Group 7-day waking average?

GoodMorning 5.4 today
congratulations on the HS @gll

I’m not sure why but looks when I replied to your post @ColinUK it also replied to /quoted
a post by @khskel ?
probably just I don’t know what I’m doing when I’m half asleep :rofl::rofl:
Morning all! Hope everyone is keeping well, was treated to a 5.2 this morning - had a bit of a disturbed night and added a tiny bolus at 4:30 am, so it is kind of cheating, but wanted to share it anyway. 🙂
HS well done. Sorry you had to have a disturbed night to get it.
Morning all. A late Len Goodman, SEVEN! At 7am funnily enough.

Yesterday turned out to be a quite hot day. It it didn’t move it got washed! The bedding got done a day early as the forecast is rain on most days this week. I also dug up the remaining King Edwards, we’ve been disappointed. They’ve been tiny! Mr Eggy takes full responsibility, he didn’t plant them deep enough. Lesson learnt. Harvested yet more runner beans, we’re overrun with them, and weeded the raised beds. Mr Eggy was busy on Project Greenhouse, it’s nearly getting there. It’s almost ready for the glass. Woohoo! He’s done a grand job, he’s made everything himself from scratch, even the door and window frame, lots of YouTube videos have been watched!

Might do nothing today, apart from cooking, for some unknown reason the ankle I injured just before Christmas decided to play up yesterday. It wasn’t just the odd twinge, which I do get, this was full on excruciating, throbbing pain. Was still doing it when I went to bed. It twinged when I got up but was over within seconds, fingers crossed that it for the day. Good excuse to put my feet up and read my book all day. 😉

@gll many congratulations on your HS.

Have a Happy Monday.


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Morning all. Take your pick 4.9, 3.9, 4.2....finally got up and had a few sips of juice, now 6.5 and ready for breakfast.

Its cloudy atm but supposed to be hot sunshine later. A friend is coming round and we'll decide what we want to do then.

Congrats on the HS @gll.

@eggyg the greenhouse is coming along well. Well done Mr Eggy, its looking good.

Have a good day everyone.
6.2 for me this morning but not much sleep involved and a lot of anxiety.
Went up to feed my beasties last night about 8pm and the lads are still warring but the pendulum of power seemed to have swung back to Rebel or so it appeared. Unfortunately half an hour later it became clear that MeMe was not happy. Thought she was just unsettled by Reb regaining power as she and Rasc are thick as thieves! Pottered on doing chores but then it started to become obvious that she really wasn't right and she was showing early signs of colic. Got some painkiller into her and walked her around but she got worse and started lying down and getting up repeatedly out in the field and in the stable. Just didn't know where she wanted to be, poor poppet. I lost her Dad to colic and Reb has had a few bouts so my heart was in my mouth! Couldn't ring the vet because I haven't transferred contacts to this rubbish iphone yet (still debating if I am going back to the trusty Motorola) which was at home. Got down home to find I had lost my house keys, so rang my sister to ring the vets for me to find out who was the oncall vet and Ian who has a spare key for my house, which he initially couldn't find.... all the while my levels dropping and having to eat JBs despite mega levels of stress! 🙄 By 9.30pm I managed to speak to my vet who was out dealing with another horse colicking 30 miles away. Followed his additional advice but by then she was going down and rolling and I was really starting to panic. He eventually arrived at 11pm by which time thankfully she had turned the corner and I guess the painkiller I had given her earlier was kicking in, but she was really unsettled by the vet examining her, so I had to let the others in to try to calm her down but Rascal decided that he needed to protect her and started getting uppity and ended up with him and Reb kicking off again and of course MeMe getting even more wound up. Vet thinks it is probably a stress colic from the upset with the lads. Took ages to get Buscopan into her which needs to go into a vein and she was jumping about all over the place, but massively relieved to report that she is all better this morning. Of course I have been up all night checking on her, so my reading above was the 5am alarm rather than a waking reading!
Still to find my bunch of house keys which has to be somewhere out in the field from when I was walking her around, but hoping that in daylight I will see them. The grass is mostly very short so fingers crossed I can spot them.

I will definitely be having a nana nap this afternoon even though I don't qualify!

@Robin... Hope you know what you are letting yourself in for! Horses are such a worry! Really hope your lad has settled in well and you enjoy your hack out later this week.

Congrats to the House Special achievers this morning and the wishful dreamers 😉

4.2 for me, today, going to go running this evening and hoping to fit yoga in as well, yoga is rest and restorative my favourite, but timing is very tight.

@rebrascora - wow what a night you have had, please to here MeeMee has improve, hope you find your keys and have a better day with your Horses today.

@gll - congratulations on your HS.
. Hope you know what you are letting yourself in for! Horses are such a worry! Really hope your lad has settled in well and you enjoy your hack out later this week.
Poor MeMe. I’m glad she's turned the corner. Yes, it is a worry, and something at the back of my mind, especially with the stress of the move for Toby. He was asleep in his stable when I got there yesterday, having been chasing round all night settling pecking order with one of the riding school ponies in the little herd group he was out with, I hadn’t realised this particular bully would be in with them (he’s horrible, but I'm biased, he bucked me off once). We decided to put him out on his own in the next field last night, so he can see the others, but can get away from them. He marched straight off to the other side of the field, got his head down and started grazing. He can go in with a sensible mare who belongs to one of the grooms, who is arriving this week, and hopefully he’ll get on better.
@rebrascora what a stressful night for you. I'm glad MeMe is better this morning and hope you manage to find your keys and have a nap later. Fingers crossed everything is ok with your horses today and your lads start to settle down.
6.2 for me this morning but not much sleep involved and a lot of anxiety.
Went up to feed my beasties last night about 8pm and the lads are still warring but the pendulum of power seemed to have swung back to Rebel or so it appeared. Unfortunately half an hour later it became clear that MeMe was not happy. Thought she was just unsettled by Reb regaining power as she and Rasc are thick as thieves! Pottered on doing chores but then it started to become obvious that she really wasn't right and she was showing early signs of colic. Got some painkiller into her and walked her around but she got worse and started lying down and getting up repeatedly out in the field and in the stable. Just didn't know where she wanted to be, poor poppet. I lost her Dad to colic and Reb has had a few bouts so my heart was in my mouth! Couldn't ring the vet because I haven't transferred contacts to this rubbish iphone yet (still debating if I am going back to the trusty Motorola) which was at home. Got down home to find I had lost my house keys, so rang my sister to ring the vets for me to find out who was the oncall vet and Ian who has a spare key for my house, which he initially couldn't find.... all the while my levels dropping and having to eat JBs despite mega levels of stress! 🙄 By 9.30pm I managed to speak to my vet who was out dealing with another horse colicking 30 miles away. Followed his additional advice but by then she was going down and rolling and I was really starting to panic. He eventually arrived at 11pm by which time thankfully she had turned the corner and I guess the painkiller I had given her earlier was kicking in, but she was really unsettled by the vet examining her, so I had to let the others in to try to calm her down but Rascal decided that he needed to protect her and started getting uppity and ended up with him and Reb kicking off again and of course MeMe getting even more wound up. Vet thinks it is probably a stress colic from the upset with the lads. Took ages to get Buscopan into her which needs to go into a vein and she was jumping about all over the place, but massively relieved to report that she is all better this morning. Of course I have been up all night checking on her, so my reading above was the 5am alarm rather than a waking reading!
Still to find my bunch of house keys which has to be somewhere out in the field from when I was walking her around, but hoping that in daylight I will see them. The grass is mostly very short so fingers crossed I can spot them.

I will definitely be having a nana nap this afternoon even though I don't qualify!

@Robin... Hope you know what you are letting yourself in for! Horses are such a worry! Really hope your lad has settled in well and you enjoy your hack out later this week.

Congrats to the House Special achievers this morning and the wishful dreamers 😉
oh what a day you had. Bless you . At least that horse has you. Has she been eating apples as that really does give colic I am told ? Whatever the horse is lucky to have you, take care off you or shell not. Guess it was expensive having the vet too. My cat at vets cost a fortune n that's just for a yearly check.
I say you will find your keys …. that in itself would make me anxious. oh dear take care and if nothing else. Think of me wanting to come and sort the boys out . lol you'd have to sort me out then too. So ill keep away. lol sigh with relief.
Have a good day … surely better than yesterday.
Well done @gll on the HS. 5.5 for me this morning. 🙂
