Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning! A slightly better but far from ideal 9.8. Was expecting rather worse after being in the throes of phantom pain at 1:00am when it skyrocketed to 15.3. Started about 10:00pm and got gradually worst till 12:00 when I took more, painkillers. Very fitfull sleep from 2:00 till 4:00. Then slept till 6:00 followed by another fitfull two hours. After a week spent waiting for transport or people, and two nights of phantom pain I throughly p*ss*d off!

Can't be bothered to open the curtains so no idea if raining or not but seems gloomy...

5.7 and another cold, hoping this one is not as bad as the last one as I have only just got over coughing.

@MeeTooTeeTo - congratulations on your HS

@Barrowman - congratulations on yesterdays HS.
Morning all! 4.9, amazing after an Indian meal last night so I really must have played well in Guess The Carbs! I only Nibbled on a Naan (new game) and had a little bit of rice so that obviously helped reduce the carb load.

Still wondering about my HbA1c result of 49. I should be feeling really good about it with it being a great drop from 58 a year ago, but getting fixated on the target of < 48 which is dragging me down a rabbit hole. I’ll have a word with myself.

Congratulations @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS!

@Robin - hoping the rain holds off for you!

Have a great day everyone!
5.4 on this bright and sunny Devon morning. Bit different to yesterday when the heavens opened as soon as we hit the M5. Glad we weren't going north as there was mile after mile of stationary traffic. Just finished breakfast so will shortly check out and head west into Cornwall.

Congratulations @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS.
Morning all! 4.9, amazing after an Indian meal last night so I really must have played well in Guess The Carbs! I only Nibbled on a Naan (new game) and had a little bit of rice so that obviously helped reduce the carb load.

Still wondering about my HbA1c result of 49. I should be feeling really good about it with it being a great drop from 58 a year ago, but getting fixated on the target of < 48 which is dragging me down a rabbit hole. I’ll have a word with myself.

Congratulations @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS!

@Robin - hoping the rain holds off for you!

Have a great day everyone!
I’d say that your 49 is basically a 48. I’m sure it’s well within the error tolerances for the lab tests. That means that it’s really a 47. 🙂
Afternoon! 7.1 and I’m very late! Tossed and turned from 4.20, eventually fell asleep about 6.30, woke at 8.20 and I feel terrible! Lie ins don’t agree with me!

Yesterday was a shocker of a day, we hardly had a minute without rain, and it wasn’t just normal rain, it was torrential at times. Bouncing off the ground torrential. Poor Zara was stir crazy, we let her out into the garden at one stage when we had a brief respite, the respite lasted about two minutes, but she still insisted on staying out and running around the garden! She enjoyed it! Dry so far but forecast not good, Mr Eggy is very twitchy, he wants to finish his windows. Puttying ( not sure that’s a word) in the rain isn’t really a good idea! I’m ironing, as per! :( Or I may be taking Zara to a party as daughter has done her back in, sounds like sciatic to me, she woke with it through the night and is in agony, poor thing. Hubby works Saturdays. She’s insisting she’ll be fine and it’s literally just around the corner from where she lives so won’t need to attempt to drive. But I’m on standby.

Well done to @Barrowman on yesterday’s HS, and to @MeeTooTeeTo on todays. Also big congratulations for the super HbA1c results from @ColinUK and @Eternal422, I’ve never been in the 40s since becoming diabetic, I was 52 this year and 51 last year so just the same. My DSN is happy with that, even I ever get under 48 I’m still going to be diabetic.

Have a good day all.

Here’s some of the roof I got in the 30 seconds between showers, and one from my bathroom window when the 30 seconds was up! :rofl:


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Good morning everyone. First up?

BG 5.3
Temp 36.4
Pulse 50
Oxy 95
BP 117/71

Today a practice at the church in readiness for tomorrow, lots more exersize, baked potato for tea.

I don't feel as tired as I did yesterday thankfully. No idea why I felt so tired. It could have bern the very long walk on Thursday that did it.

Wierdly my wife managed to lose the kitchen sink plug yesterday!!! I looked for it evetywhere I could think (after she thought I must have tsken it!). I will just buy another one. Thankfully my wife didn't drop down that rabbit hole of paranoia....phew

We have a music festival here in a local park all weekend. I could hear last nights performances from my house, and we are a long way away. Tomorrow is the last day but (i suspect unknowingly) the church have organised a picnic in that very same park. I suspect that they may have to rearrange thr picnic!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Have you checked in the vegetable peelings in the bin as it is easy for it to get muddled up in those
I’d say that your 49 is basically a 48. I’m sure it’s well within the error tolerances for the lab tests. That means that it’s really a 47. 🙂
Thanks Colin, love that line of reasoning 🙂
Afternoon! 7.1 and I’m very late! Tossed and turned from 4.20, eventually fell asleep about 6.30, woke at 8.20 and I feel terrible! Lie ins don’t agree with me!

Yesterday was a shocker of a day, we hardly had a minute without rain, and it wasn’t just normal rain, it was torrential at times. Bouncing off the ground torrential. Poor Zara was stir crazy, we let her out into the garden at one stage when we had a brief respite, the respite lasted about two minutes, but she still insisted on staying out and running around the garden! She enjoyed it! Dry so far but forecast not good, Mr Eggy is very twitchy, he wants to finish his windows. Puttying ( not sure that’s a word) in the rain isn’t really a good idea! I’m ironing, as per! :( Or I may be taking Zara to a party as daughter has done her back in, sounds like sciatic to me, she woke with it through the night and is in agony, poor thing. Hubby works Saturdays. She’s insisting she’ll be fine and it’s literally just around the corner from where she lives so won’t need to attempt to drive. But I’m on standby.

Well done to @Barrowman on yesterday’s HS, and to @MeeTooTeeTo on todays. Also big congratulations for the super HbA1c results from @ColinUK and @Eternal422, I’ve never been in the 40s since becoming diabetic, I was 52 this year and 51 last year so just the same. My DSN is happy with that, even I ever get under 48 I’m still going to be diabetic.

Have a good day all.

Here’s some of the roof I got in the 30 seconds between showers, and one from my bathroom window when the 30 seconds was up! :rofl:
Well done Mr Eggyg - can't wait to see final unveiling of glasshouse.
Good morning. 6.00.

Sorry not to have been on here reliably to read all contributions, not been having a good few days or nights. Congratulations to all those hitting the magic HS in my absence. I seem to be perking up a bit and mobiity improving. Have got 95% of Mr Wolf detufted, weed killed the majority of the sad patches outside, and nearly finished the great house clean up. Who knew that 4 people could generate so much laundry and chaos? Tumble dryer seems to have been running non-stop as never any decent periods of sunshine.

Was putting on coat to face a drizzly morning potter with Wolf when a rattle like machine gun fire issued from the utility room skylight - a sudden deluge of bouncing rain, hammering and bouncing off drive, car, buildings. Put kettle on instead...Forecast suggests more such showers to come so plans for today require amending - except the one to harvest some nice globe artichokes during any cessation of attackfrom the weather gods.

Hope some of us get a few sunny intervals and enjoy them.
Good morning. 6.00.

Sorry not to have been on here reliably to read all contributions, not been having a good few days or nights. Congratulations to all those hitting the magic HS in my absence. I seem to be perking up a bit and mobiity improving. Have got 95% of Mr Wolf detufted, weed killed the majority of the sad patches outside, and nearly finished the great house clean up. Who knew that 4 people could generate so much laundry and chaos? Tumble dryer seems to have been running non-stop as never any decent periods of sunshine.

Was putting on coat to face a drizzly morning potter with Wolf when a rattle like machine gun fire issued from the utility room skylight - a sudden deluge of bouncing rain, hammering and bouncing off drive, car, buildings. Put kettle on instead...Forecast suggests more such showers to come so plans for today require amending - except the one to harvest some nice globe artichokes during any cessation of attackfrom the weather gods.

Hope some of us get a few sunny intervals and enjoy them.
Thank you and you
Morning all and 7.0 for me.

Not much planned for the day. Been working on songs for the band and trying to ruthlessly sort the wheat from the chaff and the downright unlistenable. They can put up with some of my more Avant Garde tendancies but only up to a point.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all - plenty of blue sky this morning. Scattered showers forecast, but if it only amounts to the same as yesterday you could more or less ignore them.

5.9 this morning which I am happy with. Lemon chicken with Chinese noodles and stir fry last night. I was surprised that half a packet of lemon sauce was as much as 18g carb + the cornflour to coat the chicken and the noodles, then a fruit platter, so much more carb heavy than I had initially thought it was going to be.

Off to meet some friends in town this afternoon.

@TinaD I do hope you feel better soon. Not nice being under the weather.

@MeeTooTeeTo congratulations yet again. Deffo making a habit of this, much to the envy of the rest of us!

@eggyg that greenhouse is amazing. Well done Mr Eggy.

Have a super Saturday all.
Good morning 7.3 today
was 8.0 yesterday

have many pages of posts to catch up with on here
I will be mostly chilling this weekend

have a fantastic day everybody 😎
Morning all

Grey clouds looming on the horizon, expecting showers today. Anyway it was a 4.9 for me earlier this morning.

Have a good day and stay safe everyone.
Still wondering about my HbA1c result of 49. I should be feeling really good about it with it being a great drop from 58 a year ago, but getting fixated on the target of < 48 which is dragging me down a rabbit hole. I’ll have a word with myself.
Eternal. Being your own pancreas is like trying to smell the number 7 some (most) days.
Go easy on yourself shooting for an even better A1c than the awesome number you have!

7.4 for me today! Had a massive sleep in but no nap yesterday.

I started deep cleaning my bedroom/office yesterday and more to do today. I found sooo many needle caps down the back and under my desk (which is where I keep my stuff at home). Do they breed? I swear they do.

Hope you all have a fabby weekend x
Afternoon! 7.1 and I’m very late! Tossed and turned from 4.20, eventually fell asleep about 6.30, woke at 8.20 and I feel terrible! Lie ins don’t agree with me!

Yesterday was a shocker of a day, we hardly had a minute without rain, and it wasn’t just normal rain, it was torrential at times. Bouncing off the ground torrential. Poor Zara was stir crazy, we let her out into the garden at one stage when we had a brief respite, the respite lasted about two minutes, but she still insisted on staying out and running around the garden! She enjoyed it! Dry so far but forecast not good, Mr Eggy is very twitchy, he wants to finish his windows. Puttying ( not sure that’s a word) in the rain isn’t really a good idea! I’m ironing, as per! :( Or I may be taking Zara to a party as daughter has done her back in, sounds like sciatic to me, she woke with it through the night and is in agony, poor thing. Hubby works Saturdays. She’s insisting she’ll be fine and it’s literally just around the corner from where she lives so won’t need to attempt to drive. But I’m on standby.

Well done to @Barrowman on yesterday’s HS, and to @MeeTooTeeTo on todays. Also big congratulations for the super HbA1c results from @ColinUK and @Eternal422, I’ve never been in the 40s since becoming diabetic, I was 52 this year and 51 last year so just the same. My DSN is happy with that, even I ever get under 48 I’m still going to be diabetic.

Have a good day all.

Here’s some of the roof I got in the 30 seconds between showers, and one from my bathroom window when the 30 seconds was up! :rofl:
Looks amazing .