Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning and 6.2, feeling much better and hoping the virus is leaving. I am happy I have managed to be in 97% in range though I have been taking extra insulin.
I wish you all a good day.
That's normal to take extra insulin. Has anyone explained sick-day rules to you?
Good morning - 8.1

Have a great day everyone
Well my 7-day run of mid-5s has come to an end as a 5.9 popped up on the meter this morning. Maybe I shouldn't have had that half an apple before bedtime.

Everything looked soaking wet outside this morning but the clouds have cleared now, it's nice and sunny and the forecast is good. Might even walk to the pool for my Tuesday swim.

Autumn already? @Gwynn - steady on mate, it's another month until the Equinox.

Congrats on the HS @MeeTooTeeTo

Whatever your plans enjoy your day.
Morning all on this glorious day with not a cloud in the sky and forecast to last all day!

6.5 this morning with a nice flat line.

Not got much on today, except for making a cottage pie with minced venison. Will make enough for several portions to be frozen.

@rebrascora so pleased to hear you found your keys and MeMe is doing OK.

@MeeTooTeeTo congrats on the HS.

@eggyg and @ColinUK would be great if we really could have a mini-meet, but will definitely get together with the eggys for lunch?

Have a happy day all.
6.4 for me today!

Still waiting to see libre and new pens stuff on my scrips but GP isn't know for being fast with anything. Will get in touch with them end of the week if nothing shows up online and see what's happening. Have 2 unopened sensors here so I have time to get sorted but was hoping to have them as backups for failures and spare for a trip I'm planning.
@Martin.A well it felt like autumn this morning!
Morning all!

3.7 for me and a straight horizontal line in the red for rather too many hours ie. Most of the night. 🙄 Apparently I woke and scanned at 4.52am when the Libre reader logged a 3.1 but clearly I did bot all about it and just went straight back to sleep (if I ever even woke up), because there is no sign of a Hypo Hero's superpowers working on my graph. I guess I overegged the bedtime correction, but at least I got my evening basal right with that lovely horizontal line, once the correction stopped working. The advantage of being low is that I sleep really really well when my levels are in the high 3s and 4s, so I have awoken this morning feeling really refreshed and rested, so don't you guys feel obliged to offer me a "care" response. It was blissful sleep and Libre usually reads a bit low for me so chances are I wasn't really in the red at all. I didn't inject any bolus insulin before getting out of bed as I am out of yoghurt (ie no breakfast today) and with being in the red I didn't think it would look good injecting insulin, but equally knew that my liver would bring me up really quickly without any without any JBs. FOTF now has me at 9.3 although the milk (I am also out of cream) in my coffee will have added a little to that, so my 2 unit FOTF busting correction now going in. I love how predictable my liver is on a morning. The only consistent thing about my diabetes.

@Nayshiftin Sadly my 2 hour nap yesterday afternoon was disturbed by 2 phone calls. One was a cold call and the other my vet ringing to ask after MeMe and discuss my issue with Rascal being overly dominant and fighting with Reb. He thinks it is possibly the anti inflammatory painkiller I had started him on, which was also my thoughts and we discussed other options. Got the invoice today and it is nowhere near as painful to my bank balance as you might expect. An emergency call out (30 miles) at 11pm on a Sunday evening and medication £188.03, including a follow up call the next day to discuss issues and offer advice which isn't charged for. I really do feel that I get very good personal service from my veterinary practice. One of the few private (non-franchise) practices left in this area and it was the senior partner who came out. Can't complain at that.
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Morning all. I was in the garden but rained off. :( 7.5 @ 6.39am Have a great Tuesday all. 🙂
Morning all
A sunny morning here and just right for a hs.

Have a good day all and stay safe.
Morning folks. 🙂 6.1 here.

Done me chores, just waiting for hubby to finish cleaning up where he's been working on the terrace - just in time for the next heat wave to hit. Apparently, we'll be up in the mid-30s for a few days. I think I'll just get into a cold shower and stay there. On the plus side, I probably won't need much (any?) insulin!
Morning all!

3.7 for me and a straight horizontal line in the red for rather too many hours ie. Most of the night. 🙄 Apparently I woke and scanned at 4.52am when the Libre reader logged a 3.1 but clearly I did bot all about it and just went straight back to sleep (if I ever even woke up), because there is no sign of a Hypo Hero's superpowers working on my graph. I guess I overegged the bedtime correction, but at least I got my evening basal right with that lovely horizontal line, once the correction stopped working. The advantage of being low is that I sleep really really well when my levels are in the high 3s and 4s, so I have awoken this morning feeling really refreshed and rested, so don't you guys feel obliged to offer me a "care" response. It was blissful sleep and Libre usually reads a bit low for me so chances are I wasn't really in the red at all. I didn't inject any bolus insulin before getting out of bed as I am out of yoghurt (ie no breakfast today) and with being in the red I didn't think it would look good injecting insulin, but equally knew that my liver would bring me up really quickly without any without any JBs. FOTF now has me at 9.3 although the milk (I am also out of cream) in my coffee will have added a little to that, so my 2 unit FOTF busting correction now going in. I love how predictable my liver is on a morning. The only consistent thing about my diabetes.

@Nayshiftin Sadly my 2 hour nap yesterday afternoon was disturbed by 2 phone calls. One was a cold call and the other my vet ringing to ask after MeMe and discuss my issue with Rascal being overly dominant and fighting with Reb. He thinks it is possibly the anti inflammatory painkiller I had started him on, which was also my thoughts and we discussed other options. Got the invoice today and it is nowhere near as painful to my bank balance as you might expect. An emergency call out (30 miles) at 11pm on a Sunday evening and medication £188.03, including a follow up call the next day to discuss issues and offer advice which isn't charged for. I really do feel that I get very good personal service from my veterinary practice. One of the few private (non-franchise) practices left in this area and it was the senior partner who came out. Can't complain at that.
Ah your a special customer that is absolutely lovely when you feel you pay for great service and MeMe good also and the others too. Sorry re your sleep take good care of No1 or Gp will be after you and although its free sick time with horses rarely can happen without expense. So my problem is like yours if my liver did not dump but I am type two then I might be okay. So completely different.
Sorry I didn't pick up on this yesterday. Our friends came over and after delicious fish and chips at the pub, we came back here and they didn't leave until nearly 9pm. Fab day, lots of chat etc. So I didn't log on again until this morning. I was thinking though, North Cornwall is very difficult to get to by public transport (for Colin) but we could meet somewhere central such as Truro which is at least just a train ride away.
That’s sound a good idea @ColinUK. Direct train to Truro, I’m sure I’ve seen Michael Portillo on that line. On the telly not in real life!
@Pattidevans I’ve been to Cornwall about three times and I’ve never been to Truro so that sounds a great idea. We’ve stayed Bodmin area and Portreath ( with our three eldest grandchildren just before we retired in 2017) and we popped over the border a couple of times when we stayed in Clovelly. Been to Lands End, St Mary’s Mount, Eden Project, Padstow, St Ives, Boscastle, Bude, Tintagel and our favourite Port Isaac. Plus other places I can’t recall. Are you north or south? I’ll PM nearer the time. Looking forward to meeting you, feel like I know you already.
What's happened to all the awarded houses for HS's ?. Have the permits been stopped?