Group 7-day waking average?

Oh, all this talk about travel plans is tempting me. Retirement sounds tempting as well but I still have a good 30 years to go so better don't start the countdown yet! I've been thinking about building my retirement savings tho, I'm wild and fun like that :rofl:

@eggyg @ColinUK when I went to Prague this summer, other tourists recommended me Budapest with a passion. Vienna as well.
Good morning! And spot on 7 for me this morning. Has dropped to 6.7 over 30 minutes so the girls (Double S) might be out to play! :rofl:

Podiatry today - hope all good under those dressings. Irritating low level phantom pain at the moment in big toe, long toe, middle tor and that side of foot. Hope it settles rather than have me hopping around in pain!

Grey! :(
Good morning everyone

BG 5.4
Pulse 53
Oxy 97
BP 118/78

Time flies. Autumn already! And it feels like it this morning!

I have a telephone appointment with a consultant, or nurse, or cleaner (?) for a laser surgery discussion this evening at 7pm. I've gone pretty much blind in my left eye and the optician recently referred me 'upwards'. Nothing too serious but it will need laser surgery.

And tomorrow I have a hearing aid check appointment in Lytham. I will probably walk there if it is not raining.

And I have to arrange bloods and a diabetic review appointment sometime this week

AND I got a form from the DVLA (I think) yesterday to renew my driving licence cos I get 'old' in November.

I feel old this morning. sigh

Except, I had my yearly shower at 5am this morning and feel great! So 'clear off' old age....I am amazed I have got this far!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
I looked. There’s some lovely places between Bude and Boscastle and they’re well priced for the two days I could do. However I also looked at getting there. Four and a bit hours on the train. Then an hour on the first bus and an hour on the second!
I think I’ll pass this time 🙂
It’s quicker to get oop North, non stop!
Morning all, 7.5 here. Ending the run of 5s, but not surprising as I skipped basal last night. I was in the 5s and dropping at bedtime, and I’d had a hypo mid afternoon after a burst of strenuous gardening,so I left off my normal 3 units altogether. I had a slightly descending line til 3am, but once my previous morning's basal had all gone, and the dawn effect started, I had a steeper rise to the 8s by 6am, when I bunged in a bolus correction dose and went back to sleep for an hour.
Good morning all. 6.6 for me, surprisingly as I had a “funny” ol’ evening last night. I made a lovely chicken, ham and leek pie for tea, we had it with roasted King Edwards and beetroot ( Mr Eggy), carrots and runner beans all from the garden, not the pie obviously, although the leeks were. BG was just under 6, I bolused 8 units 20 minutes before eating at 6ish. 4 for the pastry and 4 for the four roasties. Just before Corrie started I checked BGs, 3.9! What, said I, absolutely no chance. Checked on meter 4.4. Oops, two hours of insulin still floating about. Made myself a thin slice of toast. Within half an hour it was 7.8 arrow going straight up. Then in the 9s, then 10s, 11s and peaked at round about 13 at 11pm. I was asleep by then as I had an early night as I felt exhausted and was aching all over. Very odd. I can only assume my body thought I’d had pizza again! I’ve had pie dozens ( maybe 100s) of times and it’s never acted like that before. Pie 1 Eggy 0. Ah well, lesson learnt, maybe?🙄

Anyhoo, more important things to worry about. MOT and Service today. I’m not worried about Camille not passing, she a good lass, I’m worried about the bill! 😱

Wet and windy today, and the weather is rubbish too! 😉
Have a good one.


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Morning all. 3.8 after a JB fuelled night. I made a small pizza yesterday with pitta bread base and salad. Split bolus but still had a hypo then a massive rebound. Corrected but then spent the night with the alarm going off, fighting off another hypo. Tired this morning now. I may need a nap this afternoon.
However I also looked at getting there. Four and a bit hours on the train. Then an hour on the first bus and an hour on the second
It’s quicker to get oop North, non stop
its so hard to get to the West. Younger daughter lives in Devon, 3 hours drive away. The train takes 4 hours and costs well over £100 last time i looked!! And they want people to use public transport more...

Not much planned for today apart from taking mum out this morning to buy shoes. I may spend the afternoon dozing in the garden. Its sunny out there and supposed to be 22° later.

Have a good day everyone.
Oh, all this talk about travel plans is tempting me. Retirement sounds tempting as well but I still have a good 30 years to go so better don't start the countdown yet! I've been thinking about building my retirement savings tho, I'm wild and fun like that :rofl:

@eggyg @ColinUK when I went to Prague this summer, other tourists recommended me Budapest with a passion. Vienna as well.
I know some folks who live in Vienna and they say it’s almost as dull as Zurich

3.7 this morning, and no jelly babies, had a slice of toast earlier and only risen to 3.8, when hubby gets up he is going to Sainsbury’s so I’ll add jelly babies to the list.

weigh in today, hoping I have lost some weight as I have been drinking a bit more the last 3 days.

@ColinUK - pleased you have booked yourself a trip.

grey here at the moment, but a hint of blue sky.

Off to a physio appointment and then meeting with my ISVA to cobble together my official complaint about the police.

Tomorrow I’ve got an appointment with the vampire so if I’m really careful today that should get my HbA1c down. :rofl:
And it's a HS for me today. 🙂

Delighted to report I have found my keys. They had been stood on and were embedded into the ground a bit but being a hefty bunch they were still visible and glinting in the afternoon sun. when I got close enough to spot them. MeMe followed me back and forth across the field looking for them like she was my shadow, bless her! She seems fine still so I am heading off for that much needed nap now. UPS delivery got postponed until tomorrow but at least I am not having to stay awake waiting for them to arrive late..... May get a second bite at the cherry for a House Special today. 😉
All is well that ends well. Hoping to read soon that you feel better after your nap.
It’s quicker to get oop North, non stop!
Sorry I didn't pick up on this yesterday. Our friends came over and after delicious fish and chips at the pub, we came back here and they didn't leave until nearly 9pm. Fab day, lots of chat etc. So I didn't log on again until this morning. I was thinking though, North Cornwall is very difficult to get to by public transport (for Colin) but we could meet somewhere central such as Truro which is at least just a train ride away.