Group 7-day waking average?

I boiled another egg after i'd cleaned up but took a kitchen timer everywhere with me for the next few minutes. I then found the timer doesn't have a very loud beep so i'll pick one of those up as well i think. We have a gas cooker so no timer on ours.
Set the timer on your phone. We have a timer on the cooker and use it all the time. But for other things I use my phone as it’s always with me.
The other issue was that they still have me down as T2 on their records. This probably worries me more than it should as the hospital are treating me as T1 and have said that I am “presumed T1” as far as they are concerned. I have emailed them to ask them to write to the GP to get my records there amended. Of course, I then went down the rabbit hole of what’s the difference between T1 and T2, could I be T2 with little or no insulin resistance and no insulin production? etc., etc. I need to give myself a shake and say it doesn’t matter, as long as the hospital are considering me as T1 then the care and treatment plan remain the same and I’m ok and doing well on that.

Sorry for the rant, just wanted to get that off my chest!

Hope everyone has a good day!
It was the same for me. The DSN at the diabetes clinic sent off various forms to my GP surgery saying I was to be treat as Type 1 etc etc. They still kept referring to me as Type 2 for years afterwards. I think they finally got it as I was offered a Libre on prescription two years ago without me asking!
It was the same for me. The DSN at the diabetes clinic sent off various forms to my GP surgery saying I was to be treat as Type 1 etc etc. They still kept referring to me as Type 2 for years afterwards. I think they finally got it as I was offered a Libre on prescription two years ago without me asking!
It’s good to know it’s not just me. I’ve had the Libre prescribed from the GP for a year now so you would have thought they may have realised and changed it to T1 on their notes now. But then they missed calling me for my annual review back in March so their admin must be swamped or in a bit of a mess.
I am a Cadbury's girl and consider Galaxy substandard
Yep! Same here! But I do also rate Lindt Lindor chocolates, especially the dark chocolate ones.
Oh dear! This new sensor is reading about 2mmol lower than fingertips but, I CAN work with it & do fingertips first before NR when eating & hopefully it’ll settle down & be more accurate? At least it’s better than the earlier one which was unacceptably out by 5mmol! :( TIR is TERRIBLE as according to the two sensors I’ve gone from 3.6 to 11.1 which was REALLY 8.3 to 13.5! 🙄 And I was getting stressed earlier after eating breakfast, VERY LATE, as I was at 7.0 at the 2 hour after mark which is borderline, for me, & COULD be heading off hypo territory BUT, it was actually around 9? Again I was slow to catch on & bear it in mind with fingertip tests when eating.o_O This one’s readings are fluctuating: I DO fluctuate; just NOT THAT MUCH! :rofl:
Morning all. Another early riser with a nice round 6. It’s wet and dark.:(

After a very busy day yesterday, lunch and shopping with daughter number 3 and Zara, we have another busy day today. After eight days off from childcare we’ve Zara today. Back to normal. We haven’t got the other two as daughter number 1 off on leave. Zara will be disappointed her cousins aren’t here. The forecast is rain, all day! So it’s up to us to entertain her. No mean feat.

Whilst I was slogging my guts out walking around clothes shops and eating Gyros from the Continental Market yesterday. Mr Eggy got the roof on the greenhouse. I’ll try and get a photo as soon as it stops raining. Just seven more pains of glass to go. Woohoo! Once it’s watertight the other works can be done at his leisure. Thank goodness. I was becoming a greenhouse widow! :rofl:

Have a fab Friday folks.
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Good morning everyone. Yup very overcast this motninng.

BG 5.5
Temp 36.4
Pulse 52 in the 50's yay!
BP 114/72

Yesterdays hearing appointment was cancelled but I still went for a walk to Lytham (plus). 210 minutes in total. Wife came too. BUT she likes the fish shop there (Lannigans) and spent a fortune. It was a good day except the evening when something went wrong and the day had a bit of a nasty hiccough. Sigh.

Today, no idea (I'm still a bit peeved after yesterdays 'hiccough')

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
After last night’s carb fest (60g+ at Zizzi, celebrating diabetes’s GCSE results) I went to bed with 5.7 and woke up this morning with…5.7
I picked up my script yesterday and even though I had a couple of libre in the drawer already, these were extra special as they were the first ones with MY name on. Really sad what makes me happy these days :rofl:

Have a great day everyone!
Good Morning.6.2 or right hand 5.7 on left. Both say not in range so what do I really need to be apart from 5.2 in the morning?
we have an echo dot within earshot of the kitchen so we get alexa to do all the timers (super lazy I know but it works for us)
Oh I want one of those.... My husband might get Jealous because instead of calling up and asking what is next lol