Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all 5.4.

@eggyg the one and only time we went private for something we did the same as @ColinUK and rang the Consultant's Secretary. The appointment came through really fast. I hope you can get an appointment sorted and feel better soon. It must be horrible.

@TinaD i hope the physio goes ok.

Not much planned for today apart from a coffee with a friend. These are the last few days of the holiday and i really don't want to go back on Friday.
Good morning. A nice round 6 at 7am. Had a BG wobble yesterday, the unicorn ran away. Had yet another sickly day, had to take to my bed literally straight after lunch, carrot and coriander soup. I don’t think I can wait until my referral comes through for the colorectal surgeon, I haven’t even had a “ chose and book” letter yet. Does anyone know how I go about going private? Do I still have to go through my GP first? Totally against my principles, but these flare ups are becomimg far too frequent now and it’s impacting on my general life, on my diabetes ( my BGs stay sky high for hours when I’m having a flare up), I don’t know what to eat as there’s not always a pattern. My portions are getting smaller and smaller. I feel like I’m living on a knife edge sometimes just waiting for my small intestines to block up and perhaps burst this time. Sorry for the moan but I was so ill yesterday and I really don’t want to feel like that again. the only way I can explain it it’s like having really bad seasickness, a hangover and morning sickness all at the same time and I’ve had all three at some point in my life so I know! Once it’s settled I’m good for nothing for the rest of the day. I sat all wrapped up in a blanket on the sofa reading, I was freezing and absolutely exhausted.I was even tempted to take myself to A&E but thought better of it as by the time I got seen the flare up will have finished. But I wasn’t in loads of pain just felt so, so nauseous and extremely bloated, and there’s more folks worse off than me.

Anyhoo, that’s enough of that, no plans today, just rest and try and think of something bland for my meals, toast it is then. :(

Have a good day all.
Sorry cant help hugs. i can self refer but it depends in insurance. There are loads of private Gps i go through Avviva .
However , Id make an appointment to talk it through.
I wish you better, doesn't sound great at all.
Are you still on Penicillin is something else wrong too? Antibiotics are horrid on gut biome. Probiotics can help there . i got mine at Boots about £13 but worth it.
Good morning everyone, well after feeling fed up most of the weekend I wake to this !

It’s like the DF is teasing me! But, I’ll take that and plan for a good day food wise today.

Only have a couple of days working this week then off Thursday & Friday with the grandchildren, looking forward to that!

@eggyg - sorry to hear of your troubles, I hope you can get sorted quickly

@Gwynn - hopefully your shoulder gets better, I have great sympathy having had so much pain and trouble earlier this year with my shoulder.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning everyone, well after feeling fed up most of the weekend I wake to this !

View attachment 27335
It’s like the DF is teasing me! But, I’ll take that and plan for a good day food wise today.

Only have a couple of days working this week then off Thursday & Friday with the grandchildren, looking forward to that!

@eggyg - sorry to hear of your troubles, I hope you can get sorted quickly

@Gwynn - hopefully your shoulder gets better, I have great sympathy having had so much pain and trouble earlier this year with my shoulder.

Have a good day everyone.
Well done on HS and a srar for caring for others.
Good morning! 6'5 today.

In the middle of a 4 day experiment of not taking insulin. I had been reducing my doses of Levemir based on BG and they are so low at the moment I wondered if they actually make any difference. I'm talking 2 units per day, and the last few days I had a couple hypos, which is unusual. The experiment began half accidentally on Sunday when I was one hour late for work, and I decided to keep it until tomorrow as I plan to have drinks tonight and alcohol does affect me the next day.

WARNING: I in no way recommend people with insulin needs to stop treatment willy nilly, don't put yourselves in danger. I keep an eye on my Libre as usual, and will correct with Novorapid in the unlikely event my levels go too high.

I do wonder sometimes if I'm actually a type 1? My diabetes is obviously progressing very slowly. But to quote my endo "autoimmunity is different from person to person"...
Good morning. A nice round 6 at 7am. Had a BG wobble yesterday, the unicorn ran away. Had yet another sickly day, had to take to my bed literally straight after lunch, carrot and coriander soup. I don’t think I can wait until my referral comes through for the colorectal surgeon, I haven’t even had a “ chose and book” letter yet. Does anyone know how I go about going private? Do I still have to go through my GP first? Totally against my principles, but these flare ups are becomimg far too frequent now and it’s impacting on my general life, on my diabetes ( my BGs stay sky high for hours when I’m having a flare up), I don’t know what to eat as there’s not always a pattern. My portions are getting smaller and smaller. I feel like I’m living on a knife edge sometimes just waiting for my small intestines to block up and perhaps burst this time. Sorry for the moan but I was so ill yesterday and I really don’t want to feel like that again. the only way I can explain it it’s like having really bad seasickness, a hangover and morning sickness all at the same time and I’ve had all three at some point in my life so I know! Once it’s settled I’m good for nothing for the rest of the day. I sat all wrapped up in a blanket on the sofa reading, I was freezing and absolutely exhausted.I was even tempted to take myself to A&E but thought better of it as by the time I got seen the flare up will have finished. But I wasn’t in loads of pain just felt so, so nauseous and extremely bloated, and there’s more folks worse off than me.

Anyhoo, that’s enough of that, no plans today, just rest and try and think of something bland for my meals, toast it is then. :(

Have a good day all.
I don't think you need a referral from anybody. When My OH was looking to go private for his prostate issue he just looked on the internet and chose a hospital which had good reputation and contacted them directly. He paid about £250 for the initial consultation and then they gave him a quote for the surgery which was valid for a few months. Following that his NHS consultant came up with a date for surgery which was a lot earlier than had been previously indicated so in the end he didn't go with the private option.
Morning all on this grey gloomy day! We did see some sun yesterday, but not until latish afternoon.

6.8 this morning with a flatfish and a unicorn. I'm happy that the last 7 days are showing 90% in range with nothing under 4. In fact no hypos at all in 30 days (although I heard the alarm go off when I was in the shower yesterday, it had stopped before I got out). I have now well and truly jinxed that!

@eggyg I am so sorry to hear how you are suffering. I hope you can get to see a specialist asap by going private. I got a referral off the GP for a private consultation, in the event the consultant's secretary said I didn't need it. Good luck.

Hugs to the others currently suffering.

@Elenka_HM I forget, did they do a GAD test on you?

Congratulations to @Eternal422 on your HS. Hope that has really cheered you.

@TinaD hope the physio doesn't make you do things you find difficult.

Have a good day all
A rather grey and misty Cornish morning and it's been drizzling for the last hour or so, so not planning on going anywhere before lunch. No rain yesterday but not much sunshine either. Took the passenger ferry across the estuary to Polruan then walked along the coast to Lantic Bay. Lots of steep climbs but no problem. I'm obviously fitter than I thought. My Pedometer App says we did just over 14,000 steps. We ended our walk back in Fowey at the ice cream shop called Game of Cones and had my favourite, rum & raisin, as a treat. Felt I'd earned it.

5.6 this morning.

Have a good day. Hopefully your weather's better than ours, though reading some of the earlier posts maybe it's not.
A rather grey and misty Cornish morning and it's been drizzling for the last hour or so, so not planning on going anywhere before lunch. No rain yesterday but not much sunshine either. Took the passenger ferry across the estuary to Polruan then walked along the coast to Lantic Bay. Lots of steep climbs but no problem. I'm obviously fitter than I thought.
Did that walk about a month before I was diagnosed. I was painfully thin and could hardly lift my walking boots! Was very glad when we turned around and went back to Polruan, but it is a lovely walk. In fact there are some glorious walks around Fowey. Some good friends moved there a few years back so we pop over a few times a year. Though they now want to sell and come back West.
Sorry cant help hugs. i can self refer but it depends in insurance. There are loads of private Gps i go through Avviva .
However , Id make an appointment to talk it through.
I wish you better, doesn't sound great at all.
Are you still on Penicillin is something else wrong too? Antibiotics are horrid on gut biome. Probiotics can help there . i got mine at Boots about £13 but worth it.
I’ve been taking penicillin for almost 16 years! I had my spleen removed at the same time as my pancreas, rubbish immune system now. Unfortunately on it for life.
@Elenka_HM I forget, did they do a GAD test on you?
They did in December 2021 and it was "strongly positive". That's what made the consultant decide on type 1 and why he is still pretty confident in that diagnosis.

I got a urinary C-peptide test on my last review, this May, and the results are well over the expected in type 1 but the guide I found online said it was possible to have that levels in the honeymoon period. However if they continued after 3-5 years post diagnosis, it would be almost certainly a different type of diabetes. I'm under 2 years so time will tell I guess.
Morning all 7.1 for me this morning. Been using extra virgin olive oil and lemon drizzle.usually on my Greek feta salad pot at lunchtime and on my beetroot salad at evening meal any of you folks use it it seems to do wonders for your blood sugar.After lunch yesterday bloods were a stable 4.8; that was after 3 English plums and an apple after salad .Had hedge to cut took quite a lot of dark chocolate was expecting high alarm to go off after an hour tested it never went higher than 5.4 all afternoon..Had a chicken salad at tea time sprinkled the oil and lemon in never went up above 5.7 .got in at 9 pm after having dog out for a walk for two hours .Went in in pocket hanging on bathroom door alarm started to go off when I was drying myself.4!3 .Sat down read a few chapters of book had some more dark chocolate..went to bed at midnight.7 6 .Just wondering if it's the olive oil and lemon you folks any experience with it Cheers and have a good day folks
Morning all on this grey gloomy day! We did see some sun yesterday, but not until latish afternoon.

6.8 this morning with a flatfish and a unicorn. I'm happy that the last 7 days are showing 90% in range with nothing under 4. In fact no hypos at all in 30 days (although I heard the alarm go off when I was in the shower yesterday, it had stopped before I got out). I have now well and truly jinxed that!

@eggyg I am so sorry to hear how you are suffering. I hope you can get to see a specialist asap by going private. I got a referral off the GP for a private consultation, in the event the consultant's secretary said I didn't need it. Good luck.

Hugs to the others currently suffering.

@Elenka_HM I forget, did they do a GAD test on you?

Congratulations to @Eternal422 on your HS. Hope that has really cheered you.

@TinaD hope the physio doesn't make you do things you find difficult.

Have a good day all
Um - I am not very persuadable so the physio may demand but I am not likely to be obedient🙂
I’ve been taking penicillin for almost 16 years! I had my spleen removed at the same time as my pancreas, rubbish immune system now. Unfortunately on it for life.
Sorry was not being nosey just thought might explain tummy upset.
All i should have said was wish you better
Sorry was not being nosey just thought might explain tummy upset.
All i should have said was wish you better
That’s fine, I didn’t think for one moment you were being nosy. I have a lot of problems involving my gastric system, all stemming from two major stomach surgeries I’ve had. This particular problem has been ongoing for a while now, had loads of tests etc and now GP has said they can’t deal with me anymore as I am “too complex”. They promised they would refer me back to colorectal surgeon about 6 weeks ago. I’ve never even had a “chose and book” letter yet. I’m waiting until later in the day to call surgery as the mornings are so busy. I’m going to firstly ask if the referral has been made, then ask if it can be hurried along as symptoms are worse since this whole process began last year, and then I’ll ask how I go about going privately. It’s very draining.
That’s fine, I didn’t think for one moment you were being nosy. I have a lot of problems involving my gastric system, all stemming from two major stomach surgeries I’ve had. This particular problem has been ongoing for a while now, had loads of tests etc and now GP has said they can’t deal with me anymore as I am “too complex”. They promised they would refer me back to colorectal surgeon about 6 weeks ago. I’ve never even had a “chose and book” letter yet. I’m waiting until later in the day to call surgery as the mornings are so busy. I’m going to firstly ask if the referral has been made, then ask if it can be hurried along as symptoms are worse since this whole process began last year, and then I’ll ask how I go about going privately. It’s very draining.
yes, anything bowel related pardon the pun is very draining . Just one bout of anything gastric floors people. It really is not nice. Its also something no one really talks about easily . Poor you going through all this. One would think as GP really out of his remit to cope they would hurry specialist through. However Brexit , Covid,war in Ukraine , summer holidays all this with court cases etc etc… you name it will be excuse. Cancer pts are waiting too. Lets hope you can be seen but more so helped quickly. Its a rough time and there are you grandchildren to B pool . You need the care…. sorry always the way. Givers are hard to be takers but do see you get help.
They did in December 2021 and it was "strongly positive". That's what made the consultant decide on type 1 and why he is still pretty confident in that diagnosis.

I got a urinary C-peptide test on my last review, this May, and the results are well over the expected in type 1 but the guide I found online said it was possible to have that levels in the honeymoon period. However if they continued after 3-5 years post diagnosis, it would be almost certainly a different type of diabetes. I'm under 2 years so time will tell I guess.
I feel for you in wanting to know definitely if you have T1. However, if your GAD test was strongly positive then I would have thought that means you are T1.

I have heard that honeymoon periods (when the pancreas is still producing insulin) is a bit variable. All beta cells don’t just get killed off immediately and I believe there can be a little “rally” when you start getting a bit more insulin for a period before it drops again. All very frustrating as it obviously makes it harder to judge how much insulin to inject and have some sort of control over your BGs.

Sending {hugs}.