Group 7-day waking average?

Forgot to post this morning. Sensor attached and working fine.

Have to say this sensor isn’t comfortable. I usually can’t feel them at all but this one I most certainly can. Let’s see if it does last…
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Good moaning! Slept very fitfully with recurring dream coming in and out. Woke around 7:30 with BG have risen in a straight line to 15.3! FFS what's going on?

And yes it's cloudy! :(
perhaps your pain setting it up or maybe the antibiotic. Take care
Went to the diabetes group this afternoon. It was mostly retired/elderly T2s as you'd expect with it being held at 2:30 in the afternoon which more or less precluded younger working T1s. One other T1 who didn't say a lot, but was also a volunteer for DUK. It didn't seem to have any kind of formula, but people were encouraged to ask questions. The organiser told everyone about the DUK helpline, no mention of the forum, but I did pipe up and say how helpful/empathetic the forum is. A few of the attendees said they had no internet, but some people made a note of the forum and I recommended Low Carb Freshwell to a chap asking for recipes. Judging by the mass, rather rushed exodus I think some people were a bit bored.

As people left I asked the organiser what the red high heel shoe on the table of leaflets was all about. He said that he tells people "It's Jane's shoe, she didn't take care of her diabetes and had her leg amputated". I was utterly horrified. I said to him "surely to goodness what they need is to be told how to take care of themselves, not threatened". We disagreed on that one, so I said "we are edging dangerously close to one of my hobby horses, so it's best if I go now". I'm sure there was a fairly recent discussion on here about that very sort of threat? Sorry, hope I've not upset anyone, but in this day and age I do not think it's what's needed.
HbA1c 47 so that’s pretty much where I expected it to be. Quite happy with that all things considered.
Cholesterol all fine and firmly at the bottom of the advisory ranges.
One screwy result and that’s liver function tests. They’ve always been way over the advisory range so perhaps this time I’ll insist on some further investigation to make sure there’s nothing actually wrong.
Went to the diabetes group this afternoon. It was mostly retired/elderly T2s as you'd expect with it being held at 2:30 in the afternoon which more or less precluded younger working T1s. One other T1 who didn't say a lot, but was also a volunteer for DUK. It didn't seem to have any kind of formula, but people were encouraged to ask questions. The organiser told everyone about the DUK helpline, no mention of the forum, but I did pipe up and say how helpful/empathetic the forum is. A few of the attendees said they had no internet, but some people made a note of the forum and I recommended Low Carb Freshwell to a chap asking for recipes. Judging by the mass, rather rushed exodus I think some people were a bit bored.

As people left I asked the organiser what the red high heel shoe on the table of leaflets was all about. He said that he tells people "It's Jane's shoe, she didn't take care of her diabetes and had her leg amputated". I was utterly horrified. I said to him "surely to goodness what they need is to be told how to take care of themselves, not threatened". We disagreed on that one, so I said "we are edging dangerously close to one of my hobby horses, so it's best if I go now". I'm sure there was a fairly recent discussion on here about that very sort of threat? Sorry, hope I've not upset anyone, but in this day and age I do not think it's what's needed.
Nothing wrong with a short sharp shock.
Went to the diabetes group this afternoon. It was mostly retired/elderly T2s as you'd expect with it being held at 2:30 in the afternoon which more or less precluded younger working T1s. One other T1 who didn't say a lot, but was also a volunteer for DUK. It didn't seem to have any kind of formula, but people were encouraged to ask questions. The organiser told everyone about the DUK helpline, no mention of the forum, but I did pipe up and say how helpful/empathetic the forum is. A few of the attendees said they had no internet, but some people made a note of the forum and I recommended Low Carb Freshwell to a chap asking for recipes. Judging by the mass, rather rushed exodus I think some people were a bit bored.

As people left I asked the organiser what the red high heel shoe on the table of leaflets was all about. He said that he tells people "It's Jane's shoe, she didn't take care of her diabetes and had her leg amputated". I was utterly horrified. I said to him "surely to goodness what they need is to be told how to take care of themselves, not threatened". We disagreed on that one, so I said "we are edging dangerously close to one of my hobby horses, so it's best if I go now". I'm sure there was a fairly recent discussion on here about that very sort of threat? Sorry, hope I've not upset anyone, but in this day and age I do not think it's what's needed.
I agree with you whatever i type comes across wrong but not good is it
It's Jane's shoe, she didn't take care of her diabetes and had her leg amputated".
I can’t believe that! I agree with you, encouragement works better than shock, at least for me!
HbA1c 47 so that’s pretty much where I expected it to be. Quite happy with that all things considered.
You beat me! (Not that it’s a competition). Got mine today - 49.
Good luck with Clarke's village. Last time we went we kept remarking how expensive things were there.... "bargain" polo shirts at £90 each. I like Roman Originals ladies' clothes and they were all full price in the shop, whereas when I buy online I can more often than not get 20% off.
These outlet places are mostly the same. I did manage to pick up a couple of bargains at Vans and at Crew Clothing Company without breaking the bank, though. My wife bought more stuff than I did.
I can’t believe that! I agree with you, encouragement works better than shock, at least for me!
Actually the more I think about it, the more I realise that a lot of people there were totally lost and had had little advice as to how to manage via diet. The ideas for diet that were spoken about were mostly very outdated - much in line with DUK guidance from several years ago. before they caught up with modern thinking. He did try to explain T2 mechanisms in the body - not well and nothing about broken first response insulin.

There was a bit about compression socks - I had a bit of a giggle, as if I'd be seen dead in them in summer. I did disguise it as a sneeze though. I do not like being unkind. To be honest, it's not my responsibility, and even if I knew how to get in touch, I don't think he'd be receptive to my ideas, but it's dispiriting. I think I had better stay away and protect my BP.
Good morning everyone. First up?

BG 5.3
Temp 36.4
Pulse 50
Oxy 95
BP 117/71

Today a practice at the church in readiness for tomorrow, lots more exersize, baked potato for tea.

I don't feel as tired as I did yesterday thankfully. No idea why I felt so tired. It could have bern the very long walk on Thursday that did it.

Wierdly my wife managed to lose the kitchen sink plug yesterday!!! I looked for it evetywhere I could think (after she thought I must have tsken it!). I will just buy another one. Thankfully my wife didn't drop down that rabbit hole of paranoia....phew

We have a music festival here in a local park all weekend. I could hear last nights performances from my house, and we are a long way away. Tomorrow is the last day but (i suspect unknowingly) the church have organised a picnic in that very same park. I suspect that they may have to rearrange thr picnic!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning . A bit upset as in the night it was 5.7 and wanted it to be 5.2. image.jpg
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Morning all, 5.8 here. Hoping the rain will hold off this morning while I have a lesson on the new pony. Forecast is showing heavy rain here at 11am, and dry at the stables, 10 miles away.
