Group 7-day waking average?

Oh wow, this is a record for me! Two days in a row :


I’ve enjoyed reading through the posts on here this morning, especially on how people are coping / have coped with their diagnosis. It’s so good to be here with others who have gone through similar things, you guys understand and get it. We should never underestimate the value of support from people with shared experiences. So, a big thank you to everyone on here and the sharing of the bad days as well as celebrating the good.

@eggyg - fingers crossed for you to get a consult quickly.

@Paul Gibbins - congratulations on your HS (hopefully there’s room for me too!)

Have a good day everyone!
We got down to 8.4 in the night, according to our neighbours weatherstation and it’s currently 11.3.
Do not know what it was we have to have 19 and go down to 8 tonight. However back up to 23 and 23 at the weekend. Still okay but I guess if up tonight 8 will be cold.
Oh wow, this is a record for me! Two days in a row :

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I’ve enjoyed reading through the posts on here this morning, especially on how people are coping / have coped with their diagnosis. It’s so good to be here with others who have gone through similar things, you guys understand and get it. We should never underestimate the value of support from people with shared experiences. So, a big thank you to everyone on here and the sharing of the bad days as well as celebrating the good.

@eggyg - fingers crossed for you to get a consult quickly.

@Paul Gibbins - congratulations on your HS (hopefully there’s room for me too!)

Have a good day everyone!
Fab, well done, how do you do it? Ah well, it will be the moon to me if I ever get one. I have come so far.... all for fun

6.3 today, but have a pain in th upper left side of my back, think it is poor posture yesterday rather than anything else, hope it eases during the day as off to see Peter Kay at the O2 this evening. The off to the Costa Brava at the weekend. Lost another lb last night, so slowly moving in the right direction, however I am a little disappointed it is not more, so far 4 1/2lbs in 3 weeks.

@Paul Gibbins - congratulations on your HS

@Eternal422 - congratulations on your HS

@eggyg - hope you get things sorted soon, you can’t keep waiting like this.

@The_Bowlii - welcome to the forum, I also struggled when first diagnosed. As others have said this is a great place to vent, not only about your diabetes, but things in general, including the weather.

Very grey here again today, started sunny but soon clouded over.
Morning all. 6.1 for me. The sun is out but it feels very cool.

@eggyg I really hope you get sorted soon. Could the GP secretary not say who the referral had been sent to?

@Paul Gibbins and @Eternal422 congrats on your HS.

@Grannylorraine i hope the pain eases and you enjoy Peter Kay. Congrats on the weight loss, 4 1/2lb off is better than on.

@The_Bowlii welcome to the forum. As others have said its normal to feel as you do. We all understand and have been there ourselves.

Have a good day everyone.
Fab, well done, how do you do it?
It’s more fluke than anything. However I have found for me that if I can go to bed with a BG around 6 to 6.5, I tend to have a flat line overnight and a slight drop into the 5s. Some days it ends up at 5.2. So my basal must be ok for overnight to keep it steady.
Slept well and didn't get up until gone 8, which is quite late for me. No one else stirring yet so I have the bench seat in the bay window to myself and am looking out across the Fowey estuary, enjoying a morning cuppa. No sign of the sun yet though. Got a 5.1 when I tested so within a whisker of joining @Paul Gibbins and @Eternal422 on the HS step. Congrats both.

Went to Charleston Harbour yesterday to have a look at the Shipwreck Museum and the Ernest Shackleton Exhibition, then on to Mevagissey. Today we're heading over to Golitha Falls. Have been there before but that was during a dry summer so hopefully it'll be even more impressive this time.

Have a good day.
I looked on the private hospital site and they have the specialists. Mine was orthopedic and I got referred to one Consultant who actually referred me to another who specialised in my area. I saw them both in a week and had an op within three months of initially seeing them.
The problem is I have such complex issues I don’t know what type of consultant I will be seeing. They referred me this time last year and when I went for the consultation I was told I should have been referred to Lower GI and he was Upper GI! He was very nice and kind and organised a colonoscopy for me. I was then referred to a Colorectal Surgeon after getting results from colonoscopy ( which took 10 weeks) and he wrote to me and told me he didn’t need to see me! Just to have my regular over 60 bowel screening tests, they found something that could indicate I MAY be more at risk bowel cancer. But none of these findings ( also found I had diverticulitis) have anything to do with the symptoms I first went to GP about and are now just getting worse and worse. It appears the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing and I’m sure if someone read my notes from the last two decades instead of just the last few months it might get resolved! No one really knows what to do with me, a bit like my diabetes really. Rant over.
It’s more fluke than anything. However I have found for me that if I can go to bed with a BG around 6 to 6.5, I tend to have a flat line overnight and a slight drop into the 5s. Some days it ends up at 5.2. So my basal must be ok for overnight to keep it steady.
Yes , type 1 is so different also. its just a bit of fun. My BS are vastly improved so I am thankful for that. Just need to really sort the rest of me out. Oh the dream to ever be pain free and walk with no effort and feel good.... However, I don't think 5.2 will do that but I aim for something or if truth be known I'd rather life was over. However, we are not allowed that so I have to keep on going. No anti depressants don't help and I'm nearly 60 and been like that since I was 12 at high school. So I keep going.
The problem is I have such complex issues I don’t know what type of consultant I will be seeing. They referred me this time last year and when I went for the consultation I was told I should have been referred to Lower GI and he was Upper GI! He was very nice and kind and organised a colonoscopy for me. I was then referred to a Colorectal Surgeon after getting results from colonoscopy ( which took 10 weeks) and he wrote to me and told me he didn’t need to see me! Just to have my regular over 60 bowel screening tests, they found something that could indicate I MAY be more at risk bowel cancer. But none of these findings ( also found I had diverticulitis) have anything to do with the symptoms I first went to GP about and are now just getting worse and worse. It appears the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing and I’m sure if someone read my notes from the last two decades instead of just the last few months it might get resolved! No one really knows what to do with me, a bit like my diabetes really. Rant over.
What, I am saying if you go private, You chose the consultant. So look for a consultant at the private hospital, if he is wrong he will refer you to the correct specialist.
I am going to put my pennies worth in here and 30 years ago the condition of Diverticulitis, is extremely difficult to treat. What sets one person off will not another.
What about FODMAP have you tried that diet as that does seem to help but again Id maybe get a referral to a Dietician there are lots in your area if you look those up. Don't get a nutritionist go to the BDA as they are registered.
However if there is more going on, hopefully the secretary will get things sorted out but NHS is very very slow.
You are explaining , not ranting, I read your frustration and I'd be chomping at the bit as we say.
Its very difficult and it is like Diabetes because there is that Pie of scenarios. It is affected by stress, what your immune system is doing, what you eat, drink and exercise in that day, how hot the weather is , how polluted your earth is etc etc
How ill you body is that day in other words. Sometimes you cannot do anything right and that in itself is HUGE.
I hope you get sorted as it is a circle and all you want is to enjoy life.
HUGS my rant over too.
It has to get better.Please xxx
things in general, including the weather.
It's cold and wet here. 😎

Morning all. :D 11.7 here - oops, looks like that basal tweak didn't work! :confused: I un-tweaked it immediately. 😛

We're driving up into los Oscos today to a village called Santalla. It really is the back of beyond with stunning scenery and hopefully a nice lunch somewhere. I haven't had albondigas / meatballs for ages, so that's what I fancy. And a homemade cheesecake'd be nice for pud too, drool. 😛😛 One cheesecake, two spoons, perfect! :D
7.3 this morning and I went to bed on 7.5 so I am taking that as a win on the guess the evening basal dose game!😎

Congrats to @Paul Gibbins and @Eternal422 on your House Specials today
Good morning - 7.4

Have a great day everyone
Morning all on another grey day, at least today it's high grey cloud as opposed to yesterday's depressingly low grey cloud!

8.3 this morning - ugh - but still a flatfish. Hardly surprising really as dinner was chicken and spinach tartiflette, which is a lot of potato. The extra large chicken I got on offer (under £5) from Aldi has done well. We had it roast on Sunday, cold on Monday, it made chicken and spinach tartiflette for last night and there's enough tartiflette left over for tonight - which I am pleased about as I have to go to a meeting early evening - a post mortem on the village fete, notes on how we can do better next year. So no real time to cook.

@eggyg obviously the GP surgery didn't employ that receptionist for her empathy towards patients! I just wonder how she would like to be in your position. We have one like that, and yet another who is absolutely wonderful and moves heaven and earth to help you. I really feel for you! Although I have diverticulitis it has settled completely since I stopped taking the Metformin at the beginning of June. I pray you can get that referral very soon.

@Grannylorraine slow and steady weight loss is better, it tends to stay off whereas fast loss goes back just as fast.

Congratulations to @Paul Gibbins and @Eternal422 on your HSs!

Have a wonderful Wednesday all
This isn’t waking bg as how do you define waking bg when you have cgm… but currently 7.7. Looking forward to meeting @gll today, I’m just trying to wake up with a cup of tea first as didn’t have time for a coffee at home and the coffee machine on the train is out of order


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Morning all and 5.9 for me.

The sun is out, bright and breezy .

Back to the basal tweaking. Steady rise overnight.

Got telephone review with the consultant tomorrow. Never had a request to get bloods done. I think they're more interested in the TIR these days.

Have a good day everyone.