Group 7-day waking average?

There's one thing for sure..... that iphone is going to be reconsigned to the box as a standby standby for Libre. Every time I needed to make a call last night odd screens were coming up with no way to get rid of them and back to the feature I needed. I have been using it for nearly 2 months now, so feel like I have really given it a fair trial but the controls are far from intuitive and in an emergency like last night or when I am hypo, I need something that will just work without me having to try to figure out how to get to the most basic function of a phone ie to call people. I almost never swear but I must have cursed that phone more times last night than I have used such words the whole of the rest of my life!

@Nayshiftin Ordinarily I would be really stressed about losing my house keys but after thinking I was going to lose MeMe last night, they key issue is trivial and I am now certain it is not in a public place as I walked the route home from the stables this morning before anyone was up and about and it wasn't there, so has to be in the field or stable buildings somewhere. It is a big bunch of keys so I should be able to find it. The worry last night was how to get the vet in and MeMe out if she needed to the clinic because my yard gate key was in the bunch, but I managed to find my spare in the feed room, which I haven't used for about 20 years! Phew!

Anyway, thanks for all the good wishes guys. Really want to climb into bed now but expecting a UPS delivery between 10.30am and 1.30pm so will struggle to fit in any shut eye before then plus I need to pop back up the the yard and quadruple check on her..... and the bad lads of course. 🙄
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Oh dear @rebrascora what a awful time. I know the dangers of colic through my daughter. She’s been up all night with colicky equines. I didn’t know horses can’t vomit. Unfortunately, she lost one a few years ago. Now she’s up all night with calving cows requiring Caesareans, two in as many weeks. That makes a huge hole in their wallets! Hope Me Me remains well. Animals are expensive things. X
Good morning - 5.5

Try to have a good day everyone

And yesterday I booked a getaway! In September I’m heading to Kraków.

I’ve splashed a bit on the hotel in case I’m overwhelmed or just don’t want to venture out. I was getting stressed worrying about what would happen if I booked a cheap, no frills, room and didn’t feel comfortable there but needed to cocoon. So spending the extra is worth it I think, especially as the rooms at this hotel are soundproof, quite large and very well reviewed on trip advisor.

I’ve got a couple of things booked already but the rest of the idea is just to relax and recharge.
Oh dear @rebrascora what a awful time. I know the dangers of colic through my daughter. She’s been up all night with colicky equines. I didn’t know horses can’t vomit. Unfortunately, she lost one a few years ago. Now she’s up all night with calving cows requiring Caesareans, two in as many weeks. That makes a huge hole in their wallets! Hope Me Me remains well. Animals are expensive things. X
Glad someone can show real empathy. Sure it goes way more than sympathy. Oh for all the love you give the hard times eh…. Well thank you for all you do. If nothing else the farms are our landscape and without them … I walked out the other night and from the path I spotted a herd of dear. I should have had a camera . However if you bottled how I felt the joy they gave me would have been worth a lot. So even though you do all the hard work millions like me get the pleasure.
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Morning all.

It’s a grey breezy morning here but promises to improve later on.

A 6.3 for me today after a pretty restless night.

Have a good day all and stay safe.

And yesterday I booked a getaway! In September I’m heading to Kraków.

I’ve splashed a bit on the hotel in case I’m overwhelmed or just don’t want to venture out. I was getting stressed worrying about what would happen if I booked a cheap, no frills, room and didn’t feel comfortable there but needed to cocoon. So spending the extra is worth it I think, especially as the rooms at this hotel are soundproof, quite large and very well reviewed on trip advisor.

I’ve got a couple of things booked already but the rest of the idea is just to relax and recharge.
Glad you got something booked. Can I give you a bit of travel agents advise? If you are planning on going to Auswitz do it on your last day. Lots of my clients regretted going on the first day of their break as it is quite upsetting as you could imagine, and they struggled to enjoy the rest of their break. I do believe it’s a fascinating city and along with Budapest I’ll get there one day.
Glad you got something booked. Can I give you a bit of travel agents advise? If you are planning on going to Auswitz do it on your last day. Lots of my clients regretted going on the first day of their break as it is quite upsetting as you could imagine, and they struggled to enjoy the rest of their break. I do believe it’s a fascinating city and along with Budapest I’ll get there one day.
I’ve booked it on the penultimate day with the day afterwards planned for getting out into Ojcow National Park and doing some gentle forest hiking and forest bathing as a buffer. Hopefully that will ease the pain somewhat.

This trip was a toss up between coming here or heading back to Budapest which is a beautiful and curious city. It’s well worth a few days there if you can find time once Project Greenhouse is finished maybe 🙂
I'm with @goodybags on the 5.4 step this morning. Mid-5s seem to be the norm for me at the moment. More than happy with that.

After discovering that my long-time barber had shut up shop a couple of weeks ago I've been wondering where to go for a haircut from now on. Most of the hairdressers around town are unisex but there's a traditional barber not too far away so I'm going to give them a try later.

As we do every year at the end of August we're off to Cornwall this week. Wife and I are travelling Friday with a stopover in Exeter before heading on to Fowey on Saturday. Our boys are joining us later. August Bank Holiday Sunday is always the unofficial World Smite Championships (the garden game, not the video game) in the village of St Neot, so we always time our holiday so we can enter. I lost in a 3-way QF play-off in last year's singles. We've already started practising.

Sun's popping in and out at the moment here and it's a bit breezy, but forecast looks good for the rest of the day. Yours too, hopefully.
Morning all and 7.9 for me a basal reduction too far I think.

Current sensor consigned to the scrap heap. After working happily for half a day it suddenly stopped transmitting any data via blue tooth. Neither the libre app nor diabox would connect.

Bright and sunny this morning. Down to the studio this PM. Tech stuff and rehearsal. Gigging in Morecambe in just under a fortnight.

Have a good day everyone.
I was 5.4 after a terrible night's sleep when I kept waking up and had some pretty horrendous nightmares.
Back to work after 2 weeks off, so maybe it was a bit of anxiety about that.
Launched straight into a new project (Software for a high-end 'white goods' product - going to be a challenge as the end customer wants Apple style graphical performance on a micro that costs a few dollars!)
5.7 this morning.

Felt quite wound up and tense/unsettled over the weekend for some reason, not sure why. Enjoyed our Saturday trip to Biddulph Grange NT after successfully getting my wife’s walking boots we had left on the boat back in June! It felt odd to go on board when it wasn’t “our week”, but no problems at all.

Spent yesterday working on our plan for Australia once we retire. Hoping to go next March / April time. It’s starting to come together now and we have booked time next Saturday with our travel agent to discuss some tweaks to help get the itinerary in shape. Although exciting, it’s scary on several counts : retiring with its changes, the cost of the trip (!), doing a motorhome as part of the trip (never done that before and although I like the thought of freedom to stop anyway, it doesn’t quite sit well with my need to plan!), leaving the house empty for so long (we’re up to around 40 days now in total), etc. I should be excited about it all, but just feel a little overwhelmed to be honest at the moment.

Congratulations to @gll and @RichardsUsername on your HS today!

@rebrascora I hope MeMe is ok and you find your keys!

@eggyg - Project Greenhouse is really looking great now!

Have a good day everyone!
Good morning everyone! Starting the day with a 5'8 and regretting my poor choices of last night, i.e. watching silly videos until 1 am instead of going to sleep 🙄

It was a busy weekend at work. Before that, on Friday, I went to a big city to meet my ex. We were good friends after the breakup but it got complicated and she needed some time, and basically we hadn't seen each other since November, until last month when she came to my town for work and we had a quick coffee. I was looking forward to meeting again although I knew it could get emotional, but at the end we didn't touch any sensitive subject this time. We had a good laugh and the brunch was delicious. I was also glad to be back in that city, I used to visit weekly and even tho I prefer living in my calm, small town, they have more choices for a meal out or shopping.

And while I was there, I got a new ear piercing! I have wanted this one for years but the thought of pain and the annoying healing period put me off. I love how it looks tho. Just have to put up with the discomfort and cleaning routine for some weeks now 🙂
I’ve booked it on the penultimate day with the day afterwards planned for getting out into Ojcow National Park and doing some gentle forest hiking and forest bathing as a buffer. Hopefully that will ease the pain somewhat.

This trip was a toss up between coming here or heading back to Budapest which is a beautiful and curious city. It’s well worth a few days there if you can find time once Project Greenhouse is finished maybe 🙂
We’re off to Cornwall end of next month. Hopefully the damn greenhouse will be water tight! The electrics and plumbing can wait. I quite fancy Budapest near Christmas but not this year as we’ve booked Coniston for December.
Morning all on this dull old day. Still, most of yesterday was nice, allowing us to relax in the garden.

6.6 this morning with a really flat line overnight.

Was supposed to be having 4 friends coming for lunch today, but Julian was concerned about me doing too much, so he transferred it to the local pub, but one friend has a tooth abscess so just rang to say they couldn't come. The remaining two are still coming and we plan on having the cheese course back here (got soooo much cheese leftover from Saturday, some of it not even touched - can muster up 5 pristine ones).

@rebrascora lots of hugs, what a traumatic night you had. I do hope you find your keys and that MeMe is OK today. Hope the boys settle down too.

@gll congratulations on the HS!!!

@MartinA - you'll love Australia, it's a wonderful country, very varied and lots of really interesting places to see. The food is good too! We once hired a motorhome for a week in the New Forest - after a couple of days we settled into it and loved it. Couldn't afford to buy one though.

@ColinUK hope you have a wonderful time in Krakow. It's still on my bucket list. @eggyg Budapest is definitely worth a visit. We went for the Christmas Markets - enjoyed some superb restaurants and had a magical night at the opera.

Have a wonderful day all.
We’re off to Cornwall end of next month. Hopefully the damn greenhouse will be water tight! The electrics and plumbing can wait. I quite fancy Budapest near Christmas but not this year as we’ve booked Coniston for December.
Just seen this - where in Cornwall will you be based? See above about Budapest.