Group 7-day waking average?


5.4 this morning, so seems to have stabilise. Had a lovely yoga session yesterday And I am aching already, going for a run this evening and starting to thin what to pack for holidays as my case is already down from the loft as son borrowed it to go to Crete, came home at the weekend so no pint getting the case put back in the loft.
A lovely sunny start to the day here in Berkshire and I'm joining @Gwynn on the 5.5 step. Friday is BP check day - 106/71 - so that's fine.

Off to Cornwall (Fowey) this morning, although we're actually breaking up the journey with an overnight stop just outside Exeter. Also stopping for lunch at Clarks Village, the outlet place near Street in Somerset, which doesn't take us much off our route. A bit of designer shopping too, I expect. There are thunderstorms forecast on our route but not until well into the afternoon, so - fingers crossed - we should miss them.

Looks like Fowey might be in for a drenching this morning as the thunderstorms sweep in west-to-east but the forecast is for a week of mostly scattered showers, sunny intervals and a light breeze, so not expecting the weather to spoil our plans.

Have a good day, everyone.
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Good morning! Woke to phantom pain about 3:30. BG a disappointing 8.9 but it had risen a couple of notches, in response to pain I imagine, just before I woke.

Inky black outside but probably cloudy as no stars visible!

Good moaning! Slept very fitfully with recurring dream coming in and out. Woke around 7:30 with BG have risen in a straight line to 15.3! FFS what's going on?

And yes it's cloudy! :(
diabetes’s GCSE results
How did it do? :confused:

Morning all. :D 6.1 here.

It's raining! Our generous, veg-growing neighbour appeared yesterday - she'd lugged two enormous cabbages up the huge hill to present us with 30 degree heat and she's probably in her 80s (imposs to tell). Then she skipped off back down the track...These aren't ordinary cabbages, these are home-grown Asturian power bombs and the secret to eternal youth. o_O😎
A lovely sunny start to the day here in Berkshire and I'm joining @Gwynn on the 5.5 step. Friday is BP check day - 106/71 - so that's fine.

Off to Cornwall (Fowey) this morning, although we're actually breaking up the journey with an overnight stop just outside Exeter. Also stopping for lunch at Clarkes Village, the outlet place near Street in Somerset, which doesn't take us much off our route. A bit of designer shopping too, I expect. There are thunderstorms forecast on our route but not until well into the afternoon, so - fingers crossed - we should miss them.

Looks like Fowey might be in for a drenching this morning as the thunderstorms sweep in west-to-east but the forecast is for a week of mostly scattered showers, sunny intervals and a light breeze, so not expecting the weather to spoil our plans.

Have a good day, everyone.
Have a great time.
4.9 this morning for me. BP 114/77 (seems to be a thing at the moment, at least for myself, @Gwynn and @Martin.A 🙂 ).

Started to get my blood results showing up online from Wednesday’s vampire visit. Just FBC so far - wow! what a lot of results in that, will need to google some of those :rofl: , but they are all within the normal range and the GP DSN’s comment was “satisfactory”. Feels a bit like I haven‘t done well, just average :rofl:. Waiting with baited breath now for my HbA1c!

Looking forward to Project Greenhouse pictures when the rain stops @eggyg !

Must dash now and have some food, the Libre low glucose alarm is calling!

Have a good day everyone!
It was 4.8 for me this morning. So looks like I've become immune to Lindt Mint chocolate. :D

Morning all. Woke to a 3.4 and the flattest red line i've ever seen. Clearly the JBs i had earlier when the alarm went off didn't work. Its ruined my TIR as i've been 0% low for 14 days. Now showing 1% 14 days and 3% 7 days.

The sun is out here atm but its forecast rain later. I shall have a clean round and vaccuum then get a few things ready for a weekend away.

@Martin.A have a lovely holiday.
@eggyg looking forward to seeing the photos of the greenhouse. Mr Eggyg has done a really good job on it.
@Bloden i could do with some of those cabbages. If an 80 year old can carry them uphill in 30° they must be good!!

I'm off to get something to eat now levels are going up. Have a good day everyone.
How did it do? :confused:

Morning all. :D 6.1 here.

It's raining! Our generous, veg-growing neighbour appeared yesterday - she'd lugged two enormous cabbages up the huge hill to present us with 30 degree heat and she's probably in her 80s (imposs to tell). Then she skipped off back down the track...These aren't ordinary cabbages, these are home-grown Asturian power bombs and the secret to eternal youth. o_O😎

Ooops, it was supposed to be daughter's GCSE results.
Diabetes failed everything, especially cookery and biology!
Morning all 4.7; for me this morning High alarm did go off at 2 am When I got back in with dog at 9 pm last night sat down levels heading down to low 4 s so I had a few chunks of dark chocolate might have over done it should have taken a couple of units. Had to take 3 at 2am . Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
Off to Cornwall (Fowey) this morning, although we're actually breaking up the journey with an overnight stop just outside Exeter. Also stopping for lunch at Clarkes Village, the outlet place near Street in Somerset, which doesn't take us much off our route. A bit of designer shopping too, I expect. There are thunderstorms forecast on our route but not until well into the afternoon, so - fingers crossed - we should miss them.
Good luck with Clarke's village. Last time we went we kept remarking how expensive things were there.... "bargain" polo shirts at £90 each. I like Roman Originals ladies' clothes and they were all full price in the shop, whereas when I buy online I can more often than not get 20% off.
Morning all.....plenty of dark cloud, but still some blue patches. Cornish weather doesn't always do what the Met Office and Google weather instruct it to do (which today is thunder and lighten). Yesterday clouded over in the afternoon - so I did get a pile of ironing done - but by early evening we were able to sit in the garden.

7.6 this morning, but I'd been awakened an hour earlier by the alarm going off for 3.8. Had a Lift tab and half a biccie. No red is now showing up - how odd.

I've been informed by the GP practice that there's some sort of Diabetes group being formed, first meeting today at 2:30. It's supposed to be "fun" - it's being run by a volunteer of DUK. I believe I met him some years ago, if it's who i think then he's a bit pompous, but I will go along and see what it's all about.

@Eternal422 glad I could help a little.

Have a good day all.
Morning all
Overcast morning here, and it’s a happy 5.2 for me today.
Congratulations @Barrowman on your Friday HS!