes after meals take longer to manage. It will all gradually start to make sense and settle down as you gain experience but that, as we all know takes time and a certain amount of trial and improvement.
Yes my eyes are fine now but i went strict n thought i was going to pay for new spectacles.
FWIW I don't think I reached a stable regime until maybe two and a half years after diagnosis. Mind you, I was using Mixtard and Actrapid, which were not as well "behaved" as Levemir and Novorapid, but my doses were below five units per day for a long while.
Thank you. I know we don't need to compare our doses to others but it's sort of a relief to see someone who had a similar situation. I've been on 5-8 units most of the time.
Is it ok that I burst into tears from time to time? I feel like I’m grieving for a life I had and have now lost. I’m so upset.
One of the best things about this forum is that it gives us all a place to vent and to shed tears about anything and everything.