Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning to all.

Got serious with my exercise routine this morning.

And dropped it from 13.4 to 6.1. I kid you not.

I always knew exercise was the key for me.

Safe to say I will be doing the same tomorrow.

Have a good day.
Good Morning what exercise is the best? I think I must try something which might help me.
Good Morning what exercise is the best? I think I must try something which might help me.
I read that intense exercise drops the glucose the fastest. Works for me. The exercises I do are just at a fast pace. I would recommend trying what you're happy with and see if you are happy with the results.
First morning reading for a while - 5.4
Can’t remember when I last took my Metformin, really must get back into it, although it doesn’t seem to really make a difference.
First morning reading for a while - 5.4
Can’t remember when I last took my Metformin, really must get back into it, although it doesn’t seem to really make a difference.
Why would you need it at 5.4 ?
Good morning 8.0 today
before I put on my specs thought it was 6.0
but on looking closer at my meter it was 8.0
not unsurprisingly really considering what I ate just before bed yesterday

have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning! After a few iffy days supremed my self with a 5.8 and virtually flat all night. Mix of highs and lows yesterday mean TIR is only 67% but better than scraping 50%!

Have a scan on my leg this afternoon. Fingers crossed Patient Transport perform rather better than Tuesday and I get my favourite Ambulance Assistant.

Overcast and grey.

Suspect its a phone update but I cannot attach my nice Libre result! 🙂

And suddenly it works! Must be the Android Fairy has kicked DF aside! :rofl:
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Morning folks. I’m on the 7.4 step with @Northerner budge up Alan! 😉 My excursion into the fives was nice while it lasted.

Greenhouse glass and bistro set arrived yesterday. Table still in box, chairs stacked in my dining room. One pain of glass ( the smallest one) fitted. Priorities eh? Looking at the gloomy and quite dark day, I don’t think I need to remove the table from the box any time soon. I really think summer is over.

Off to meet daughter number 3 and Zara for lunch today. She invited me and her dad, but he’s waiting for his mother's Wiltshire Farm Food delivery, so just me going. I’m assuming she’s treating me for lunch. But you know what they say about assuming. 😛 It’s her birthday soon and I said I’d treat her to some new clothes as she’s pregnant and will need something with growth room. I imagine that is her plan.

Have a good day, I’m hoping the drizzle will stop soon as I don’t fancy walking around town in it. TBF I don’t like wandering around the town whatever the weather.:(

Here’s the first window. A little quirky one. One down, 12 to go. I didn’t know until they were delivered that he ordered 13 panes. I hope that’s not an omen. 😱 Not that I’m superstitious, touch wood!:rofl:


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Good morning to all.

Got serious with my exercise routine this morning.

And dropped it from 13.4 to 6.1. I kid you not.

I always knew exercise was the key for me.

Safe to say I will be doing the same tomorrow.

Have a good day.

When I do amputee physio I have to preload with about 30gm CHO but can drop 8 mmol/L in the hour. So if I start around 12 things are OK bur at 10 disaster! :(
Good morning everyone. Well, I say 'good' but it is dark, cold, raining...sigh...and I wanted to walk to Lytham today (hearing aid appointment). Not keen on busses too.

BG 5.3
Temp 36.4
Pulse 49
BP 117/74

So today will all be about my hearing...or lack of it...and I just can't seem to get on well with the hearing aids they gave me. Sigh

Today is our rubbish collection day. I completely forgot to put the bins out early this morning until I heard a neighbour putting theirs out. Just made it before the designated official time. It didn't matter as the bin lorry was quite late (thankfully) (not a very nice job, especially in the rain)

So today will be a bit of stress for me (I do get stressed with appointments)...all day. Appointment is at 4pm.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Wet and overcast here this morning, and looking at how wet everything is we must have had some serious rain overnight. Sunshine and a 20% risk of showers for the rest of the day says the BBC. Still flirting with that elusive HS with a 5.3 this morning, same as yesterday.

Pre-holiday washing completed yesterday, pre-holiday ironing scheduled for today, plus my usual Thursday swim. No one WFH today so it'll be the bus or Shank's depending on the weather. Tempted to have lunch in town afterwards but there's stuff in the fridge that needs using up so maybe not.

Whatever your plans have a good day.
Morning all. A higher 9.1 for me. I dropped to 4.0 before bed so i had a couple of breadsticks with humous. Obviously it was too much as i spiked high in the night.

Not much planned for today. I may go for a walk to the supermarket to get a new saucepan. Yesterday i put an egg on to boil for lunch. Later heard a bang and a sizzle. I'd got distracted and forgot about the egg and it exploded and my saucepan is unusable.

Enjoy your lunch with your daughter @eggyg. Have a good day everyone.
A nice round Hawaii 5.0 for me today. 🙂
Now off to waste a portion of my life trying to suss out why my Hotmail calendar is suddenly showing in "Traditional Chinese (Lunar) " :confused:😳

Have a great "English (United Kingdom)" day everybody.

Morning all.

On a grey and gloomy day it’s a 4.6 for me.

Off to get a new tyre for my bike soon, got a puncture last night and rode it home with a flat tyre, well I’m unable to walk three miles.

Have a good day all and stay safe.