Group 7-day waking average?

Apologies! 😳 My posts on here are getting erratic as I just forget so, will post this NOW as I remembered!🙄:D

I hope you all had a Wonderful Day? 😉

I wake in the 6’s now & just let it slowly rise before I HAVE to eat when it reaches about 8, rising sends it to 9’s & now, in the middle of week 2, on 74 tresiba BS is definitely THAT bit more erratic but, the same NR works, eventually: get these sudden blips back up & then back down again with a sudden bigger drop RIGHT at the tail end of 4 hours of NR to end up where I started; UNLESS I guessed it wrong which I leave to the next meal to add extra NR! My new meals to try out are almost done now & have only to try, off the top of my head of the list of stuff I normally eat regularly or semi regularly, pasta bolognese, next few days, & pasta carbonara, next week? After that, it’s stuff that I don’t really eat much off “once in a blue moon”.

I’ve pretty much given up all protein carb free meals, for now anyway, as it’s just too unpredictable but, in a pretty big surprise & a turnaround from how it used be, I can tolerate cereals now & it’s actually quite good in flattening my graph profile as well as preventing the fast drops I get towards the end of 4 hours after NR: it matches up better with the way I now react to insulin! So, For the first time in 10/15 years I’m now buying & eating Wheetabix: still have about three quarters of a 4 litre Tupperware box of cornflakes left but, that’s more of the usual shaped graph of steep rise in 1st hour coming down after that & last drop at the end so, eating less often until it’s gone; Wheetabix not always FOR breakfast but, almost every day now!

Now, even though it’s only halfway through this week, I’ve gotten my A1c back down to 66 & TIR back up to 50% but, it’ll probably go backwards a bit when I try out pasta bolognese?

Bank Holiday coming up on Monday so, will call DSN on Tuesday to see if 74 Tresiba needs more lowering? Ceiling of 48 NR still working but, more erratically so, don’t if/how it works on less tresiba. Also, still get drops when I’m asleep: expect that now; more confidence in going to sleep a bit higher as I know it drops while I’m asleep!

Almost there! :D
Apologies! 😳 My posts on here are getting erratic as I just forget so, will post this NOW as I remembered!🙄:D

I hope you all had a Wonderful Day? 😉

I wake in the 6’s now & just let it slowly rise before I HAVE to eat when it reaches about 8, rising sends it to 9’s & now, in the middle of week 2, on 74 tresiba BS is definitely THAT bit more erratic but, the same NR works, eventually: get these sudden blips back up & then back down again with a sudden bigger drop RIGHT at the tail end of 4 hours of NR to end up where I started; UNLESS I guessed it wrong which I leave to the next meal to add extra NR! My new meals to try out are almost done now & have only to try, off the top of my head of the list of stuff I normally eat regularly or semi regularly, pasta bolognese, next few days, & pasta carbonara, next week? After that, it’s stuff that I don’t really eat much off “once in a blue moon”.

I’ve pretty much given up all protein carb free meals, for now anyway, as it’s just too unpredictable but, in a pretty big surprise & a turnaround from how it used be, I can tolerate cereals now & it’s actually quite good in flattening my graph profile as well as preventing the fast drops I get towards the end of 4 hours after NR: it matches up better with the way I now react to insulin! So, For the first time in 10/15 years I’m now buying & eating Wheetabix: still have about three quarters of a 4 litre Tupperware box of cornflakes left but, that’s more of the usual shaped graph of steep rise in 1st hour coming down after that & last drop at the end so, eating less often until it’s gone; Wheetabix not always FOR breakfast but, almost every day now!

Now, even though it’s only halfway through this week, I’ve gotten my A1c back down to 66 & TIR back up to 50% but, it’ll probably go backwards a bit when I try out pasta bolognese?

Bank Holiday coming up on Monday so, will call DSN on Tuesday to see if 74 Tresiba needs more lowering? Ceiling of 48 NR still working but, more erratically so, don’t if/how it works on less tresiba. Also, still get drops when I’m asleep: expect that now; more confidence in going to sleep a bit higher as I know it drops while I’m asleep!

Almost there! :D
Sounds like your doing okay.
Have a lovely bank holiday and glad you have more confidence.
Good evening. 5'8 this morning.

Had a day off yesterday and I used I for housework and a cheeky visit to Costa. Was especially proud to go to bed at 10 pm, which is the ideal time I always have in mind when I work the 6:30 am shift, but never manage to actually get it. But last night I did it. Brush my teeth, put some moisturizer in my face and get my head on the pillow by 10:01...

Unfortunately I didn't fall asleep for at least one hour and it was frustrating. Then had a mild hypo at work this morning. Later, the full evening shift I wasn't feeling myself. I felt a bit like a toddler, wanting to cry just because I was so sleepy. And a "brilliant" manager decided there was too many staff and they had to send someone home. Not only that, he asked me to do some online training around the end of my shift. It was easy because I've done that one like ten times, but all together meant me and my colleagues finished later and that's the last thing I wanted today. Grrr! Next time you wanna send someone home, send me!!

That's the rant. Hopefully tomorrow I'll log in with a more positive tone after a restful night (fingers crossed!). I wanted to comment more on some diabetes matters but I really need to get to bed ASAP and before that, to the shower. Is really tempting to skip it tonight but must remind myself it feels better to go to bed clean...and I just washed the sheets yesterday. Don't want to waste that effort! :D
Good evening. 5'8 this morning.

Had a day off yesterday and I used I for housework and a cheeky visit to Costa. Was especially proud to go to bed at 10 pm, which is the ideal time I always have in mind when I work the 6:30 am shift, but never manage to actually get it. But last night I did it. Brush my teeth, put some moisturizer in my face and get my head on the pillow by 10:01...

Unfortunately I didn't fall asleep for at least one hour and it was frustrating. Then had a mild hypo at work this morning. Later, the full evening shift I wasn't feeling myself. I felt a bit like a toddler, wanting to cry just because I was so sleepy. And a "brilliant" manager decided there was too many staff and they had to send someone home. Not only that, he asked me to do some online training around the end of my shift. It was easy because I've done that one like ten times, but all together meant me and my colleagues finished later and that's the last thing I wanted today. Grrr! Next time you wanna send someone home, send me!!

That's the rant. Hopefully tomorrow I'll log in with a more positive tone after a restful night (fingers crossed!). I wanted to comment more on some diabetes matters but I really need to get to bed ASAP and before that, to the shower. Is really tempting to skip it tonight but must remind myself it feels better to go to bed clean...and I just washed the sheets yesterday. Don't want to waste that effort! :D
Yes. Must go to bed clean. Thanks for sharing.
Good morning this wet start...lots of rain

BG 5.2 yesss
Temp 36.4
Pulse 50
BP 116/71

Practice at the church last night was really hard work but in the end was successful...the real thing this morning...

Slept surprisingly well even though my head was spinning after the practice last evening. Lots of energy this morning and a very positive feeling. Excellent.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning! So near yet so far at 5.3 after a night free of phantom pain! 🙂

Afyer six days of waiting for transport ans/or people I am my own man tody. Just need to edit my food delivery for tomorrow as first time I haven't had to reschedule delivery in a month!
Last edited:
Morning all. And a foray into the fives, just, with a 5.9. Pleased with that as I was constantly high yesterday, I didn’t feel 100% ( stomach problems again) and this seems to go hand in hand. Because I was high, I was very tired and had a nap, felt a bit better and decided to pop to our Morrisons Local, I walked rather than go in the car and apart from the fact I had on my sunglasses one minute and my brolly up the next, it livened me up and I managed to eat my tea at about 7.30 and my BGs stayed steady.

Got the farmers children coming at lunch time as their parents are going to a funeral, on a Sunday, I know a bit strange, but apparently the vicar is going on holiday this week! It’s my son in law’s auntie, she was unwell last Friday with stomach pains, went to hospital, diagnosed with stomach cancer and died the next day. The poor family is in total shock. She was only 73, and from all accounts a fit woman, still working on the family farm. How very sad. Life does throw some strange curve balls on occasion. :(

It’ll be nice to see the kids, haven’t seen the girls since Blackpool and haven’t seen grandson for about three weeks ( he doesn’t need babysat but likes to come to ours, which is nice). I’m going to bake brownies to celebrate his fab GCSE results. 2 x 7 ( A in old money) 5 x6 ( B) and 1 x5 ( C). Or something like that, he sent me a chart with the comparisons on, you needed a GSE to understand it!

Four more pains of glass in the greenhouse yesterday, between showers. No Project Greenhouse today, not only because the kids are coming but he’s ran out of putty and refuses to pay B&Q’s absolutely extortionate prices and will wait until Tuesday when the local glass merchant is back open. Plus he fell off the step ladders yesterday and hurt his back stopping himself from falling on his back! 😱

@Gwynn well done on another HS, wish you’d save some for me! 😉

Have a super, sunny Sunday all. It’s wet here.

Joining @MikeyBikey on the oh so near yet oh so far 5.3 step. Had a lovely knit and natter yesterday, last one for a while as next weekend I am off on holiday, the next one is a special one as it is a fundraiser for a local Hospice instead of taking our own projects someone is coming in to do a project with us all doing the same thing. Today, I will be running, watching the Grand Prix and starting to pack my suitcase with all the bits that don’t crease.

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS.

@eggyg - sorry to hear Mr eggy fell from the ladder and hurt his back. Hope you have a lovely lunch with the grandkids.

lively and sunny if a bit chilly this morning. Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
Morning all, 6.9 here, reduced basal a tad too much last night. Managed to stay dry yesterday morning, and got home to dry roads, but came through huge puddles and water cascading down the road in the next village, they’d obv copped a deluge recently.
Good morning 5.8 - a relief to be back in the 5s.

Yesterday's weather had one benefit - I can take washing the car off the list - went through 2 showers better than a pressure washer on the way along the coast. Pootled down several long but dead end roads beyond Y Ferwig to enjoy some spectacular seascapes - the sun coming out fleetingly to light them.

Did a quick Tesco shop to buy some lamb - no idea how so many other things leapt into basket but fortunately all zero carb. Wonderful with garlic and rosemary, very tender.

Spent a quiet hour sitting by pond sneakily grooming the bits of Wolf which he sits on. All done now except hind legs below the hocks and his (no longer) very naughty bits. Not a gig to which one can invite a neighbour but hopefully can strap him to the barn door today and finish the job. So far 14 hours of work...Anybody got a Mexican Hairless they want rid of?

Managed 7 hour sleep and feel much better for it if I ignore the joints.

Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday and that some of us get some sun.

@eggyg Hope Mr Eggyg's back is better soon.
Oop's realised in my eagerness to get ready for a day out at The Mod Weekender yesterday (I'm not a Mod, just a photographer of 50 years +) I forgot to do a test yesterday. Still today is day two of the event, after breakfast, but I did a reading, which was 4.8...

Best stay away as I am a Rocker but we are all mates now as too old for fighting! (fighting emoji) Where's it at? It's Harley Day at the Ace although they have occasional scooter days...

P. S. Had a scooter for a few weeks - scared me more at 45mph than a Triton at a ton!
6.0 on this rather cool and grey Cornish morning. No sign of the sun yet and there are showers in the forecast for this afternoon. Hope it doesn't affect today's unofficial Smite World Championships over in St Neot, which are due to start with the singles at 11 o'clock, otherwise they might delay it until tomorrow and we'll have to find something else to do today. Not a problem as we have the whole week mapped out so would just switch things around.

Congratulations on another HS @Gwynn

Have a good Sunday.
A 4.7 for me today. 🙂
And good luck @Martin.A in the Smile World Championships. 🙂
