Group 7-day waking average?

@Gwynn I know you’ve been missing these… here’s something rather traditional and chilled for those Sunday morning vibes…

Five beds, gym, staff flat, pool, 4.5 acres

Morning you all. 5'5.

I did sleep more than the previous night. So much that I woke up by a time I should already be at work. Had to rush to be "only" one hour late. To be honest I'm grateful for the extra sleep but I don't like to start the day with this sort of stress. And I'm certain I did activate the alarms correctly last night, so now I'm worried it happens again tonight :(
Good morning this wet start...lots of rain

BG 5.2 yesss
Temp 36.4
Pulse 50
BP 116/71

Practice at the church last night was really hard work but in the end was successful...the real thing this morning...

Slept surprisingly well even though my head was spinning after the practice last evening. Lots of energy this morning and a very positive feeling. Excellent.

Have a great day today whatever you are do
Congratulations on your HS
All the best for the real thing this morning.
Well done getting through the practice, I guess you were exhausted and glad you have the energy
Enjoy today, Most of the audience see the fun you have and they are not judging. If it were I, I'd be thinking and listening, how wonderful, knowing I cannot sing.
Morning all. 5.3 for me.

@eggyg i hope Mr Eggy is ok and his back is feeling better after a nights rest.

@Gwynn congrats on the HS
Morning all. 5.3 for me.

@eggyg i hope Mr Eggy is ok and his back is feeling better after a nights rest.

@Gwynn congrats on the HS
He is feeling better this morning. What a numpty! He was a health and safety manager before he retired! He obviously didn’t do a thorough risk assessment before going up the ladder! 😉
Morning all and 6.4 for me.

Might get the shears out to give the yew a light trim prior to major surgery in the autumn.

Must try and leave those songs alone otherwise I'll be leaving no space for everyone else's contributions.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all - just uniformly grey today.

5.8 with a flatfish and a Unicorn. Very happy with that.

Yesterday turned out surprisingly nice and sunny. When we left our friends in town at 4:30 we were going to pop into the local pub who had a group playing outside, but as we got off the bus we heard the music and it was not our scene at all. So came home intending to sit in the garden, however the breeze was rather chilly so we retired indoors.

Not much on today, except sorting out clothes for our holiday and washing anything needed. Then roasting the chicken that should have been roasted on the day I got taken into hospital and ended up in the freezer instead.

@Martin.A hope the Smite does happen and wishing you good luck with it!

@eggyg hope all goes well today with the grandchildren and also that Mr E recovers.

@Gwynn congrats on another HS.
And it’s a repeat of yesterday with another 4.9 on this grey overcast morning.

Have a good day all and stay safe.
Good morning! So near yet so far at 5.3 after a night free of phantom pain! 🙂

Afyer six days of waiting for transport ans/or people I am my own man tody. Just need to edit my food delivery for tomorrow as first time I haven't had to reschedule delivery in a month!

View attachment 27315

Pleased to be back to over 90% in range as dropped to 37% at one stage with phantom pain over last two days...

At the moment the site is not letting me attach a screenshot but it's showing 100% IR! 🙂
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Out early in the Smite Singles but can take some solace in that I lost to the eventual champion. Paired with our youngest for the Doubles but heavens have just opened after threatening to do so for most of the day so far, so start delayed. Wish us luck (with the weather, not just the Smite).
The great Wolf autumn detuft is complete (until next week)...A bucket full of hair out and a leery expression from the reluctant "donor". Wolf was obviously doubtful whether the camera was another device for callously denuding a dog and sat firmly on the tender bits. Honestly weeding is easier as the damned things don't wriggle. Fortunately the drizzle prevents me from returning to that never ending task or mowing the lawns.


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The great Wolf autumn detuft is complete (until next week)...A bucket full of hair out and a leery expression from the reluctant "donor". Wolf was obviously doubtful whether the camera was another device for callously denuding a dog and sat firmly on the tender bits. Honestly weeding is easier as the damned things don't wriggle. Fortunately the drizzle prevents me from returning to that never ending task or mowing the lawns.
But what a handsome fellow he is!
I took to my bed with a stubbed toe. The agony! Any excuse... 8.0 🙂

Have a good evening all x
I took to my bed with a stubbed toe. The agony! Any excuse... 8.0 🙂

Have a good evening all x
Oh no wonder , sounds very painful.
Get well soon. Hope it soon stops throbbing .
No , I’d not want to have done that . Poor you. Thankfully we do not know whats in front of us.
Take care.