Group 7-day waking average?

I’m 6.7 this morning

Monday I had lunch out in Lancaster, Tuesday in London, Wednesday in Glasgow and today lunch out will be in Skipton. Just having a series of days out to challenge the blood sugars Fridays lunch out will be at a motorway service station though.
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I woke up 5.9 and put the kettle on . “What are you doing its the middle of the night” says hubby.
Managed to go back to bed and sleep no coffee drank . I had taken todays Jardiance with tonic water. So whither it doesn't bring it down or that is it with dawn p. who knows its now 6.4. Still below 7.
@Eternal422 congratulations on yesterday’s HS. Can you make it a hat trick today?
Sadly not - but at 5.6, not too bad! (I’m sure @ColinUK could apply some rounding and averaging to make that a 5.2 :rofl: )

@eggyg - love the greenhouse, it looks really great! Definitely more of an orangery!

Grandchildren landed yesterday evening, but it’s lovely having them here. Rain today has changed plans so we’re going bowling and toy shopping for grandson’s birthday next week (wish us luck!), I don’t doubt this will involve getting a small present for each of them but still.

Have a good day everyone!
As Britney sang, "Oops, I did it again". 🙂

Morning all. A higher 9.7. Levels dropped to low 4s not long before bed last night, looks like i overdid the small snack.

@MeeTooTeeTo congrats on the HS

@eggyg the orangery looks fab! Well done Mr Eggy!
Yesterday I got up, made a cuppa and sat looking out across the Fowey estuary. This morning I can't even see the other side. It's beginning to clear now but the hills are still shrouded in mist and it looks pretty wet out there. Had planned on the Eden Project today but put off by the admission prices, so not sure what we'll be doing. Usually do the rounds of the local shops on our last day (that'll be tomorrow) and have lunch in town, so might bring that forward to today.

Puzzled to discover that the central heating in our accommodation fired up this morning. Thought it was a bit warm when I got up. My wife's trying to find out how to turn it off.

Congrats @MeeTooTeeTo on another HS. A toe over the border into sixland with a 6.0 for me this morning.

Hope everyone's weather is better than ours. It's just started to pour with rain here. Have a good day, if you can.
I’ve been jokingly calling it The Orangery!
Yesterday I got up, made a cuppa and sat looking out across the Fowey estuary. This morning I can't even see the other side. It's beginning to clear now but the hills are still shrouded in mist and it looks pretty wet out there. Had planned on the Eden Project today but put off by the admission prices, so not sure what we'll be doing. Usually do the rounds of the local shops on our last day (that'll be tomorrow) and have lunch in town, so might bring that forward to today.

Puzzled to discover that the central heating in our accommodation fired up this morning. Thought it was a bit warm when I got up. My wife's trying to find out how to turn it off.

Congrats @MeeTooTeeTo on another HS. A toe over the border into sixland with a 6.0 for me this morning.

Hope everyone's weather is better than ours. It's just started to pour with rain here. Have a good day, if you can.
Up here the temps dropped to 8 degrees in the night so i guess thermostat drops in. We had that on holiday . We had to open windows to let out heat. Was glad when we found how to override it. oh last two days . Shame the Eden project is so expensive . Enjoy your time there. Hope it is special whatever.
Good grief @Lucyr you must be exhausted!!

Lovely greenhouse @eggyg

And HS congrats @MeeTooTeeTo and @Eternal422

5.5 for me when my alarm went off this morning (though I’d been dragged out of bed to feed my youngest’s elderly spaniel an hour and a half earlier when it was more like 6.7).
Morning all. @Martin.A it's the same weather down here (further west), wet and miserable. Can't see if there's mist over the sea, as hubby is still snoring away and I don't want to wake him opening the bedroom curtains, which is the only sea glimpse we have. Not like August at all!

5.4 this morning and TIR down to 56% with two mountains after lunch and "dinner". That's from eating sandwiches for both meals and not pre-bolussing. Friends came round before lunch so Julian could help them get some sort of French certificate for their campervan on the internet and I didn't know when we'd eat. By the time they left I was starvaceous! Then the meeting I went to last night went on and on (the chairman certainly knows how to string it out), then someone buttonholed me to tell me the tale of what happened to our ex-hotel after we'd sold it (2 owners later it went bankrupt - though it had been thriving when we sold it) so by the time we got home we settled on another sandwich. Even though dinner was already to just re-heat it would have taken half an hour. Must do better today.

Not doing anything much today - sorting out suitcase for the Taunton meet and picking up a script from Boots in town.

@eggyg I am SO impressed with your orangery. MrE needs a prize for that! He's clearly a perfectionist.

Congratulations @MeeTooTeeTo on another HS.

Have a fab day all...
Morning all. 🙂 4.1 here.

Wow, wow, wow @eggyg - what a beautiful piece of work that there greenhouse is! I hope whatever you grow in there is just as exceptional. 😎

Well, the weather must've known we were having a rare day out yesterday cos the rain made a sharp exit taking the mist with it and we were rewarded with this lovely view.
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5.6 today, didn’t get in until 00:30 this morning, so struggled to get up, I am wfh today and tomorrow so not too bad. Peter Kay was fabulous, we were a bit up in the gods, but thoroughly enjoyed it. Today is yoga and getting hair done for holiday.

@MeeTooTeeTo - congratulations on your HS today.
Thanks for all the support yesterday. We say it often in here but we are a suppprtive bunch. Maybe the world could take a page from our forum !


Have a good day All.