Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all. Proper nippy, I've put the heating on, sack it, brr.

7.5 @ 6.12 today.
Good morning all. Proper nippy, I've put the heating on, sack it, brr.

7.5 @ 6.12 today.
You must be further North not bad here but then i have a wonky thermostat. if I'm hot I am hot but cannot bare the cold once i am cold.
Good morning 4.4 on waking today

TC & have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning. A nice round 6 at 7am. Had a BG wobble yesterday, the unicorn ran away. Had yet another sickly day, had to take to my bed literally straight after lunch, carrot and coriander soup. I don’t think I can wait until my referral comes through for the colorectal surgeon, I haven’t even had a “ chose and book” letter yet. Does anyone know how I go about going private? Do I still have to go through my GP first? Totally against my principles, but these flare ups are becomimg far too frequent now and it’s impacting on my general life, on my diabetes ( my BGs stay sky high for hours when I’m having a flare up), I don’t know what to eat as there’s not always a pattern. My portions are getting smaller and smaller. I feel like I’m living on a knife edge sometimes just waiting for my small intestines to block up and perhaps burst this time. Sorry for the moan but I was so ill yesterday and I really don’t want to feel like that again. the only way I can explain it it’s like having really bad seasickness, a hangover and morning sickness all at the same time and I’ve had all three at some point in my life so I know! Once it’s settled I’m good for nothing for the rest of the day. I sat all wrapped up in a blanket on the sofa reading, I was freezing and absolutely exhausted.I was even tempted to take myself to A&E but thought better of it as by the time I got seen the flare up will have finished. But I wasn’t in loads of pain just felt so, so nauseous and extremely bloated, and there’s more folks worse off than me.

Anyhoo, that’s enough of that, no plans today, just rest and try and think of something bland for my meals, toast it is then. :(

Have a good day all.
Good morning! Struggled awake an hour ago to a 5.5 and a reasnoble overnight. The effect of the antibiotics and lost sleep through phantom pain is really knocking me out. Not sure how I will be ready for a from 7:00am pickup tomorrow?!

Limb Fitting Centre later this morning. Getting nowhere fast after quad in jury and ongoing foot/leg problems as I cannot wear a decent supportive shoe! :(

Overcast and damp - nothing changes!
Good morning. A nice round 6 at 7am. Had a BG wobble yesterday, the unicorn ran away. Had yet another sickly day, had to take to my bed literally straight after lunch, carrot and coriander soup. I don’t think I can wait until my referral comes through for the colorectal surgeon, I haven’t even had a “ chose and book” letter yet. Does anyone know how I go about going private? Do I still have to go through my GP first? Totally against my principles, but these flare ups are becomimg far too frequent now and it’s impacting on my general life, on my diabetes ( my BGs stay sky high for hours when I’m having a flare up), I don’t know what to eat as there’s not always a pattern. My portions are getting smaller and smaller. I feel like I’m living on a knife edge sometimes just waiting for my small intestines to block up and perhaps burst this time. Sorry for the moan but I was so ill yesterday and I really don’t want to feel like that again. the only way I can explain it it’s like having really bad seasickness, a hangover and morning sickness all at the same time and I’ve had all three at some point in my life so I know! Once it’s settled I’m good for nothing for the rest of the day. I sat all wrapped up in a blanket on the sofa reading, I was freezing and absolutely exhausted.I was even tempted to take myself to A&E but thought better of it as by the time I got seen the flare up will have finished. But I wasn’t in loads of pain just felt so, so nauseous and extremely bloated, and there’s more folks worse off than me.

Anyhoo, that’s enough of that, no plans today, just rest and try and think of something bland for my meals, toast it is then. :(

Have a good day all.
Sorry to hear about your miserable health problems. Some consultants will see you without a referral from your GP but most will not. I found this when I had to use private consultation for palindromic arthritis when GP said 18 months minimum wait and I just searched on the web for a suitable consultant. There is no reason, however, why your GP should not give a referral and might also be helpful in giving you advice on suitable surgeon as well as providing him/her with current data on your health. Why not start with the GP - they mostly are not bigottted about you going private as it helps the waiting time for those who cannot afford that route - and find out what options are available? I hope you find a rapid solution and that your health improves soon - we cannot do with our much loved eggyg feeling so poorly.
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Good morning. A nice round 6 at 7am. Had a BG wobble yesterday, the unicorn ran away. Had yet another sickly day, had to take to my bed literally straight after lunch, carrot and coriander soup. I don’t think I can wait until my referral comes through for the colorectal surgeon, I haven’t even had a “ chose and book” letter yet. Does anyone know how I go about going private? Do I still have to go through my GP first? Totally against my principles, but these flare ups are becomimg far too frequent now and it’s impacting on my general life, on my diabetes ( my BGs stay sky high for hours when I’m having a flare up), I don’t know what to eat as there’s not always a pattern. My portions are getting smaller and smaller. I feel like I’m living on a knife edge sometimes just waiting for my small intestines to block up and perhaps burst this time. Sorry for the moan but I was so ill yesterday and I really don’t want to feel like that again. the only way I can explain it it’s like having really bad seasickness, a hangover and morning sickness all at the same time and I’ve had all three at some point in my life so I know! Once it’s settled I’m good for nothing for the rest of the day. I sat all wrapped up in a blanket on the sofa reading, I was freezing and absolutely exhausted.I was even tempted to take myself to A&E but thought better of it as by the time I got seen the flare up will have finished. But I wasn’t in loads of pain just felt so, so nauseous and extremely bloated, and there’s more folks worse off than me.

Anyhoo, that’s enough of that, no plans today, just rest and try and think of something bland for my meals, toast it is then. :(

Have a good day all.

I went privately for my angiogram after getting a referral by the Urgent Chest Pain Clinic as I was not happy when they said it was a a four plus month wait. The consultant found four severely blocked arteries. He also changed my medication which helped greatly with the angina. However, not having deep pockets it was back to NHS for bypass surgery!

Update : The angiogram was done ten days after I attended the Urgent Chest Pain Clinic.
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Well, this morning has started with some excitement...

I thought that I heard a rustling sound from behind the big range cooker last night. This morninf, again rustling...After much effort I managed to get the cooker out and there was a starling staring out at me....stuck as the air vent hole is quite small.

So at x early hour i had to get my drill and electric saw to make the hole big enough for it to escape. Covered the new hole with a wire mesh rubbish bin and retreated to give it space to pop out. 2 minutes later it did just that. I covered the top of the bin, took it outside and let it go.

It flew into a nearby tree and just looked back at me.

Good job of the day sorted.

Sadly the noise woke my wife
Good morning 5.6 or maybe not.

Ring finger said 6.3 - indignant response "Oy, is this a joke? 20g carbs yesterday, sprayed the lawns and weeded a big flower bed..." So immediately did the middle finger and got a significant reduction. Either my fingers have different blood or meters continue to be gloriously inaccurate, a depressing thought.

Off to see the physios in Cardigan today (a mere 38 mile round trip) in some trepidation - if they want me to bend and stretch etc they can shove their suggestions where the sun shineth not. Having just emerged from a nasty flare I am being super careful not to overload or extend any joints. Visiting best mates on way home so something to look forward to. Nasty grey day here so far and forecast to continue with the added blessing of rain later...

Have a good day all.

5.6 and weigh day today, not expecting miracles today as seem to drink a lot over the weekend including Pepsi max which I usually don‘t bother with. oh well it will be what it will be.

@eggyg - sorry to hear about your flare up. When I went private I had a GP referral he went from saying I didn’t need to see anyone to doing a referral in minutes the moment I mentioned it would be private.

@TinaD - hope physio goes well.
@eggyg When I’ve gone private I’ve had an NHS referral but then called the consultant’s secretary and told them that I want to go private.

Popped down to Rochester again yesterday. This time it was beautiful.

Morning all.

It’s a 5.6 for me on this very dark grey day.

Did loads of gardening yesterday so doing bu**er all today to give my aching body chance to heal.

Have a good day and stay safe.
A 4.8 for me today. 🙂
