Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 6.2 here.
Thanks, @eggyg , I’ve now got an ear worm of the Harvest Festival song at our kids' primary school, I used to go in to play the piano for Keystage 1 music lessons , and performances (I used to get more nervous than the kids). It was a different one to yours, and involved Cauliflowers fluffy, and Broad beans Sleeping in a Blankety Bed.
For us it was We Plough the fields and scatter . translating it to I’m type two so I‘m fatter.? best not go on …, @ lol
Back to where I usually am with a 5.4 on this cloudy Cornish morning, although there are patches of blue sky and there's no rain forecast. Could be a good day for one of the many long walks that we always take when down here. Will decide later - so far I'm the only one up.

Our youngest and I stormed the group stage of the Smite World Championship Doubles yesterday afternoon with a clean sweep but lost to eventual semi-finalists in the knockout stage. We also got wet as it rained on-and-off all afternoon. Enjoyed the day nonetheless. As always our friends from Surrey are holidaying down here at the same time as us, staying nearby, and we joined them for dinner yesterday evening.

Hope the weather doesn't put a damper on anyone's bank holiday plans.
Back to where I usually am with a 5.4 on this cloudy Cornish morning, although there are patches of blue sky and there's no rain forecast. Could be a good day for one of the many long walks that we always take when down here. Will decide later - so far I'm the only one up.

Our youngest and I stormed the group stage of the Smite World Championship Doubles yesterday afternoon with a clean sweep but lost to eventual semi-finalists in the knockout stage. We also got wet as it rained on-and-off all afternoon. Enjoyed the day nonetheless. As always our friends from Surrey are holidaying down here at the same time as us, staying nearby, and we joined them for dinner yesterday evening.

Hope the weather doesn't put a damper on anyone's bank holiday plans.
Have a great holiday
i) Good morning! A 7.7 from me.

II) Good moaning! After two nights with phantom pain last night (Sat/Sun) was pain free. Tonight I had only been asleep for 45 minutes when I woke to low level pain. I then slept fitfully till around 4:00 when it hit big time. It feels like the whole missing part iof the leg and the foot are there as they are all tingling. What makes it unbearable is a stabbubg sensation around the base of.the big toe thar had me shouting and swearing! Thus was the area that turned black after the tip of the toe turned black where the ulcer was. After four months delay because of Covid they tried angioplasty which failed totally. By that time the big toe, the side of the foot and heel were black. The pain on the boundary of live and dead tissue was off the scale! One consultant reckons this memory is partially responsible for the phantom pain as it is imprinted in my subconscious. So in reality it means they should have treated me much earlier! The podiatrists did on a weekly basis! Sadly I doubt the government learnt any lessons!

And "Take 2" 40 minutes ago was 4..3. If seem as of the pain makes BG go up if you are over 8 but go down if under. Got bags under my eyes on a par with Robert Mitchum (or it feels like it)!

Cool wirh hazy sun.
Well done @Carlos on the HS. A 4.2 for me this morning. 🙂

Happy Bank Holiday to all who have the day off.

Back to where I usually am with a 5.4 on this cloudy Cornish morning, although there are patches of blue sky and there's no rain forecast. Could be a good day for one of the many long walks that we always take when down here. Will decide later - so far I'm the only one up.

Our youngest and I stormed the group stage of the Smite World Championship Doubles yesterday afternoon with a clean sweep but lost to eventual semi-finalists in the knockout stage. We also got wet as it rained on-and-off all afternoon. Enjoyed the day nonetheless. As always our friends from Surrey are holidaying down here at the same time as us, staying nearby, and we joined them for dinner yesterday evening.

Hope the weather doesn't put a damper on anyone's bank holiday plans.

Did sections if the Cornish Costal Path in the 80s, 90s and 00s. Wanted to do the whole path during a long holiday in retirement. Alas not to be! :(
Good morning. 5.7 - much better. Onwards and downwards.

Cloud higher this morning and looking as if there might be the chance of the odd break later on - which will be dandy after yesterday's unremitting gloom and mizzle.

Not much planned except a run up to the feed merchant which ignores Bank Holidays and an attack on Wolf's outdoor pen as the gooseberry bush hedge and brambles are invading it through the mesh. Hormone rooting powder delivered yesterday but awaiting sphagnum moss before going out later this week to set up air layering balls. Planning a floral hedge at the end of the garden but determined not to spend a fortune on shrubs. Got a couple of willows to deliver to a neighbour and planning on quite a lot of autumn cuttings for my real pets next door whose garden remains a barren desert except for their veggie beds. Not quite confident enough to start on the new wall as I am just so relieved that the pain levels are down - will give it a day or so to settle before I make a start on that.

Hope everyone has a good day.
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Ear de-waxing appointment booked for tomorrow afternoon. Bupa. £55 for both ears. If they only find wax to remove in one they charge half, if there's no wax there's no charge.
Of course now I've booked my ear has cleared.
Morning all.

It’s a 5.7 for me today, another grey day here with no rain on the horizon any time soon.
Autumn days when the grass is jewelled and the silk inside a chestnut shell.”
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, close bosom friend of the maturing sun.

Amazing what we remember from school days!
Ear de-waxing appointment booked for tomorrow afternoon. Bupa. £55 for both ears. If they only find wax to remove in one they charge half, if there's no wax there's no charge.
Of course now I've booked my ear has cleared.

That's a win! Specsavers charge £55 for one or two ears, and £25 if no wax found for checking the light doesn't come out the other ear! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
5.8 this morning for me.

Been feeling a bit grumpy and rage bolus-ing last night. Sometimes all of this game just feels too much, especially when your body doesn’t do what you want it to do. Trying to pull myself up now today and get on with it.

@Carlos - well done on your HS today!

Hope everyone enjoys the Bank Holiday and someone gets some sunshine!
That's a win! Specsavers charge £55 for one or two ears, and £25 if no wax found for checking the light doesn't come out the other ear! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
A lot of places charge if they don't find anything. Bupa is one of the few that don't. Also rather conveniently the clinic is about 5 minutes very slow stroll away from home.
Good morning 6.9
ironic that it’s august bank holiday and I considered putting on electric blanket last night

I can report that I am well on the road to recovery (following my ankle surgery that I had a few months ago) bathroom aids removed from my bathroom yesterday,
I’m still using the crutches (occasionally) and the air support boot if I’m walking a lot (like when I’m out the bungalow shopping or at work)

not sure what the weather is doing here,it’s a lazzzz morning for me here

have a great day everyone 😎
Morning all. 7.4. I've struggled with my levels since Saturday. We are away for the weekend so guessing carbs in meals. Often having highs then hypos which need treating followed by rebounds. We've been doing lots of walking which i've taken into account but i've still struggled. Back home this afternoon and back to normality. I've hypoed more this weekend than i have in a month! Despite the libre telling me i'm dropping i've only managed to stop the drop a few times. Oh well...
Ear de-waxing appointment booked for tomorrow afternoon. Bupa. £55 for both ears. If they only find wax to remove in one they charge half, if there's no wax there's no charge.
Of course now I've booked my ear has cleared.
The last time I had a blocked ear I expected to have it sorted by a nurse at my surgery but they don't do that any more. You have to get a hospital appointment. It was a November and my appointment came through for the following October, would you believe. Cleared it in 3 weeks with drops from pharmacy.