Group 7-day waking average?

@ColinUK thanks for the great house. I was beginning to think the great tradition of awarding novel houses had died.

However, this evenings BG reading was another 5.2 !!!

Playing at the church this morning went really well. Exhausted afterwards tho.

It's been a good day 🙂
Oh well maybe no evening house so I'll just have set up a hammock 🙂


Nice view tho
20:00 BS 8.8 ok 🙂

A Morning Greeting coming up for you, normal, lovely lot! 🙄:rofl: A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day!😉

My, in italics, day is obviously turned around now after I went for my diabetic eye screening on Friday & had to walk further than I expected: The Eye Clinic at The University of Ulster Coleraine Campus just moved The Diabetic Eye Screening to the building next door earlier in January of this year; my SIL took me up in the car & parked in the usual car park & I walked, huffed & puffed with intermittent breaks with my hand against the wall, to the next building & back! It was EXHAUSTING on the way there as I didn’t know how far & exhaustion dictated the breaks: less exhausting on the way back; knew how far to go & PLANNED the breaks!

When I got back home I just conked out & my BS was lower all day yesterday, Saturday, so, used 44, 40 & 36 NR with a few 4’s & two actually technical hypos at 3.9 & 3.8 as if I’d actually exercised: I DID exercise; the effort & the effect it had on me that little unexpected walk!

But, back to normal service insulin wise today albeit turned around the day is now thanks to my having conked out after getting home on Friday! 🙄

I slept all day, after staying up a wee bit for midday tresiba & meds, & my graph is pretty flat in the 8’s. Ate more or less right after waking still in the 8’s that quickly rose to 9’s while making breakfast so, it’s as usual; just at a different time of day!

Didn’t notice this until after I posted yesterday that for the first time since the libre my average daily BS went below 10 mmol on Saturday at 9.7 when it had started at 72 for the A1c & can’t remember what that equates to for daily average but, it’s quite an improvement! 😛 At the hospital it was at 75 & I’ve worked HARD to get it down! :rofl: Not QUITE the right emoji as I want a laughing one with one drop of sweat over one eye to denote a Sweaty Hard Working Smiley but, it’ll have to do:-:rofl:
@ColinUK thanks for the great house. I was beginning to think the great tradition of awarding novel houses had died.

However, this evenings BG reading was another 5.2 !!!

Playing at the church this morning went really well. Exhausted afterwards tho.

It's been a good day 🙂
Just tried out pasta bolognese & it’s another nice surprise & change from how it used to be: a nice flat steady profile like Wheetabix; maybe it’s the fat in the sauce & meat that’s slowing everything along with the carbs of the pasta so, I don’t hypo? I don’t need extra NR that I used to add when eating this in the past; actually the profile matches better to how I now react to insulin! 😱 😛:rofl: I suspect that pasta carbonara will be about the same when I try it in next week’s shopping?:confused: There’s positive surprises too!:D
Just tried out pasta bolognese & it’s another nice surprise & change from how it used to be: a nice flat steady profile like Wheetabix; maybe it’s the fat in the sauce & meat that’s slowing everything along with the carbs of the pasta so, I don’t hypo? I don’t need extra NR that I used to add when eating this in the past; actually the profile matches better to how I now react to insulin! 😱 😛:rofl: I suspect that pasta carbonara will be about the same when I try it in next week’s shopping?:confused: There’s positive surprises too!:D
So you now need carbs ? I don't understand all this at all.
So you now need carbs ? I don't understand all this at all.
Because without some carbs the insulin is faster than the food which is slowed down by the fat: it’s why I had to split the bolus when eating fatty takeaway foods like pizza, fish & chips, or Chinese takeaway’s especially curry; some insulin with the fatty food & some an 1 hour or so after. I learnt this from type 1’s on this forum as they hypoed first before the food starting releasing if all the insulin was up front first. I, as a type 2, didn’t have THAT problem but, the slower release used to keep my level’s elevated for hours afterwards & doing this split bolus really helped me with that! Now it seems I don’t need to do that anymore as insulin is slower to work for me now anyway.
i) Good morning! A 7.7 from me.

II) Good moaning! After two nights with phantom pain last night (Sat/Sun) was pain free. Tonight I had only been asleep for 45 minutes when I woke to low level pain. I then slept fitfully till around 4:00 when it hit big time. It feels like the whole missing part iof the leg and the foot are there as they are all tingling. What makes it unbearable is a stabbubg sensation around the base of.the big toe thar had me shouting and swearing! Thus was the area that turned black after the tip of the toe turned black where the ulcer was. After four months delay because of Covid they tried angioplasty which failed totally. By that time the big toe, the side of the foot and heel were black. The pain on the boundary of live and dead tissue was off the scale! One consultant reckons this memory is partially responsible for the phantom pain as it is imprinted in my subconscious. So in reality it means they should have treated me much earlier! The podiatrists did on a weekly basis! Sadly I doubt the government learnt any lessons!

And a blocked ear. Started to block Friday I think. Now it’s completely bunged up. I’ve used olive oil etc to soften it so now I’ve just got to find somewhere that’s got a slot today or tomorrow ideally to sort out the wax. That’ll be fun for a bank holiday morning!
Good morning everyone. Slept like...a tired out old thing last night. Up late at 6am !

BG 5.4
Temp 36.4
Pulse 51
BP 119/77

Today I make a beef stew for tea. I haven't made one of those in years. I might photograph the process for my own records. Could be fun. I can't honestly say that I am the tidiest of cooks tho.

I will set up my keyboard again later on. It's a lot heavy and getting it back upsairs to the 'studio' is a bit tough. Perhaps I should join a gym and do some weights!!!!

I may do some extra exercise (walking) today

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. My sensor has just literally finished, it was reading 8.6 when I woke just after 7. I went to bed on 5.9 and had one 9 grm ginger nut, which I nibbled very slowly as I didn’t really want to eat at all. Wish I hadn’t bothered. Anyhoo, apart from feeling ill after my tea last night, I had a good day BG wise and was just about rock steady all day, one blip mid day, but still in target, I kept checking on my meter because I was sure the Libre was fibbing, it wasn’t. A very nice unicorn day.

No Bank Holiday plans, we leave those for the wage slaves. Forecast dry at least, only 11c at the moment though. Autumnal for sure. The grass is definitely jewelled. Now I’ve given myself an ear worm. “ Autumn days when the grass is jewelled and the silk inside a chestnut shell.” Altogether now. “ So , I mustn’t forget, no I mustn’t forget, to say a great big thank you , I mustn’t forget.” You’re all very welcome! :rofl: How can I remember that, (I could sing it all, I think) when it’s 20 years since I went to a Harvest Festival at my girls’ primary school, but I can’t remember what I had for tea last night?:confused:

Have a great autumnal Bank Holiday folks.


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A seven from me . Nothing Good man about that I was in the 5’s two days ago. I was out gardening most of the day and hurt. Even with my wonky hip the exercise did not help my sugars. Still just in the 4-7 range.
BH I wish it were special. However its new diet day . In planning discovered no mince on in the ingredients for Bens chilli from Freshwell but its in the recipe but no amount . I guess you just guess.
No that's just on the app if I go to the main site the amount is there.
Obviously hubby is on the ball more than I. He’ll be back to work tomorrow then ill miss him.
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A trip into the 6.4 today, must of been the mini sausage roll I.ate last night. Oh well off for a run this morning, then not sure plans for rest of the day as hubby has a rare Bank Holiday off, it is just his rota day off, but nice it has fallen on a Bank Holiday.

sunny at the moment but that can change in the blink of an eye.

have a nice day everyone
Because without some carbs the insulin is faster than the food which is slowed down by the fat: it’s why I had to split the bolus when eating fatty takeaway foods like pizza, fish & chips, or Chinese takeaway’s especially curry; some insulin with the fatty food & some an 1 hour or so after. I learnt this from type 1’s on this forum as they hypoed first before the food starting releasing if all the insulin was up front first. I, as a type 2, didn’t have THAT problem but, the slower release used to keep my level’s elevated for hours afterwards & doing this split bolus really helped me with that! Now it seems I don’t need to do that anymore as insulin is slower to work for me now anyway.
So you are Lada ? or type 1 now? . im not hoing to worry as just on meds at the moment and diet . However all the family ended up on insulin and its got me scared. Yes all type ones cope well done congratulations but its not always easy. However no point me thinking too much . I’m doing good so heres to keeping it this way.

A trip into the 6.4 today, must of been the mini sausage roll I.ate last night. Oh well off for a run this morning, then not sure plans for rest of the day as hubby has a rare Bank Holiday off, it is just his rota day off, but nice it has fallen on a Bank Holiday.

sunny at the moment but that can change in the blink of an eye.

have a nice day everyone
Oh id have loved the sausage roll your even less than mine on it . I stuck to low carb n its higher. Never makes sense to me. Have a good bank holiday.
Morning all, 6.2 here.
Thanks, @eggyg , I’ve now got an ear worm of the Harvest Festival song at our kids' primary school, I used to go in to play the piano for Keystage 1 music lessons , and performances (I used to get more nervous than the kids). It was a different one to yours, and involved Cauliflowers fluffy, and Broad beans Sleeping in a Blankety Bed.
Morning all. My sensor has just literally finished, it was reading 8.6 when I woke just after 7. I went to bed on 5.9 and had one 9 grm ginger nut, which I nibbled very slowly as I didn’t really want to eat at all. Wish I hadn’t bothered. Anyhoo, apart from feeling ill after my tea last night, I had a good day BG wise and was just about rock steady all day, one blip mid day, but still in target, I kept checking on my meter because I was sure the Libre was fibbing, it wasn’t. A very nice unicorn day.

No Bank Holiday plans, we leave those for the wage slaves. Forecast dry at least, only 11c at the moment though. Autumnal for sure. The grass is definitely jewelled. Now I’ve given myself an ear worm. “ Autumn days when the grass is jewelled and the silk inside a chestnut shell.” Altogether now. “ So , I mustn’t forget, no I mustn’t forget, to say a great big thank you , I mustn’t forget.” You’re all very welcome! :rofl: How can I remember that, (I could sing it all, I think) when it’s 20 years since I went to a Harvest Festival at my girls’ primary school, but I can’t remember what I had for tea last night?:confused:

Have a great autumnal Bank Holiday folks.
You too . wishing your hubby well. have a good Bank holiday