Group 7-day waking average?

The last time I had a blocked ear I expected to have it sorted by a nurse at my surgery but they don't do that any more. You have to get a hospital appointment. It was a November and my appointment came through for the following October, would you believe. Cleared it in 3 weeks with drops from pharmacy.
I’d not usually fuss but I’m flying on Sunday so…
Good afternoon. 7.3 for me. Have a good Bank Holiday all. 🙂

My big piggy is a lot better, thanks for asking. :rofl: I need to watch more Big Bang Theory...
@ColinUK this happens occasionally particularly with politicians!

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Nice thought, but completely unfair.

There's too much cotton wool, essential to block out the possibility of hearing anything relevant and needs too much brain control to have selective hearing through a big thoroughfare.
Hello there. :D 5.7 for me this morning.

DIYing today. Hubby's warned me - I may be called upon at some point to hold a post in place...I'll be wearing full protective gear cos health n safety is never high on his list. It'll be 'hold this post in place...on top of this teetering stack of chairs hanging over that glass roof'. You get the idea. o_O😛
I love The Big Bang Theory. Have you watched Young Sheldon? If you haven’t give it a try.
Yes, love it. Used to watch it with Mum. I'm a bit Sheldon myself so can relate. :rofl:
Hello there. :D 5.7 for me this morning.

DIYing today. Hubby's warned me - I may be called upon at some point to hold a post in place...I'll be wearing full protective gear cos health n safety is never high on his list. It'll be 'hold this post in place...on top of this teetering stack of chairs hanging over that glass roof'. You get the idea. o_O😛
We were cutting a fence post off as it was covered with ivy and was too long anyway and other half tied a rope around the ivy NOT the post and I was to guide it down as he cut but the ivy separated from the post and I ended up on the path with a fractured wrist.
They did not spot the fracture initially on the X-ray and I got a letter 2 weeks latter asking me to return to A & E as they had noticed 'an abnormality' on the X-ray, of course you imagine all sorts. But it did explain the agony I was in.
Do take care.
Do take care.
I do! But thanks for your concern. My hubby renovated an old stone farmhouse, mostly by himself, and I still don't understand how he didn't suffer serious injury. He did hurt himself a few times, mind you. Mostly, I stay well out of his way where DIY is concerned.

Sorry to hear about your wrist! 😳 It sounds just like the sort of scrape my OH'd get himself (or myself) into.
Ooh how was Pride? This year is likely to be the first time I’ve not been to once since 1999.
Pride in Liverpool was quieter / smaller parade that the last time we saw it in 2019, we didn't go to the after party stuff then but knew this year it was meant to be quieter for that as there was no headline sponsor so no main stage. It was really nice for youngest though, they saw lots of friends/people they knew from school and befriended someone in a cosplay they liked too. We went to New Brighton Pride a couple of weeks later too, that is a newer Pride (only the second year of it happening) and no march, but I liked the stalls they had (including youngest's support organisation, local CAMHS, services supporting ex-addicts etc plus sales stalls).

(Apologies for delay in reply, got even further behind with my reading! Partly as I'm working a few more hours since April which means an extra day every other week in the school holidays, partly social stuff, and partly that as bf is self-employed he has been able to mostly do his work around my work over the summer so we have spent a large proportion of my non-working hours together. Catching up in the car enroute to our second week away of the summer, hopefully will make it up to date this week and then keep up as I have missed seeing everyone's updates!)
So you are Lada ? or type 1 now? . im not hoing to worry as just on meds at the moment and diet . However all the family ended up on insulin and its got me scared. Yes all type ones cope well done congratulations but its not always easy. However no point me thinking too much . I’m doing good so heres to keeping it this way.
Hi @Nayshiftin if you are T2 and go onto insulin you are still T2, you haven't turned into T1 or LADA which have completely different underlying causes i.e. they are autoimmune diseases. So stop worrying, as provided you keep your diabetes under as much control as you can, then there is often no reason at all for you to progress onto insulin. You are doing exceptionally well at the moment having dropped your numbers so much. The whole HS thing is just a bit of lightheartedness in fact.
"Earol" available in most chemists seems cheap by comparison...
I use that. It’s good. It’s just olive oil but it’s cheaper than dropping extra virgin stuff in my ears.
Hi @Nayshiftin if you are T2 and go onto insulin you are still T2, you haven't turned into T1 or LADA which have completely different underlying causes i.e. they are autoimmune diseases. So stop worrying, as provided you keep your diabetes under as much control as you can, then there is often no reason at all for you to progress onto insulin. You are doing exceptionally well at the moment having dropped your numbers so much. The whole HS thing is just a bit of lightheartedness in fact.
Its really because they say hereditary and now my folks that had it are dead only one left is my cousin who took a different HS maybe HSS i don't know but she is on the insulin. A cousins wife is too but not same family . So cant find out from them. Im the youngest even though now im old but they all died in their 50s to 70 except the old one but she was said type one. In those days anyone on insulin was type 1 . My cousin that had the turn has type 2 but is on insulin . Although they have started her with three times as much Metformin as well as the insulin that i ever was on.
Im not going to worry.
But dont really understand it even having read. Somehow It all becomes words . like Lada. Could be could be .
I still do not believe my diabetes will go when i am thin.
I will try and lose it but Im as sore and unfit that never changes.
Good morning everyone.

Woke to a frozen shoulder/neck pain...sigh


BG 5.4 🙂
Temp 36.4 🙂
Pulse 49 :(
BP 124/79 :(

Basically all ok. I will rest up today I think

Have a great day today whatever you are doing