Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone! It’s a 5.5 today for me and a nice flat fish overnight, so can’t complain.

Vampire visit later on this morning for me, must be a day for it @ColinUK ? Of course, this meant taking my wife to work first thing so that I have the car for the day, the only upside to that journey was seeing the alpacas on the way there (they were still asleep in their field).

@eggyg what an expensive day for you! It always happens like that though doesn’t it? You’ll now have to do what my Mum used to say “pull your horns in” for a bit :rofl:

Congratulations to our Welsh double bill HS today! @Gwynn and @Paul Gibbins

Have a good day everyone!
Diolch yn far iawn!
Good morning - 6.0

Have a great day everyone
Back in normal territory with a 5.3 this morning so missed out by a whisker. I did get a 5.2 post-prandial yesterday evening (salmon steak, celeriac chips, carrot & green beans) but I guess that doesn't count. Well done to @Gwynn & @Paul Gibbins for yours though.

Cornwall departure day fast approaching so have warned our boys that today is the final washday before we go, so if there's anything they need for the holiday it needs to be in their wash baskets this morning. I guarantee they'll still forget something and there'll be a last-minute panic when they start packing.

Had to laugh earlier - we had our plumber in last week to fit a new mixer tap on our bath and this morning I noticed the packaging and fitting instructions in our recycling - for a "Mounted Bath Filler" no less. And there's me thinking he'd fitted a tap.

Lovely day here so far and forecast is good, so expect to get everything dry on the line.

Have a good one.
Morning all

3.8 today, and can’t see the nurse until late September as won’t alter my meds again until another blood test has been done, can’t get that booked in before I go to Spain. Anyway now have jelly babies to hand and only really a big issue when I want to go out in the car.

lost 1lb this week, so 31/2 lbs in total, a bit disappointed to be honest, but can now get into some of my smaller running leggings so even the small amount makes a difference. Will run again tonight. Think I have been luck with my Slimming World consultant as her hubby is type 2 so understands doing low carb, and as long as I am not hungry supports this.

@Gwynn and @Paul Gibbins - congratulations on todays HS.

@MeeTooTeeTo and @Barrowman - congratulations on yesterday’s HS

@ColinUK, @Pattidevans and @eggyg - if Colin is able to make it I might gatecrash and come down on the train with him if I can get it sorted
Morning folks. 🙂 6.1 here.

Wow, one hell of a storm during the night - fork lightning, crash bang thunder, and torrential rain. My OH snored all the way thru it, even tho the lightning was flashing across the room like a mobile disco. o_O😛

Doing some DIY this morning - filling today, painting tomorrow. The plaster work I'm painting is dreadful, what a mess, but eventually we'll be putting a bookcase in front of it. Shame it isn't in place already - I could save paint by painting around it.

Have a fab Wednesday ev1.
7.5 for me
Updates as im running out the door to help get sis in law make brekkie. Goodness knows what she's done this morning to mean she cant get downstairs properly but I'll find out when I get there...

Booked trip to Isle of Man for end of October. Managed to save some money by bring flexible with when we could go and saved about £100 on travel 🙂

Libre and penfills showing on repeat (wooooo). Pen isn't on repeat (doesn't mean its not on issued script which I cant see yet but thought that would be re-orderable). Should disposable pens come off repeat entirely (as backup) or as long as you have a spare reusable you are fine?

Right gotta run. check in later x
Morning all on another glorious day. Hope it lasts the day.

Well, well well 5.2 and a flatfish! Congratulations to @Paul Gibbins and @Gwynn on both yours.

@Grannylorraine well done on the weight loss. I'd love to meet you if you could come down with @ColinUK and @eggyg.

Have a friend coming over for a light lunch today. Afterwards we might walk along the coast path to the coffee shack for a coffee, or just sit in the garden. After that have a post mortem meeting on the fete at 7pm. Such a giddy social life I have!

@eggyg despite being broke it sounds like you had a successful day.

Have a good one all!


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Another night in the red which did involve JBs but just kept dropping and confess I feel really rough this morning.
4.0 is the best I have managed so far this morning and even my trusty liver, which I was just saying yesterday is consistent at giving me a 6mmol rise when I get up is having the morning off and I have had to eat another JB since I got up. I was 6.0 with a vertical upwards arrow when I went to bed and no appreciable exercise yesterday, so stuck with the 3 units of evening basal that gave me a nice flat line the night before. I confess I did have a very late late supper ( but no tea) of savoy cabbage with a fried egg and a small portion of one of those rice and quinoa microwave pouches that I found in the back of the cupboard going out of date.....I still haven't been shopping and now scraping the bottom of the barrel! 🙄 Gave it 3 units which hypoed me whilst I was eating it and I kept thinking the rice will kick in soon but no I had to eat a JB and then another 1 and then with that bedtime reading going up rapidly I assumed that I would end up high all night. Think there must be some sort of glucose vampire here sucking it out of my blood whilst I sleep.
I have a personal worst score of 15% below range on my TIR for the last 7 days and mostly nocturnal hypos ! 😱Really must pull my socks up!

Many congratulations to the House Special achievers yesterday and today. Good to see some people getting it right!!

I have another morning of waiting for UPL not to deliver a parcel. They have given me a 3 hour slot 3 days in a row for it and I am not convinced it will turn up today either. I checked the tracking last night it was shown as being down in Essex, so there was clearly never any intention to deliver yesterday or Monday. Getting very annoyed with them! I have no problem with it being delayed in delivery but I have a lot of stuff to get on with up at the yard whilst the weather is fine and I am stuck down at home waiting! Grr!!
Back in normal territory with a 5.3 this morning so missed out by a whisker. I did get a 5.2 post-prandial yesterday evening (salmon steak, celeriac chips, carrot & green beans) but I guess that doesn't count. Well done to @Gwynn & @Paul Gibbins for yours though.

Cornwall departure day fast approaching so have warned our boys that today is the final washday before we go, so if there's anything they need for the holiday it needs to be in their wash baskets this morning. I guarantee they'll still forget something and there'll be a last-minute panic when they start packing.

Had to laugh earlier - we had our plumber in last week to fit a new mixer tap on our bath and this morning I noticed the packaging and fitting instructions in our recycling - for a "Mounted Bath Filler" no less. And there's me thinking he'd fitted a tap.

Lovely day here so far and forecast is good, so expect to get everything dry on the line.

Have a good one.
Have a good one and I hope Cornwall is beautiful for you too. Have a super holiday
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Nurse got blood out first attempt (which is unusual with my veins. Apparently they’re ‘thin’.

Weight is a kilo down on the last diabetes check up so that’s a minor good thing. I did say I’m expecting HbA1c to be up in the 48-52 range thereabouts given the year I’ve had so if it’s broadly there or thereabouts I’ll be happy.

Hopefully as investigations and other things move on or heal I’ll be more able to focus on fitness, self care and my diabetes and nudge the weight down some more.
Nurse got blood out first attempt (which is unusual with my veins. Apparently they’re ‘thin’.

Weight is a kilo down on the last diabetes check up so that’s a minor good thing. I did say I’m expecting HbA1c to be up in the 48-52 range thereabouts given the year I’ve had so if it’s broadly there or thereabouts I’ll be happy.

Hopefully as investigations and other things move on or heal I’ll be more able to focus on fitness, self care and my diabetes and nudge the weight down some more.
All the best . Glad it went okay.
Libre and penfills showing on repeat (wooooo). Pen isn't on repeat (doesn't mean its not on issued script which I cant see yet but thought that would be re-orderable). Should disposable pens come off repeat entirely (as backup) or as long as you have a spare reusable you are fine?
Do you mean your reusable pen isn’t on a repeat? Mine never has been, I have a spare, which is my old non-smart one, but if I need a new one (like recently when the battery ran down on the old one, after about 3 years) I order one by adding a note to my online repeat, and it appears with my next bag of goodies.
I never had disposable pens, so all I’ve ever had is a pen and spare for each insulin, and the boxes of cartridges.
Good morning 6.5 but that should come down for it does get lower. Still my aim is between 4-7 so I am okay with that. ? are my boundaries set okay?