Group 7-day waking average?

Is it something I have done wrong or has there been a change to the forum, every time I go to the forum I am asked to log on.
Good morning - 8.5

Have a great day everyone
Yesterday i put an egg on to boil for lunch. Later heard a bang and a sizzle. I'd got distracted and forgot about the egg and it exploded and my saucepan is unusable.
I've sometimes got distracted and forgotten that I've had something boiling but since my wife showed me how to set the timer on our hob - yes, she really did have to show me - I haven't boiled anything dry, and the hob not only switches off when the time's up but kindly beeps when it's done so.
I've sometimes got distracted and forgotten that I've had something boiling but since my wife showed me how to set the timer on our hob - yes, she really did have to show me - I haven't boiled anything dry, and the hob not only switches off when the time's up but kindly beeps when it's done so.
I boiled another egg after i'd cleaned up but took a kitchen timer everywhere with me for the next few minutes. I then found the timer doesn't have a very loud beep so i'll pick one of those up as well i think. We have a gas cooker so no timer on ours.
Good morning.6.3

Heavy grey overcast but not raining (yet).

Family now departed for home - had some fun with 7 year old Rowan raiding the local antique shops. Vendors are a bit shell shocked when he fixes them with a stern stare and demands "Is that your best?" and then makes then an offer of 50% of ticket price...It works surprisingly often.

Still struggling with dodgy knee and zero energy. House like a bomb site post family but I don't feel up to housework so I shall have a mostly lazy day with a book. May attack a few more tufts on Wolf if he has forgiven me for yesterday. Long haired GSDs are the pits - 4 inches of silk over a dense mass of undercoat with which it fuses when the dog is damp or moulting. Persuading 40kg of dog to sit quietly whilst you tug at his hair is not easy and costs a fortune in gravy bones.

Hope everyone doing well.
4.9 today and a lovely flat fish overnight.

Yesterday’s GP Health Centre appointment (aka Vampire & foot tickle visit) was a bit weird.

Feet ok, blood extracted without a problem. BP was high enough (126/85) to trigger action from the nurse to get me to record my BP twice a day at home for 7 consecutive days then send that back to them. This morning’s reading was 109/75 so we’ll see how that goes this week.

Then we got talking in general about diabetes and I was saying about how the Libre has helped me identify how different foods affect my BG and has taught me how long to pre-bolus to reduce spikes. The nurse’s response was : “What’s pre-bolus?”. So glad I am under the diabetes team at the hospital :rofl: The GP health centre aren’t wrong when they told me they don’t have the skills to look after patients on insulin.

The other issue was that they still have me down as T2 on their records. This probably worries me more than it should as the hospital are treating me as T1 and have said that I am “presumed T1” as far as they are concerned. I have emailed them to ask them to write to the GP to get my records there amended. Of course, I then went down the rabbit hole of what’s the difference between T1 and T2, could I be T2 with little or no insulin resistance and no insulin production? etc., etc. I need to give myself a shake and say it doesn’t matter, as long as the hospital are considering me as T1 then the care and treatment plan remain the same and I’m ok and doing well on that.

Sorry for the rant, just wanted to get that off my chest!

Hope everyone has a good day!
Is it something I have done wrong or has there been a change to the forum, every time I go to the forum I am asked to log on.
Have you ticked the box Stay logged in? Perhaps that's it

Morning all - another clear blue sky at 8 am. It's now mostly clouded over, though it's forecast to clear this afternoon. Sorry to hear most people are stuck in rain!

7.4 first thing.

Had a lovely day eating in the garden with my friend yesterday afternoon.... the meeting I thought was on last night is actually next week, so Julian and I went down the pub with a couple of friends and had a pleasant early evening in their garden with a big group.

The other issue was that they still have me down as T2 on their records. This probably worries me more than it should as the hospital are treating me as T1 and have said that I am “presumed T1” as far as they are concerned. I have emailed them to ask them to write to the GP to get my records there amended. Of course, I then went down the rabbit hole of what’s the difference between T1 and T2, could I be T2 with little or no insulin resistance and no insulin production? etc., etc. I need to give myself a shake and say it doesn’t matter, as long as the hospital are considering me as T1 then the care and treatment plan remain the same and I’m ok and doing well on that.
@Eternal422 I know exactly what you mean as I was in the very same position several years ago and that was even after being on a pump. In the end I got the Diabetes Nurse at the surgery to amend the records. It was seriously affecting me mentally because it was causing something of a battle. I can see that not every surgery diabetes nurse has the autonomy to do that though.

@TinaD have missed your daily diary notes. Glad to see you back.

Have a lovely day all

Hope there is room for another one on the 5.3 step, my highest waking for a while, but I was late up and all in a panic as I should have been online, so maybe that is why , but I like the wakingbreadings to be in the 5s.

Apart from work todays activities will include walking home from mum’s (I am getting a lift there when hubby goes to work) and yoga for the lower body.

very grey, wet and muggy here.
@Eternal422 I know exactly what you mean as I was in the very same position several years ago and that was even after being on a pump. In the end I got the Diabetes Nurse at the surgery to amend the records. It was seriously affecting me mentally because it was causing something of a battle. I can see that not every surgery diabetes nurse has the autonomy to do that though.
Thank you so much for sharing this, it’s really helped me today! It’s good to know it’s not just something that affects me. Even though they shouldn’t be, labels do have an effect on people’s mental health.
Finally had a reply from the SOIT apologising for not replying quicker.
Of course they didn’t answer any of the questions I’ve asked or my ISVA has asked. Nor have they offered anything more positive than contact. Via email.
No movement on the meeting. No details about bail conditions for the suspect. No acknowledgment that the OIC moving on might well be cause for distress.

Tomorrow I’m meeting with my ISVA to revise the complaint wording.

Didn’t bother taking BG levels this morning. Que sera sera.
'Far iawn' is 'fawr iawn' with a posh accent. That's how my gran used to say it LOL (she was ever-so-posh). 😉

Morning folks. 😛 6.1 here.

DIY beckons...but maybe just one more coffee before I start. :confused: No hay ganas / I'm lacking enthusiasm - it's just too darn hot! o_O It's official - Northern Spain is the new Southern Spain, which makes Andalucia the new Sahara...crazy weather. 😎
Hmmm todays appointment has been cancelled...sigh
7.2 for me earlier this morning with a reasonably flat line overnight around but mostly just into the red again. 🙄 Levemir dose is clearly right but just getting the bedtime level wrong. My single JB for the 4.1 Libre alarm that woke me this morning clearly had superpowers as it should have raised me 1.5mmols not 3. Clearly Dawn was helping out. It didn't help that I binged on a huge bar of Galaxy milk chocolate that I found in the back of a cupboard yesterday, which probably primed my liver for some overspill this morning. Lots of insulin was involved with the chocolate feast but managed BG incredibly well which is really not good. Hitting 20 would be a deterrent and what I fully expected to happen considering I didn't prebolus. Managing to keep levels below 7.5 after eating more than half a 360g bar of milk chocolate is certainly not helpful mentally, even if it is impressive! Worst of it is I am a Cadbury's girl and consider Galaxy substandard but after 4.5 years on 70%+ dark chocolate, anything milk was fair game. Like a recovering alcoholic, I will always have this weakness for binging, but mostly I manage it well, so one fall from grace every now and then I suppose isn't too desperate!
😳 It’s been exactly a week since I last checked in here! 😱

A Very G’day Mates & hopefully you’re all having a Wonderful Day? 😉

It was a bit of an erratic week on 74 tresiba as my BS swung a bit as did my NR doses as I had a few sniffles with the change of weather: Autumn is here already! So, I’m giving it another week on 74 tresiba now that my sniffles are more or less gone & things have settled better from yesterday!

Sensor changeovers are on Thursday, for me, & had my first VERY inaccurate sensor this morning applied 09:22 with first reading 10:22 BS 5.7 which I didn’t see anything wrong with despite my last old sensor reading 08:27 BS 9.6 as I was sleeping; my sleeping drops are still happening! But, the sensor kept reading lower & lower despite an oatcake & FINALLY twigged when the readings got to the red in the 3’s after an oatcake & I felt completely well, just a bit sleepy still & why it took SO long for the penny to drop, & I did fingertip tests that were reading in the 8’s.

Just rang Abbott & they’re replacing the sensor & I applied a new one that’ll be ready to at 14:40. I just got the prescrition for 2 sensors on Monday & chemist delivered to me yesterday: I get two a month automatically without me needing to order it online at the health centre website; tried ordering last week but, it’s not listed & it’s not on repeat ordering so, I can’t get them early!

My BS has really flattened overall to an almost straight line averaging about 10mmol despite my TIR that keeps dropping lower each week as I try new meals & guessing portion sizes & NR: started in the 50’s percentage range 6 weeks ago & down to the 40’s percentage range these last 2 weeks or so! But, they’re all noted down in my logbook entries & I can look them up & compare/adjust to my BS readings for doses when I eat the same thing again! Slowly & steadily working out a new catalog of meals vs NR & BS adjustments so, that TIR will probably not improve much until I’ve tried everything that I normally eat!


Have yet to catch up, there’s PAGES to read from this last week, & will do so eventually!

I’m still feeling very tired & sleepy today as I’m only just getting out from under the weather since yesterday!
'Far iawn' is 'fawr iawn' with a posh accent. That's how my gran used to say it LOL (she was ever-so-posh).
That would explain it. Paul @Paul Gibbins is in Caerleon which is undoubtedly posher than Llanelli (it would be hard not be be, to be honest).